Last Updated: Monday, 15 September 2008
Written by Administrator
NORTH AMERICAN CEMETERY, Santa Barbara, Sao Paulo State, Brazil
also known as Campo Cemetery
Made available to The WorldGenWeb Project by Betty Antunes de Oliveira -
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This list now presented is a summary of the book:
* Betty Antunes de Oliveira - North American Immigration to Brazil - Tombstone
Records of the "Campo" Cemetery - Santa Barbara - Sao Paulo State - Brazil,
particular edition. - Brasilia, Grafica do Senado Federal, 1978. - 68 p. - Ill.
- 150 pictures (views, tombstones, chapel). Topographical map showing the
position of the graves in the yard, about 430.
* The book was microfilmed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Salt Lake City. Utah, U.S.A., 1981, under Latin America # 1.162.423.
Purpose of this list
* The purpose of the list bellow is to assist in finding immigrants that moved
from the United States of America to Brazil, after the Civil War. The first
group landed Rio de Janeiro on 1st January 1867. It is not known how many came
and how many went back home!
* The complete list of names reveals a total of about 430 graves, since July
13, 1868 to 1978, being the last, when the book was published.
* But, this partial list (in alphabetical order, by surnames) includes the
names of those immigrants, with their children, and also those who were born in
Brazil, only until December 31, 1899.
North American Cemetery known as Campo Cemetery
* The Cemetery started in July 13, 1868, when Mrs. Beatrice E. Oliver died. The
widower A.T. Oliver decided that she had to be buried in his own land.
* At that time, the Brazilian law didn't permit any non-Roman-Catholic person to
be buried in the official cemeteries. This situation remained by November 15th,
1889, when Brazil became a Republic.
* The number of known graves could be larger if the lost Book of Burials had
been located. No one knows how many have been buried there. About 70 graves
aren't identified, but, by several sources, we have found out data for some of
them, which names are separately in the end of the list below. Unfortunately,
for others, marks no longer exist any more.
* Some immigrants moved to another places nearby, or far away, so, left their
beloved behind. Few were transferred from where they were buried.
* It is a historical mark for both countries, United States of America and
Brazil. The site is located at Santa Barbara (today Santa Barbara D'Oeste) Sao
Paulo State, Brazil, in a place called Campo, in a sugar-cane plantation, about
12 kilometers from that city and also from the city of Americana (former Santa
Barbara Station railroad).
Remarks and Abbreviations
* in "Remarks" of the List there are short and few extra information
* sometimes the data of birth and death in the tombstone don't agree with the
* the brackets point the author's insertions
* the abbreviations are:
d. = daughter ; d-m-y = day, month & year; f. - father; m. = mother; s. =
son; sp. = spouse
d-m-y d-m-y
ANDERSON James N. 23-08-1847 27-10-1876 s. of F.H. & C.S. Anderson
AYERS Mary -----1837 18-12-1916
BAIRD George 25-09-1886 05-11-1930
James E.[Robinson?] 16-08-1832 30-06-1896 Rev. Presbyterian
John [Calvin ?] 27-08-1854 04-04-1921
[Reynold?] Price 25-04-1889 03-02-1904 Rev. Presbyterian & Physician
Francis Marion 17-12-1844 23-09-1878 sp. Sarah Ellis died S.Paulo City
Henry M. 28-09-1867 07-09-1869 s. of Francis M. Bankston
Nancy S. 25-08-1869 03-12-1875 d. of Francis M.Bankston
BARNSLEY Julia Henr. 16-03-1872 08-08-1875 d. of George S. Barnsley
Anna Lucina 10-07-1857 10-08-1944 a Miller
James Miller 14-06-1888 29-05-1906 a s. of L.K. Bookwalter, Sr.
