Sunday Observer,
Oct 19 2003
25th death anniversary Sir Edwin
Early last century a band of young men took an oath to free Sri Lanka from the yoke of the
foreigner. They signed their names with their own blood. This was long before
in Ceylon National Congress founded or any other similar organisation
had seen the light of day.

Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne
There have been Reform Leagues off an
on of a desultory nature but none with promethean fire in them. But this was a
gallant band similar to the sacred band at thebes or
the black hand sarajero. The
leader of this was an unknown youth by the name of Edwin Wijeyeratne
a law student who had yet to win his spurs,
the son of an outstation notary.
People who think that the Tamils
were not prepared to risk life and limb in the cause of freedom are sadly
mistaken. R. Sri Pathmanathan and R. Nadarajah were sons of the wealthiest citizens of Colombo, yet they were prepared to make the supreme
Very soon the other gentlemen became
associated with this band and proved themselves to be patriots of no mean calibre. They were Messrs E. T. de Silva, M. A. Arunalandan, R. S. S. Gunawardene and
Phillips Tambyah. There was another gentleman who
gave this band a great deal inspiration at the risk of his job. He was a civil
servant by the of Paulus Pieris.
Edwin Wijeyeratne
was born on the 8th January 1889 at Rambukkana. Libra, that sign that gave last century three men of
destiny Churchill, Hitler and
Mussolini has given Sri Lanka this gifted son destined to play a magna pars in
the affairs of the Motherland.
The highest Raja Yoga in a horoscope
is made up by the mutual aspects of lords of the ninth and tenth houses upon
each other or by their association with each other. Late Sir
Oliver Gunatilaka being an Aries subject. The
late Rt. Hon. D. S. Senanayake had the lords of the ninth and tenth houses in
association with each other.
Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne
had Mercury and the Moon, the lords
of the ninth and tenth houses aspecting each other.
Moreover Sir Edwin had the lord of the tenth house,
the Moon, in the tenth itself. True
he did not become the Prime Minister or The Governor General. But history places
Benjamin Franklin on par with two greatest of American President,s
and Lincoln, though he was only an
At the time Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne was Ceylon High Commissioner to United Kingdom
of Great Britain he, like Atlas, had to carry Europe on his shoulders for Ceylon was hardly represented in Europe. In the initial stages of our country's
independence, Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne gave Ceylon a new and admirable image.
He gave a people who had been under the heel of the foreigner image. He gave a
people who had been under the heel of the foreigner or foreigners for over
three centuries a footing of equality with her erstwhile rulers and the
proudest powers in Europe. Thereby be had won
for himself a niche in our pantheons of fame.
Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne's
father was the Mr. Gabrial Wijeyeratne, a much-respected notary public. The family hailed
from Kotte. The ancestors had distinguished
themselves in the fighting at Mulleriyawa and Balana. His mother was Dona Catherina
Wickremasinghe Jayasekera Tennekoon, daughter of Jayasekera Tennekoon,
He was a very wealthy gentleman and
the first Sinhala notary in the entire Four Korales. He lived at Utuwankande, Mawanella. The family
came to Kegalla early in the 16th century, fleeing from the Portuguese whom they had fought.
The family continued intermarrying
with the distinguished Walauwes of Kotte, Madapatha and Matara. There were
seven stars in Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne's mother's
family banner,
given by King Parakrama Bahu
VI of Kotte to an ancestor Edwin was the eldest son
of his parents. He was first educated at the village school of Rambukkana. He then went to Handessa
Village School
in Gampola. He was nine years old then. He stayed at
the home of his future wife Leela Pethiyagoda
with Pethiyagoda Korala, later V. T. President at Meewaladeniya
Walauwe, Pethiyagoda. He was at this school for two years. From
there he went to St. Mary's College,
Kegalla. He completed his education at St. Joseph's College,
Colombo where
he passed the senior with Honours. He carried away 15
prizes at the last school prize giving he attended.
He then left school. At this time he
lost his father. He then became a teacher at Lorenz Tutory.
Simultaneously he took to journalism too. He served under the greatest editor Ceylon
had hitherto had, Mr. Armand de
Souza, whom Governors feared and
officials dreaded. Edwin Wijeyeratne then became
political secretary to Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan. While he was political secretary to Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan, Edwin became one of the co-founders of the Young
Lanka league along with the Mr. A. E. Gunasinghe. He
was already a marked man. This brought him more within the danger zone. He was
the chief live wire in the struggle for freedom. Now he got linked up with the
newer hotheads.
The riots of 1925 nearly brought a
martyr's crown upon Edwin He was arrested. He nearly went the same way along
with young Pedris His activities brought him very
much with the path of the law. Others who had done nothing to court
imprisonment but who were unjustly imprisoned on this occasion were Messrs F.
R., D. C. and D. S. Senanayake, Baron Jayatilaka, Dr. C. A. Hewavitarne
and W. A. de Silva Messrs Arthur V. Dias,
John Silva, Piyadasa
Sirisena, A. E. Goonesinghe
and some others.
