Berlin, Germany

We are always ready welcome volunteers for the exciting WorldGenWeb project. One of the openings is as a State Coordinator for this state.  If you have an interest in helping us develope this valuable resource by volunteering to serve as the State Coordinator, please contact the Country Coordinator.

berlin map

Welcome to the BerlinGenWeb Project homepage. This site is part of the WorldGenWeb Project and is the local resource page for research in Berlin Germany.

If you need assistance with this website, please contact me. Please do not send me your queries.

The BerlinGenWeb Project is in need of volunteers to host query boards, provide look-up resources, transcribe data, help with archival research and more. If you might be interested in volunteering please contact me.

Berlin is the largest city in Germany with approximately 3.5 million people and is located on the rivers of Spree and Havel. It was the capital of Prussia until 1945, and the capital of Germany from 1871 until 1945. From 1949 until 1989, the city was divided into two parts: West Berlin and East Berlin. East Berlin was the capital of the German Democratic Republic, and a wall was erected between East and West in 1961 and remained until Nov 1989. After the unification of Germany in October of 1990, Berlin once again became the capital.






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