Leroy King 27-02-1852 17-08-1900 sp. of Anna Lucina Miller
Leroy King Jr. 25-11-1896 13-03-1961
Mary 21-10-1889 03 12-1973
BRADLEY Virginia 18-01-1882 16-01-1932 a Fenley; sp. of William Bradley
BRITT Edwin [Gehazi] -------- --------
BRODNAX Emma L. 04-05-1849 04-11-1935 a Norris
BROWN William R. 11-08-1825 03-03-1879 unmarried
BUCHANAN Herman F. 04-07-1867 21-08-1891
BURTON Elizabeth 26-09-1843 27-10-1919 a Pyles; sp. of Henry O. Burton
CAPPS Annie E. ---------- --------- d. of Mary M. Ellis
Miriam Constance 29-01-1894 11-08-1973 d. of Agnes Hawthorne
William H.[Henry] ----[1841] 06-10-1904 sp. of Annie Ellis, 1st-
sp. of Agnes Hawthorne, 2nd
Cynthia Elizabeth 11-12-1828 13-09-1908 sp. of Richard Carlton
David Dunlop 14-03-1853 21-12-1872
Edward --------- 02-07-1933
Elizabeth --------- 22-07-1910
John --------- 09-11-1922 sp. of Elizabeth Fenley
Richard 10-08-1809 13-01-1899
A.G.[Albert Gallaton] 24-08-1829 09-02-1894
Belton 09-07-1895 24-01-1976 sp. of Margaret Bookwalter
J.E.[James Edward] 19-03-1856 22-01-1901 sp. of Leila Broadnax
Leila B. 11-09-1871 28-08-1953 a Broadnax
Leonel 23-11-1893 15-01-1961 sp. of Mary Belle Pyles
Margaret B. 22-08-1891 23-10-1976
Mary Belle 09-08-1890 22-03-1960 a Pyles
CLARKE Anna Cullen 31-12-1844 ---------
George Alfred 23-09-1852 11-04-1893
Mary Alice 21-11-1883 08-06-1967
Robert Grambery 21-03-1886 03-11-1908
George Dekalb 25-12-1839 01-04-1881 sp. of Pamela A.
Pamela A. 22-06-1848 19-07-1878 a Demaret
CULLEN Alice A. 12-12-1857 20-02-1923
Effie [Ferguson] -----1876 10-06-1905 sp. of J.A.Cullen, 1st
John Amos 26-04-1875 27-08-1943?
