Sri Lanka Genealogy Website - Sinhalese Family Genealogy

Corea - Family #3070

Descendancy claimed from King Parakrama Bahu VI (to be updated)

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 Excerpt from  Mr Deva Corea’s article :

‘King Parakramabahu the VI’th was the last great King of Sri Lanka to rule the entire country. When Sri Rahula wrote the `Selalihina Sandesaya’ it is said that he prayed that Ulukudaya Devi the daughter of King Parakrambahu the VI’th be given a son. That son was Jayabahu II, whose daughter Abarawathi married Ranamuka Bandara. Ranamuka Bandara was a descendant of Buvenaka Bahu Epa, the son of Buvenaka Bahu IV King of Gampola.

Buvenaka Bahu Epa having accompanied Alakeswara in his campaigns finally settled in Kotte. Ranamuka Bandara and Aberawathie had two sons, Ranamuka Aratchi and Edirilla Aratchi, officers in the Sinhala Army. Edirilla Aratchi converted to Christianity and was baptized as Emanuel Corea. His son, Jeronimo Corea was the `Interpreter’ and `Colombo Aratchi’ to King Don Juan Dharmapala.

Jeronimo Corea and his wife Anna had two sons, Dominicus and Simon. Born in AD 1565, Dominicus and his brother Simon grew up in the precincts of the palace, by virtue of the position held by their father. Dominicus excelled in sports and martial arts, especially as a swordsman.’

Ranamuka Bandara and Aberawathie  [daughter of Jayabahu Vira Parakrama Bahu (Jayabahu II, whose parents were Ulukudaya Devi and Sundara Pandya, Ulukudaya Devi was the daughter of Kiravella Devi and King Parakrama Bahu VI (1399-1467))] Parakrama Bahu VI had 2 adopted sons: Sapumal Kumara, when Parakrama Bahu VI died in 1467, he gave the throne to his grandson, Jaybahu II. When Sapumal Kumara found out, he went and hunted down Jayabahu, and killed him. On becoming king, he was called Bhuvuneka Bahu VI, he died in 1477 and had one son Pandita Parakrama Bahu.

The second adopted son was called Ambulugala Raja (1420-1489). When Sapumal Kumara died, his son Pandita Parakrama Bahu became king. When he became king, Ambulugala Raja killed him for the throne.

Parakrama Bahu VI's father was called Vira Vijaya Bahu VI, married to Sunethra Devi (1370-????). Vira Vijaya Bahu was kidnapped by the Chinese, and when they released him, on returning to Sri Lanka he was murdered. This is when Parakrama Bahu VI came to the throne. Vira Vijaya Bahu VI had a brother called Vira Bahu Epa.

Vijaya Bahu and Vira Bahu's father was called Senalankadhikara Senevirat and was Minister of Bhuvanaikabâhu IV.


Edirilla Aratchi Bandara


A:  Mudaliyar Jeronimo Corea, son of Edirilla Aratchi Bandara, who had a brother Ranamuka Bandra. Both were officers in the Sinhala army. Edirlla converted to Catholicism and was baptized as Emmanuel Corea. 

+ Anna Devi

B:  Dominicus Corea, 1565-1596 (King Dominicus Corea, who was also known as Edirille Rala.[3] (Edrille Bandara), son of Don Jeronimo Corea and Anna Corea. He was given the two of the biggest kingdoms in Sri Lanka, Kotte andSitawaka by Vimala Dharma Suriya, the King of Kandy.[4]. Domnicus Corea became a king in 1596 and a year later he was captured by the Portuguese forces and executed. He fought hard against the Portuguese who had invaded the island in 1505 and colonised Ceylon. See, Domingus/Dominicus Correa/ Edirille Rala/Edirille Bandara  (honorific: Wickramasinghe  Patabendi: Abhayaratna, Gunasekera, Vikramasundara, Vijayasekera)/ [Head of King’s army, elevated to a Prince ]) + First Spouse of Portuguese ancestry, + second spouse Subadra Devi ( Subadra Devi was the daughter of Vidiya Bandara and Sumadra Devi.)