When the Ceylon Congress was founded
by Sir P. Arunachalam and Sir James Peiris, Edwin
was one of their colleagues and a co-founder. By this time he had passed out as
a lawyer and was having a flourishing practice in his hometown of Kegalla. He was an expert in Civil and Kandyan
Law and in Buddhist Ecclesiastical Law. He was also a live wire in the Ceylon
National Congress and was very close friend of D. S. Senanayake.
Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne
passed out as an advocate in 1929. He was able to build up a large outstation
practice very soon. He entered the State Council in 1931 form Kegalla Edwin served in the State Council for term till
1936. During this period he displayed great powers of oratory and a consummate
knowledge of parliamentary procedure. He was the champion of the underdog, and his industry was proverbial. He did not stand
for re-election in 1936.
His outstation practice was
colossal. He would not consciently deprive his
clients of his services. He remained at the bar from 1936 to 1947. Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne was appointed President of Ceylon National
Congress in 21st December 1940. During this period he was chosen to lead the
Ceylon National Congress delegation to London.
The other members of the delegation
were Henry Amerasuriya and George E. de Silva. The
delegation created an excellent impression on Conservative and Labour Parliamentary groups. In 1947 Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne was appointed to the Senate. He became the
Minister of Home Affairs and Rural Development in Rt. Hon. D. S. Senanayake's Government. He was acting leader of the Senate
1951 ushered into being a New
Chapter in Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne's eventful life.
That consummate judge of man, Rt.
Hon. D. S. Senanayake wanted a mastermind to represent the nascent Dominion of
Ceylon in the Councils of the world. Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne
was appointed Ceylon high
Commissioner to Great
Britain in 1951. During this period Sir
Edwin Wijeyeratne moved with kings but did not lose
the common touch.
He was a guest at all the great
English country estate and castles. He was a personal friend of the Salisbury family. He was a
frequent guest at Hatfield House,
home of the Salisbury's and at Arundel Castle
the, home of the ducal family of Norfolk. He signed on behalf
of Ceylon at the death of
King George VI and represented Ceylon
at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. He was guest of honour
at Windsor Castle
and Sandringham. In honouring him Her Majesty the Queen was honouring
Sri Lanka.
Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne
was appointed Ceylon High Commissioner to India in 1954. During this period
he discussed the Indian problem with Nehru. He was engaged with Buddhist work
at Sanchi. He established personal friendships with
the Royal families of Sikkim
and Bhutan, where he and Lady Wijeyeratne
were guests. He represented Ceylon
at the coronation of the King of Nepal. He was a guest of their Majesties at
their private palace at Kathmandu.
He went to Burma (Myanmar)
with the sacred relics of Sariputta and Mogallana. He was a guest at Burmese (Myanmar) Presidential Palace.
Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne
received the accolade at the hands of Queen Elizabeth II herself in 1953 at
Buckingham palace. Very few Asians had received such a unique honour in person at the very seat of chivalry. During his
period as Ceylon High Commissioner in Great
Britain he was received in private audience by his
Holiness The Pope and by the President of the Italy.
He was entertained by Max Petitpierre, the President of the Swiss Republic.
He had lunch with President De Gaulle and he was the guest of King Leopold in Belgium.
Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne was close to research and
student communities in Cambridge, Oxford, London and he was
of great help to Ceylon
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II &
Prince Phillip were entertained by Sri Edwin and Lady Wijeyeratne
on three occasions at their residence at No. 21,
Addison Road, London
a singular and unique privilege indeed which no Ambassador has had.
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester were
entertained twice. At most receptions which Sir Edwin and Lady Wijeyeratne held Lord Louis Mountbatten and the Countess
were present, resplendent in all
their medals. Sir Edwin and Lady Wijeyeratne were
guests at "Broadlands" the home of the Mountbattens, on
five occasions.
Sir Edwin Wijeyeratne
married Leela Pethiyagoda Kumarihamy whose ancestors had fought with Arawwawala Adigar to prevent the Sinhala throne from passing to the Malabars.
Arawwawala and Petiyagoda
were executed. Sir Edwin and Lady Wijeyeratne were
blessed with three sons. The eldest Tissa Wijeyeratne
Barrister at Law, served as the
Additional Secretary to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defence,
Sri Lanka Ambassador to France and Switzerland and Senior Advisor
(Foreign Affairs) to Prime Minister.
The second Deshamanya
Dr. Nissanka Wijeyeratne, served as the Government Agent in Anuradhapura and Jaffna, Secretary to Ministry Cultural Affairs, Secretary to Ministry of Information Broadcasting
and Transport, Diyawadana
Nilame of Sri Dalada Maligawa Kandy, Member of Parliament,
Minister of Education, Higher
Education and Justice, Member
Governing Body of UNESCO head quarters in Paris and Sri Lanka Ambassador to
Russian Federation.
The youngest Dr. Cuda
Wijeyeratne (MRCP) was a doctor of Medicine Sir Edwin
Wijeyeratne died 19th October 1968 in Kegalla.