Mary Ingram 22-04-1886 27-08-1943? sp. of J.A.Cullen, 2nd
CURRIE A. W. 18-03-1838 27-09-1889
Nancy Angeline 03-06-1833 27-07-1869 sp. of Wm. James Daniel
DEMARET Martin Felix 02-09-1818 21-07-1893 sp. of Pamela Zeide
Pamela Zeide 16-02-1825 09-02-1907 a Foster
Sarah Lee 05-08-1861 08-02-1874 d. of M.F. & P.Z. Demaret
DODSON Henry Hill 26-07-1892 26-07-1936
Rosa 08-06-1888 28-09-1969 a Keese
DOMM John 25-01-1834 06-08-1900
ELLIS Mary Matilda ---------- 15-11-1886 d. of Henry Strong
EMERSON Lucien F. 03-02-1871 03-11-1895
William Curtis 15-10-1818 24-07-1875 Rev. Presbyterian
Alexandre Christovam 18-01-1896 07-04-1951
Charles Columbus 10-06-1859 29-05-1935
Hiram M. 26-03-1892 04-02-1933
Jennie Minchin 18-10-1869 23-05-1957
Jose Pleasant 07-11-1897 24-08-1952
Mary V.[Virginia] 18-01-1858 18-11-1951 a Carlton
P. M. ----[1815] 03-12-1885 aged 70
P. P.A. 04-08-1847 27-08-1890 [Pleasant Alexander?]
Sarah A. Blair 19-08-1819 29-01-1879 sp. of P.M.Fenley
Frederick B. 29-04-1858 22-08-1879 s. of Green Ferguson
Green 24-06-1821 28-06-1905 sp. of Minerva Charlotte Rowell
John S. 21-09-1869 02-08-1882 s. of Green Ferguson
Julia Elmira 26-08-1887 09-10-1965 a Cullen
Mary Green 05-10-1861 26-12-1871 d. of Green Ferguson
Minerva Charlotte 11-03-1830 30-03-1883 a Rowell
Robert Lee 09-06-1871 24-06-1958 s. of Green Ferguson
Sarah Emily 16-02-1867 25-02-1948 a Thomas, w. of Wm Stove Ferguson
Wade Franklin ---------- -----1977 a single
Wade Hampton 07-12-1875 28-06-1941 s. of Green Ferguson
William Stowe 13-01-1867 03-07-1940 s. of Green Ferguson
FOX Robert ---------- ---------- aged 59 [no dates]
GREEN Joseph "Joe" -----1860 -----1909
Lorena Pyles 01-01-1894 26-01-1977
Orville --------- ----------
HALL Charles M. 01-06-1845 14-02-1916 sp. of Mary Elizabeth Miller
Esther Porter 09-06-1896 11-09-1899 d. of Charles M. Hall
Hervey 12-09-1802 29-10-1877 f. of Charles M. Hall
Mary Elizabeth 15-08-1855 28-10-1917 a Miller
Sarah Catherine -----1847 01-09-1875 aged 28, a McFadden
Kate Keese 04-10-1862 14-04-1906
Peter 28-06-1831 18-05-1882
Ambrose D. M. -----1893 06-03-1895
Ella Pyles -----1865 -----1898
Emma Thacher 30-06-1864 21-05-1917
Alice Kathleen 21-07-1876 08-06-1892
Arthur F. 25-07-1872 09-12-1964
Frances Miriam 22-07-1843 08-09-1894 an Alston
Michael Charles 02-01-1840 07-04-1889 sp. of Frances Miriam
Miguel Francisco 13-04-1869 28-07-1931
Minnie Lee -----[1877] 14-06-1902 aged 25
Mollie Bankston 11-06-1874 13-04-1924 d. of Sarah E. Bankston
HOLLAND Annette 17-01-1894 25-01-1895 d. of L.C. & M.C. Holland
JONES Cicero 29-09-1869 19-02-1924
Martha Whitaker 12-07-1876 25-08-1933 a Whitaker
Mary 26-02-1874 02-12-1894 a Norris
KEESE Elizabeth Virginia 08-02-1899 16-05-1911
Frances J. 13-10-1837 21-05-1920 a Hubbard?
Thomas Alonso 20-02-1856 23-10-1926
T. L.[Thomas Lafayette]13-12-1827 23-09-1894
Virginia Emme 24-09-1861 01-08-1915 a Seawright?
McALPINE John Edwin -----1884 -----1935
Louisa -- [1856] 19-09-1926 70 years
Napoleon Boneparte -----1844 01-09-1921
Robert Watson -----1894 -----1936
McFADDEN Amy 13-07-1886 22-12-1891
Charles Yancey 28-02-1876 17-04-1895
Hellen Kathrine 08-09-1877 13-05-1955
Hervey Leroy 23-11-1892 20-02-1945
John H. 12-07-1894 25-01-1966
Julia B. 01-11-1854 28-07-1927
Lucy 12-06-1884 28-09-1972
Robert William 11-09-1886 02-08-1952
Robert Wilson 13-04-1850 19-07-1930 s. of Wm. Patton McFadden
Rosa A. 04-12-1897 06-03-1922
Sarah Elizabeth 28-11-1856 07-04-1934
Sarah Miller ------ 10-03-1899
William L.[Leroy?] 15-07-1848 01-07-1897 s. of Wm. Patton McFadden
William Patton ------ 02-03-1899
Harvey Monroe 06-03 1895 24-08-1961 s. of Wilber Fisk McKnight
Isabel 06-03-1827 16-10-1912 a Wenk; sp. of Calvin McKnight
John -----1866 11-01-1888
John Calvin -----1885 22-11-1932 s. of Wilber Fisk McKnight
Lina Pearl 05-12-1886 18-07-1889
Marvin E.[Edward] 28-05-1890 18-10-1964 s. of Wilber Fisk McKnight
Mary Carolina [Carlos] 15-03-1858 31-07-1939 adopted d. of John Perkins
Nettie Augusta 10-02-1888 30-03-1952 a Thomas
Prudente Grady 18-05-1890 05-12-1952 s. of Wilber Fisk McKnight
Wilber Fisk 22-06-1848 10-10-1935 s. of Calvin McKnight
Wilber Sylvester 11-01-1881 28-07-1906 s. of Wilber Fisk McKnight
Charles Benjamin 25-12-1878 24-06-1936
Hattie Lou 18-02-1882 23-12-1974 a McFadden
MILLER Annie Lou 13-08-1888 09-01-1951 d. of Wilber Fisk McKnight
James W. 10-07-1818 20-03-1897
Robert Davies 02-11-1850 24-06-1885
Sarah Baskin Magill 10-01-1824 28-01-1889
William Baskin 21-06-1861 04-03-1913
MINCHIN Anna L. 09-05-1882 23-09-1944
Eduardo M. 27-02-1871 26-05-1953
J. L. [Joseph Long] -----1833 18-06-1927 sp. of Julia A. Pyles
Julia A. --------- 08-11-1902 a Pyles
Mamie 03-06-1874 22-11-1966
MOORE Joseph H. 21-06-1826 15-03-1878
MORRISON Margaret M. 14-05-1879 08-06-1964
NEWMANN Mary A. 10-07-1824 16-12-1876 sp. Rev. Junius E. Newman- 1st
NORRIS H.[Henry] Clay 1841 29-01-1912
Helen Keese 14-08-1898 13-09-1932
Mary B. 01-11-1811 03-08-1893 sp. of William H. Norris
Robert 07-03-1837 14-05-1913
William Henry 07-05-1870 05-07-1934
William Hutchinson 17-09-1800 13-07-1893
Mary Virginia 03-03-1879 30-08-1968
OLIVER A. T. ---------- [27-07-1873]only a footstone: A.T.O.