Excerpts from article by Mr. Deva Corea:

1  Visiting Sitawaka on a mission of espionage dressed as a Hindu priestess, he found favour with King Rajasinghe and had the run of the palace, especially the harem. Padma Wanisapperuma from Attygalle near Hanwella was reportedly the loveliest lady in the Kingdom. She was the grand daughter of a chieftain who died by the side of Vidiya Bandara in Jaffna in 1556 and was the King’s favourite. She was to be elevated to the rank of junior queen. Mudaliyar Bulathsinghala wrote that the pseudo priestess saved the lady from a rabid dog when all others fled the harem in fear. Dominicus revealed himself to her that night and leaves for Colombo the following day, still garbed as a priestess. According to John.M.Seneviratne; his love for a lady, Padma Wanissaperuma, the most entrancingly beautiful in King Rajasinghe’s harem, made him practically ‘Desert’ to Sitawaka.

He joined the army of King Rajasingha of Sitawaka, but soon fell foul of the King when he expressed his aspirations. Rajasinghe it is written, ‘roused to furious anger by the presumption of the lovelorn youth, ordered his death. Fleeing the kingdom, he was caught by Rajasinghe’s men, who cut his throat and left him for dead. Nursed back to health by a Mukkuwa woman, his neck was slightly crooked, earning him the nickname of `Mal Degolado’ or `The Ill Beheaded’. Returning to Kotte a much sober and changed man, he served under King Don Juan Dharmapala. His bravery, stratagem and ruthlessness on the battlefield, paved the way for him to be appointed a General or `Vickramasinha’. He was by then known as Ederilla Mudiyanse or Ederilla Rala.

2  Dominicus was given as his bride, Subadra Devi the daughter of Vidiya Bandara King [Prince?] of the Sath Korale and Suriya Devi the daughter of Mayadunna, King of Sitawaka. This is the only wedding recorded in the annals history, as having been held in the Kandy Maligawa with much pomp and pageantry. At his coronation and wedding, Dominicus Corea was proclaimed, King of Kotte and Sitawaka by King Wimaladharmasuriya-1. Dominicus took the name Edirimanasuriya.  

1.      Fidalgos in the kingdom of Kotte, Sri Lanka, 1505-1656: the ... OM Da Silva  - 1990 - 621 pages - Snippet view


Now, Correa himself made his appearance at Udugama23 in Beligal korale and was given battle twice successfully and his ill-gotten ... the beautiful daughter of Vidiya Bandara, prince of the Seven korales and a truly royal wedding, ...

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2.      Ceylon, the Portuguese era: being a history of the island for the ...: Volume 1 Edward Pieris - 1992 - Snippet view


He solemnly gifted to him the kingdoms of Kotte and Sitawaka1 with the dignity of a King, and also gave him the beautiful daughter of Widiye Bandar, Prince of the Seven Korales, who was at court, in marriage ; and thereon Correa took ...

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3.      Journal of the Ceylon branch of the Royal Asiatic Society: Volume 22, Issue 63 - Volume 23, Issue 67 Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Ceylon Branch, Colombo - 1913 - Snippet view


with the dignity of a king, and also gave him the beautiful daughter of Vidiye Bandar, Prince of the Seven Korales, who was at court, in marriage ; and thereon Correa took the name of Edirimana Suriya Bandar.1 His marriage was ...

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C:  Prince Lewis Corea Dissawa, Governor of Uva + Kumarihamy Karaliadde


D:  Mudaliyar Corea Vikramasinha Manthri (Meaning of Vickramasinha? commander-in-chief of Lascarins), Mudaliyar of Peliyagoda in 1630, in 1619 created a Prince (p.735 Twentieth Cent. Imp. Book) Gov. of Uva Lewis Corea Dissawa of Uva   (Deva Corea article


E:  Dissawe Corea Vikramasinha, Dissawa of Puttalam


F:  Emmanuel Corea, Army Officer + Name Not Known


G:  Colombage Lewis Corea (Aarachchi) + Dona Pusella Corea


H:  Christoffel Corea + Maria Medonza



0  Louis Corea and Anna Perera, Louis Corea was a Padicara Mohandiram , an officer appointed by the Dutch Govt. to arrange for the safe conduct and Provisioning of their frequent embassies to the Kandyan Court. (appointed by Gov. Vander Graaff  1788

1  David Christoffel Corea, (Colombege Neseyge ) Padicara Mohandiram. Succeeded father to this position. (appointed by Gov. Vander Graaff  1788). He was invited to Kandy by the Sinhalese King at the commencement of hostilities with the English in 1803. He died shortly after reaching Kandy + Francina Elizabeth De Silva


     2  Abraham Corea (Mohandiram of the Chilaw District) + Elizabeth Gomis Abeysinghe Weerakone Hettige


              3  Johannes Christoffel Corea (Mudaliyar of the Chilaw District) + Athauda Arachchige Sophia Ameresekere

              4  Gate Mudaliyar James Edward Corea was born in Chilaw, on the west coast of Sri Lanka, on the 2nd of December 1865. deceased circa 1950's +  Athauda Arachchige Frances Eleanor Terentia Amarasekera, daughter of D.C Ameresekera, Proctor of the Supreme Court, Kurunegala and they had ten children. They came from an Anglican Christian background.

