Last Updated: Sunday, 12 July 2009 Written by W. David Samuelsen Print Email
Portrait and Biographical Record of Muskegon and Ottawa Counties, Michigan, pub. 1893 Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. page 225


the well known and enterprising wholesale dealer in meats of all kinds, and a commission man, the Muskegon representative of Swift & Co., Chicago packers and dealers in provisions, has been a leading citizen of his present locality for thirty-six years, and has spent almost his entire life in the State of Michigan. Born in Germany in 1842, our subject was the son of Henry J. Albers, a man of more than ordinary business ability, who with his family early crossed the ocean, and located in Allegan County, Mich., where he resided until his death. He was an extensive shipper of stock, and widely known in the Wolverine State, commanded universal esteem. The mother, Fannie (Larman) Albers, also a native of Germany and yet surviving her husband, continues to make her home in Allegan County. Our subject was eight years of age when with his parents he landed in the city of New York and journeyed immediately after to the West. He enjoyed the benefit of a good common-school education in the district of his home in Allegan County, and at fifteen years of age came to Muskegon, and here received a higher grade of instruction in the excellent public schools of the city.

In 1870 Mr. Albers engaged in the grocery business upon his own account, and a twelvemonth later began the handling of meats, and later sold his grocery store, continuing profitably in the meat business. In 1881 he opened a wholesale meat establishment, second to none in the vicinity, and still continuing successfully in this line of trade, in 1887 became likewise a commission merchant, working in the interest of Swift & Co., of Chicago, and handling their meats upon commission. At the beginning of his business career our subject served a profitable apprenticeship as a clerk in the stor eof Ryerson & Morris and Ryers, Hills & Co., well-known and prosperous general merchants. The four years which Mr. Albers spent with this firm gave hima clear insight into business methods and insured him a wide acquaintance throughout the county. He also clerked for a time in the boot and shoe store of W. M. Sawyer, of Muskegon, and when, in 1870, he went into business for himself, he possesseda fund of practical experience, which was a most valuable reserve capital. In his present business, acquiring an extensive trade, our subject has taken his place with the substantial business men of the city and county, and in all matters of public welfare and enterprise is ever ready to lend a helping hand.

In 1869 John Albers and Miss Emma Lake, of Muskegon, were united in marriage. In 1883 Mr. Albers was married to his present wife, Tryntje Ozinga, also of Muskegon. Four sons and one daughter have blessed the home: Flora, Frank, Henry, George and James. Mrs. Albers is a valued member of the German Reformed Church, and is active in religious and benevolent work. The family residence is desirably located at No. 18 Sanford Street. Fraternally associated with the Maccabees and a member of Union Tent No. 379, Mr. Albers is, politically, a Democrat, and a strong advocate of the "Party of the People." Untroubled by aspirations for office, our subject is yet intelligently posted in local and national issues and is regarded by the general public as a man of liberal spirit and a true American citizen. Hits: 2495