Beatrice E. 08-08-1827 13-07-1868 sp. of A. T.Oliver
Ingliana F. 25-10-1851 19-04-1869 d. of A. T. Oliver
Mildred W. 19-01-1855 17-12-1869 d. of A. T. Oliver
PERKINS John 20-11-1806 23-04-1881 sp. of Margaret......
Margaret --[1806] 24-03-1893 aged 87
PYLES Adoniram Judson 06-08-1851 26-04-1911
Alice 24-09-1896 27-06-1900
Edward Townsend 23-11-1892 08-08-1960
Ezekiel Belton 01-10-1847 15-12-1916
Ezekiel S. -----[1895] 29-12-1919 aged 24
Flemin Margaret 11-03-1856 03-01-1917 a McKnight
Luiz Judson 11-01-1898 20-10-1968
James Milton 09-11-1858 08-04-1928 sp. of Octavia Dumas
Josephine F. 21-01-1854 06-08-1935 a McKnight
Julia S. 30-04-1877 23-10-1966
Nancy A. [E.] 04-09-1819 01-04-1912 Nancy Elmira Banymore Razor
Octavia Dumas 18-05-1889 06-06-1945
Oscar L. 16-03-1880 21-07-1953
Samuel M.[Milton] 04-03-1816 09-04-1898 sp. of Nancy A.
William J. 24-07-1896 18-03-1967
QUILLIN Maxie 27-01-1875 26-01-1945 s. of E. H. Quillin
RATCLIFF Eunice P. 07-02-1843 07-12-1876 sp. of Rev. Richard Ratcliff
ROWE Arthur Ernest 01-03-1881 22-03-1948
Charles P. 24-01-1876 30-07-1941
Hulda V. 06-05-1851 14-09-1890
John Henry 22-02-1846 16-12-1922
Laura V. 13-07-1887 13-04-1900
Minnie Seawright 07-05-1885 04-05-1964
Sarah L. 06-05-1857 23-08-1913
Stephen P. 04-03-1878 15-04-1897
SALLUM Olive Carr 28-04-1892 06-12-1974
SEAWRIGHT Annie E. 23-05-1856 04-09-1908
Ebenezer W. 23-04-1816 21-08-1886
Eugene Virgil 11-10-1854 07-10-1918
Mary R.[Rochester] 23-11-1824 27-03-1897
Mary Katherine 07-04-1875 15-06-1941
Joseph A. ----01-1882 ---12-1886
P. H. 13-02-1853 01-10-1917
Robert Ezelle 02-02-1887 23-02-1910
Sarah Caroline 08-03-1855 21-11-1935
SMITH Eleonor C. 22-09-1874 31-03-1960
Martha T. 16-01-1881 16-01-1937 a Thomas
Adrian Demaret 05-10-1895 28-06-1902
Alvin Leon 15-06-1893 17-05-1941
Henry Farrar --------- ---[1888]
John Edward 29-02-1852 04-12-1923
Lilian E. [Ellis] 15-06-1857 20-12-1885 sp. of John Edward Steagall
Martha W. ---------- ---------- m. of H.F.Steagall
Minnie T. 09-01-1894 14-11-1970 d. of Abram C. Thomas
Orlando 23-04-1889 19-04-1954 sp. of Minnie T.