                        5  Drayton Corea + Florence Adelaide Wickramaratne (no issue, both passed away early in life)


                       5  Melita Avilda Terentia Corea + Frederick Alexander Wickramaratne

                             6  Frances Alexandra Milfred Wickramaratne, (aka Milfred) + Edward Osmund Phair Welikala

                                  7  Devapriya Welikala + Nadani Curtis

                                      8  Osmund Welikala

                                      8  Edward Welikala

                                      8  Terentia Welikala

                                  7  Lakshman Welikala + Name Not Known

                                      8  Yohan Welikala

                                      8  Anushani Welikala

                                  7  Sunil Welikala + Shiromie Fernando (singer)

                                      8  Chamil Welikala

                                      8  Hashani Welikala

                                  7  Srilal Welikala + Rupika Kuruvitaaratchy

                                      8  Sajith Welikala

                                      8  Ruskhani Welikala

                                  7  Eksath Welikala

                             6  Myrtle Alexandra Wickramaratne

                             6  Frederica Wickramaratne

                             6  Frederick Edmund Lucien Wickramaratne

                             6  Louisa Elizabeth Wickramaratne + Roland Theodre Kanakaratne

                                 7  Roshan Kanakaratne + Christopher Perera

                                     8  Irantha Perera + Mereen Wijeratne

                                     8  Rushani Perera

                                     8  Nayanthi Perera

                                7  Romesh Kanakaratne + Vashella

                                    8  Rockay Kanakaratne

                                    8  Shaveen Kanakaratne

                                    8  Shakeela Kanakaratne

                       5  Edward Stanley Tarrant Corea + Ira Perera,

                             6  [3] Iris Corea + [4] Ernest Nihal Bertrand Corea

                      5  James Clifford Aelian Corea, b:1904, d:1988, Principal, Royal College, Colombo + Mildred

                       5  Reverend Acland  Corea


                      5  [1] Ouida Corea + [2] Hector Vernon Ivan Seneviratne Corea, Vicar of St. Luke's Church Borella for over 25 years.(1929?1954)

                     6  Vernon Corea, 11 Sep 1927 - 23 Sep 2002, broadcaster Radio Ceylon/Ceylon Broadcasting Corporation + Monica De Silva

                         7  Ivan Corea + Charika Wickremesinghe

                                      8  Charin Corea

                         7  Vernon Corea + Fidelma Hegarty

                                      8  Rohan Corea

                                      8  Mark Corea

                                      8  Emily Corea

                         7  Ouida Corea + James Caley

                                     8  Rebecca Caley betrothed to Steve Berry (marriage planned for 2012)

                                     8  Jeremy Caley betrothed to Jessica Fanticelli (marriage planned for 2013)

                        7  2nd spouse of Ouida Corea + Praveen Wickramaratne

                                     8  Rachel Wickramaratne

                                     8  Daniel Wickramaratne

                   6  Ernest Corea, who was Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the United States, Cuba and Mexico. Ernest Corea was a highly influential editor of the Ceylon Daily News and the Ceylon Observer in Colombo. + Indra Ratnayake

