Belgium Provinces

Last Updated: Saturday, 22 April 2017 Written by Administrator Print Email

Belgium RegProvThe country of Belgium is divided into three regions. Two of these regions, the Flemish Region or Flanders, and Walloon Region, or Wallonia, are each subdivided into five provinces. The third region, the Brussels-Capital Region, is not divided into provinces, as it was originally only a small part of a province itself.












ProvinceDutch nameFrench nameGerman nameCapital
Antwerp Antwerpen Anvers Antwerpen Antwerpen
East Flanders Oost-Vlaanderen Flandre orientale Ostflandern Gent
Flemish Brabant Vlaams-Brabant Brabant flamand Flämisch-Brabant Leuven
Limburg Limburg Limbourg Limburg Hasselt
West Flanders West-Vlaanderen Flandre occidentale Westflandern Brugge
Hainaut Henegouwen Hainaut Hennegau Mons
Liège Luik Liège Lüttich Liège
Luxembourg Luxemburg Luxembourg Luxemburg Arlon
Namur Namen Namur Namür Namur
Walloon Brabant Waals-Brabant Brabant wallon Wallonisch-Brabant Wavre



The medieval Low Countries, including present-day Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, as well as parts of modern Germany and France, comprised a number of rival and independent feudal states of varying sizes. These each had their own identities and governments, though in the early modern period almost all the Belgian states became part of larger entities (the Seventeen Provinces (1549-1581) and the Southern Netherlands (after 1581)). Prominent early states in the area of modern Belgium included the Duchy of Brabant, the County of Flanders, the Prince-Bishopric of Liège and the Duchy of Luxembourg; smaller ones included the County of Hainaut, the Duchy of Limburg and the County of Namur, though there were other small states as well. Each of the modern provinces of Belgium (with the exception of Antwerp) takes its name from one of these predecessors, though their modern borders in most cases differ substantially from the historical ones.

The French First Republic

At the time of the independence of Belgium from the Netherlands in 1830, its territory simply consisted of the existing nine Belgian provinces. The first article of the Belgian Constitution said: "Belgium is divided into provinces. These provinces are Antwerp, Brabant, West Flanders, East Flanders, Hainaut, Liège, Limburg, Luxembourg, Namur, except for the relations of Luxembourg with the German Confederation."

In 1839 half of the province of Limburg became part of the Netherlands, which consequently has its own province of Limburg.

In 1920, following the First World War, Belgium annexed the Eupen-Malmedy territory, which became part of the province of Liège.

During the second half of the 20th century, Belgium transitioned from a unitary state to a federal state with three Communities and three Regions. As part of the state reforms, the (bilingual) province of Brabant was split in 1995 three ways: into two (unilingual) provinces (Flemish Brabant and Walloon Brabant) and into the (bilingual) Brussels-Capital Region. (The Brussels-Capital Region does not belong to any province, is not a province, and does not contain any provinces.) The two new Brabant provinces became part of the Flemish Region and the Walloon Region respectively. The remaining eight provinces became part of these regions as well, so the Flemish Region and the Walloon Region each contain five provinces.



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