Robert Stell 06-07-1859 09-09-1919
Rosa Adelle 27-07-1862 20-05-1882 a Daniel
William Pierce 29-06-1864 14-05-1943
STRONG Henry 08-09-1804 06-11-1878 f. of Mary Matilda Ellis
Sarah Amanda ---------- ---------- d. of Henry Strong
TANNER Joao 11-12-1852 21-03-1935
TAVER Benjamin F. --------- 30-01-1913
Maria G. --------- 29-12-1949
Rozalina --------- 09-04-1926
TERRELL Angeletta R. 08-06-1855 01-04-1926
Annette L. 24-09-1898 19-09-1973 a Hardeman
Edward Ithamar 02-04-1888 24-08-1946
Ida Oliver 29-06-1860 21-04-1943 a Carr
James Ithamar 10-04-1861 22-05-1927
Lillie Dale 09-03-1892 11-03-1959
Luella A. D. 18-11-1887 30-08-1970
Ulrik James 18-02-1895 13-11-1971
William T. 24-02-1856 06-12-1923
THACHER Andrew ---------- ----------
Annie Lou 19-10-1863 26-09-1894
THOMAS Abram Curtis 05-11-1857 30-06-1942 sp. of May Alina Kennerly
Edward Abram 19-02-1879 10-07-1925
Emily Perkins 25-04-1831 19-04-1904
May Alina Kennerly 20-01-1865 30-06-1950 d. of John Conrad Kennerly
Robert Porter 02-08-1825 05-05-1897 sp. of Emily Perkins
TOWNSEND M. A. ----[1850] 09-02-1909 aged 59
VAUGHAN Charlie S. 21-10-1887 19-05-1949
Elizabeth B. 12-08-1886 04-05-1940 sp. of Charlie S. Vaughan
WEISSINGER George 07-02-1890 28-05-1920
Gustavo 12-02-1886 28-07-1965
Isabel 12-01-1896 24-04-1930
John Wesly 29-07-1846 16-07-1916
Mary Priscila 07-02-1836 31-07-1916
Roberto R. 26-08-1844 16-03-1922
John Henry 21-01-1898 05-03-1961
WHITAKER I. N. 04-09-1866 05-08-1935
Isabela Norris 01-06-1841 16-01-1897 "wife of J. E. Whitaker"
Jennie 09-10-1820 27-09-1890 sp. of Orville Whitaker
Orville 07-07-1811 09-02-1893
WHITE Esther 25-09-1881 28-07-1967
WISE William Samuel 13-10-1833 14-04-1877
WRIGG Bessie 12-03-1880 22-06-1955
Walter Ellis 08-04-1888 23-03-1937
-Names of those who were buried in the Cemetery,but had their graves not identified.
BEASLEY Jessey ----[1808] 27-09-1890 82 years
BOWEN William ----[1819] 22-03-1891 72 years
Leonidas Saunders ----[1846] 21-05-1902 56 years
CRISP John Hancock 19-04-1799 08-07-1888 a Physician
HOLLAND Robert --------- ------1920
QUILLIN Elijah Hoton ----1822 21-03-1886 Rev. Baptist
Sarah Elvira [Parks] ----1844 09-12-1902 sp. of Rev. E. H. Quillin
Wylie Dyer 23-01-1898 20-07-1978 s. of Edwin Ney McMullan
SMITH Archie ---------- 08-05-1978
Arthur Alonzo 29-05-1885 12-05-1910 "Bud"
Fanny Eliza (Ferguson) 17-02-1860 10-07-1906 sp. of Wm. Francis Thomas
Mary Frances 31-08-1870 17-02-1880 d. of Robert P. Thomas
When and where they were died and buried?
JOHN QUILLIN - came do Brazil, probable 1867. He was in 03 of August, 1868, in
the Shiloh Baptist Church, Bernice, Union Co., LA, where he presented his
Report about his trip. Then, no more news.
SARAH BELLONA ( Smith) FERGUSON - It is known that she went to the home of her
son living in some place in Mato Grosso State and she died there and was buried
on shore of the river. No marked!
Betty Antunes de Oliveira
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Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil. South America.
March 24, 1998
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