                               7  Lester Corea + Doris

                                    8  Carl Corea

                                    8  Sophie Corea

                               7  Andy Corea + Michelle

                                    8  Wilson Koh (adopted from Koprea)


                      5  Leslie Corea + Hilda Goonaratne

                           6  Kumar Corea + Preena Adihetti

                               7  Jitendra Corea

                           6  Rupali Corea + Douglas Jayatilleke

                               7  Dhasantha Jayatilleke

                               7  Randunna Jayatilleke

                               7  Shyamala Jayatilleke

                           6  Rohini Corea + Christie De Silva

                               7  Chrishantha De Silva + Darshini

                               7  Chitrani De Silva

                               7  Ruwini De Silva


                      5  Letitia  Corea + Colin De Silva

                          6  Indra  De Silva + Dixon Wanigasekera

                              7  Dami Wanigasekera

                              7  Dini Wanigasekera

                              7  Malki Wanigasekera

                          6  Clifford De Silva + Peggie Meehama.


                      5  Edward  Corea + Dagmar Wijekoon

                          6  Devasiri Corea + Ayoma

                          6  Malini Corea + Lakshman Goonetilleke

                          6  Jayantha Corea + Indira Elikewela


                     5  Ariel Corea + Evan Jayasekera (no issue)

            4  Percival Allan Corea (Proprietary Planter) + Cicely Augusta Corea

                5  Russel Corea + Ernestine, daughter of Charles Edgar Corea

                    6  Damayanthi Corea + Nimal Peiris

                        7  Niresha Peiris

                        7  Shanitha Peiris


                    6  Mayadunne Corea + Rita

                        7  Mayadunne Corea

                        7  Shamila Corea

                        7  Priyantha Corea


                     6  Nalini Corea + Arthur Richard Perera

                        7  Amithreni Perera

                        7  Indira Perera

                        7  Anura Perera

                        7  Saliya Perera


                    6  Shirani Corea


                    6  Kamini Corea + Christopher Lucien Mahendra Perera

                        7  Charnez Perera


                   6  Chandrani Corea + Brian Goonetilleke (191942-1976)

                        7  Sanjeeva Goonetilleke

                        7  Shelan Goonetilleke


                    5  Delorine Leelawathie Elitra Corea (1901-1961) + Francis Jayawardena

                  6  Cleobis Hector Sirinaga (1927-2004) + Hilda Ranasinha (1925-1997)

                  6  Briarius (1935-2007)



            4  Jumeaux Arthur Christoffel Corea + Adeline Beatrice Lucy Ameresekera

                     5  Ena Merlin Corea + Ashley Winfield (1896-1972)

                         6  Sabrina Corea

                         6  Christabelle Corea + Herbert Atturupane

                             7  Harsha Atturupane + Jennife

                             7  Chonira Atturupane

                             7  Harinlal Atturupane

                        6  Roxanne Corea

                        6  Manorani Corea

                        6  Ranjith Corea

                        6  Nirmalie Corea + to Alick Jayasekera

                            7  Amal Jayasekera + Saumya Wimalachandra

                        8  Sarala Jayasekera

                     7  Janaka Jayasekera + Dawn

                        8  Lisa Jayasekera

                        8  Sean Jayasekera

                        8  Cara Jayasekera

                     7  Nayantara Jayasekera + Terry Olsen

                        8 Alex Olsen

                        8  Joseph Olsen

                       6  Ariya Winfield Corea + Zerah

                           7  Chiara Corea

                           7  Ariane Corea

                 6  Brenda Corea + Louis Wickremesinghe

                    7  Anil Wickremasinghe + Sharmani Wickremanayake

                        8  Richard Wickremasinghe

                        8  Ashley Wickremasinghe

                    7  Dilrukshi Wickremasinghe + Anil Dias

                        8  Ashan Dias

                        8  Devaka Dias

                 6  Ranjith Corea + Irene de Cruz

                    7  Priyanthi Corea + Ajith Perera

                        8  Lindi Perera

                        8  Shyan Perera

                        8  Gavin Perera

                        8  Shanaya Perera

                    7  Priyadarshani Corea + Channa Perera

                        8  Tashiya Perera

                        8  Anurudha Perera

                    7  Chanka Perera + Natalie Grey

                        8  Chanel Perera

                        8  Jayden Perera


                 5  Ordella Beatrice Claribel Corea (1903-1987) + Victor Atapattu

                     6  Victor Atapattu

                     6  Asoka Atapattu

                     6  Suranganie Atapattu + Henry Ameresekera.


                 5  Ira Corea (1913-1997) + Richard Godwin Weerasekera (1908-1997)

                     6  Suvendrani Weerasekera + Neville Weerasekera (no relation)

                         7  Shiona Weerasekera

                         7  Shyan Weerasekera + Jacqueline Wignarajah

                             8  Nicole Weerasekera

                             8  Daniel Weerasekera

                             8  Nadine Weerasekera


            4  [5] James Abraham Corea + [6] Agnes Eveline Rhoda Corea

                 5  Esme, married to Swarna, daughter of Charles Edgar Corea


      2   Johannes Corea, JP, Mudaliyar of Atukuru Korale, d:1835

          3  Simon Corea

                 4  Angelina Corea + Edward Ameresekera

                     5  Adela Ameresekera + Felix Pandithesekera

                         6  Estelle Pandithasekera

                    5  Stanley Ameresekera + Edyth Seneviratne

                    5  Sydney Ameresekera + Murial Pandithesekera

                        6  Angela Amerasekera


           [3  Is this where Dona Catherina Corea + Don Abraham Wijesinghe Jayewardene Go? (see below note). Info at JR Jayewardene Centre.

         3 is this where Dona Corea Lama Eteni + member of the Wijesundera Perera/Dabera Wijesundera Gunesekara family Go?? (Madampe/Chilaw).    Info at Madampe Baptist Church.]

    2  Simon Corea, JP, Mudaliyar of Atukuru Korale + Cornelia Dias Bandaranaike

       3  Henry Richard Corea, b:1839, Mudaliyar of Atukuru Korale + Cornelia Whilimina Perera

                   4  James Alfred Corea (1871-1915) + Eugenie Sarah Matilda Attygalle (1874-1962)

                  5  Henry Corea, Ceylon Police + Claire Maude De Alwis

                             6  Devadunna Corea + Ramani

                                 7  Devaka Corea

                                 7  Janaka Corea

                                 7  Anushka Corea + Yohan Weerasinghe

                             6  James Randunna Corea + Nalini

                                 7  Ranmali Corea

                                 7  Namali Corea

                                 7  Gemunu Corea

                             6  Uttum Corea + Swinitha Priyadarshani Ratnayake

                                 7  Iresha Corea + Michael Stephen Sapp

                                     8  Dylan Sapp

                                     8  Ryan Sapp

                                 7  Kumar Dhamindra Corea

                                 7  Thushura Corea

                             6  Ranmail Corea + Anil Amereskera

                                 7  Akhila Amereskera + Shanil Wijeywardena

                                 7  Samala Amereskera

                                 7  Acel Amereskera

                             6  Ilona Corea

                             6  Aruni Corea

                        5  Amybelle Corea + Charles Victor Siddhartha Corea


                        5  2nd spouse of Amybelle Corea + Cliff Dassanaike

                            6  Srimani Dassanaike

                            6  Siva Dassanaike + James Obeyesekere

                                7  Chantal Obeyesekere + Dijen De Saram

                                    8  Dhevan De Saram

                                    8  Chiara De Saram

                                7  Peter Obeyesekere   

              4  Annie Corea + James Dias Bandaraniake

              4  Missie Corea + Cyril Gilbert De Alwis, born 1866

                         5  Cyril, b:1897

              4  Agnes Corea + John Ameresekera


       3  Charles Edward Bandaranaike Corea d:1872 + Henrietta Seneviratne, b:1851

                  4  Charles Edgar (Edward) Corea b:16-Oct-1866, d:7-Feb-1946 + Muriel Mayqueeni

                        5  Srikuradas Charles Shirley Corea, b:7-Mar-1906, d:5-Mar-1974 + Eugenie Jayawardena (no issue)

                            6 Gamini Corea                              

                        5  Doreen Corea + Peter Hettiaratchy

                            6  Nilkanthi Hettiaratchy + Christopher Talavasinha Nicholas

                                7  Dharini Bernadine Sumithra Nicholas

                                7  Dilruan Bernard Nilkamal Nicholas

                           6  Niranjan Hettiaratchy + Avril


                           6  Nirmal Hettiaratchy (Test Cricketer) + Dila

                           6  Nissanka Hettiaratchy + Antoinette

                       5  Swarna Corea + AER (Esmee)

                       5  Elaine Corea (unmarried

                       5  Earle Corea

                       5  Ernestine Corea + Russel, son of Percival Alan and Cicely Corea

                 5  Leila Corea + Reverend Ackland, son of Mudaliyar James Edward and Frances Corea

                 5  Charles Corea + Manel. After her death he married Constance Rajapakse. The children from Charles's second marriage:

                 5  Second Spouse of Charles Corea + Constance Rajapakse

                     6  Charles Corea + Divani Wijeratne

                         7  Tinushi Corea

                         7  Chavendra Corea

                    6  Second Spouse of Charles Corea + Thushari

                    6  Shereen Corea + Shantha Herath

                        7  Shehara Herath

                        7  Shavinda Herath



                4  Dr. James Alfred Ernest Corea, 1870-1930 + Letitia Grace Alice Seneviratne, daughter of James Caufield Herat Seneviratne and Nancy Gertrude Pandithesekera.


                     5  [2] Canon Hector Vernon Ivan Seneviratne Corea, Vicar of St. Luke's Church Borella for over 25 years.(1929?1954) + [1] Ouida Corea, played a key role in re-building St. Luke's Church Borella.


                   6  Vernon Corea, 11 Sep 1927 - 23 Sep 2002, broadcaster Radio Ceylon/Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation and the BBC.

                       7  Ivan Corea + Charika Wickramasinghe 


                          8  Charin Corea

                       7  Vernon Corea + Fidelma Hegarty

                          8  Rohan Corea

                          8  Mark Corea


                          8  Emily Corea

                       7  Ouida Corea + James Caley

                          8  Rebecca Caley + Steven Berry


                          8  Jeremy Caley + Jessica Fanticelli

                       7  2nd marriage of Ouida Corea: Praveen Wickramaratne

                          8  Rachel Wickramaratne

                          8  Daniel Wickramratne


                   6  Ernest Corea, who was Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the United States, Cuba and Mexico. Ernest Corea was a highly influential editor of the Ceylon Daily News and the Ceylon Observer in Colombo. +Indra Ratnayake

                      7 Lester Corea+Doris

                         8 Carl Corea

                         8 Sophie Corea

                      7 Andy Corea+Michelle

                         8 Wilson Koh Corea


                5  Bertram Corea + Reenee Wijewardena

                   6  [4] Ernest Nihal Bertrand Corea + [3] Iris Corea daughter of Edward Stanley Tarrant Corea and Ira Perera.

                5  Gwendoline Corea + Terrence Seneviratne

                5  Charles Victor Siddhartha Corea + Freda Corea, sister of Sir John Kotalawela and Alice Attygalle

                         6   Dr. Gamani Corea (Secretary General of UNCTAD)

                    5  2nd spouse of Charles Victor Siddhartha Corea  + Amybelle Corea, daughter of Mohandiram James Alfred Corea and Eugenie Attygalle

                   6  Vijaya Corea broadcaster Radio Ceylon/Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation + Ranjani Wickramasinghe

                            7  Viran Corea + Champika Perera

                            7  Sashika Corea + Mahiman Sivasundaram

               5  Saraswathy Corea + Danny de Alwis

                       6 Tissa de Alwis

              5  Srikuradas Charles Shirley Corea, b:7-Mar-1906, d:5-Mar-1974 + Eugenie Jayawardena (no issue)

                             6  Gamini Ranasagalla Corea (photographer)


               4  2nd spouse of Dr. James Alfred Ernest Corea, 1870-1930 + Mildred May Wickramaratne (1894-1982)

                    5  Charles Alfred Ernest Corea (1920-2010, known as Ernie) + Patricia Samarasekera

                         6  James Ernest Corea + Indrani

                         6  Eugene Corea + Ransarini

                         6  Patricia Corea + Gemunu Abayasekara

                             7  Manahari Abayasekara

                         6  Avril Corea + Gihan Salgado

                    5  Eunice Corea  (born 1927, known as Euna) + Vere Perera

                    5  Ernestine Corea (born 1931) + Gamini De Silva

                    5  Hugh Malcolm Ernest Corea (known as Malcolm), d:2H:6, + Antoinette De Sampayo


                4  Charles Edward Victor Seneviratne Corea, b:29-Jan-1871, d:6-Jun-1962 + Sita De Alwis


                      5  Eric Corea

                      5  Carlton Corea (1903-????), married twice, first marriage was to Effie Jayawardena

                          6  Damayanthi Corea

                          6  Nirmal Asoka Corea (Engineer) + Elfie (Austrian)

                               7  Gihan Asoka Corea

                               7  Anusha Corea

                          6  Lakshman Corea, math teacher, tutored Prince Charles. Unmarried


                   5  2nd spouse of Carlton Corea + Kumari

                   5  Norman Corea + Nirmalie

                       6  Priyadharshani Corea + Wickremesinghe

                            7  Gimhani Wickremesinghe

                       6  Devapriya Corea, deceased

                  5  Sara Corea + Danny De Alwis

                 6  Tissa De Alwis


         4  Second Spouse of Charles Edward Victor Corea + Vivienne Nissanka

             5  Leila Corea (deceased) + Neil Wijesundera (deceased - Range Forest Officer)

                 6  Preethi Ratwatte + Mohan Ratwatte (Proprietor Planter)

                 6  Rohan Wijesundera (deceased) - Managing Director of his own Company married Sakuntala Bandarage (deceased)

                 6  Rajini Wijesundera (unmarried)

                 6  Kumaru Wijesundera (Barrister & Solicitor - also Solicitor of England & Wales) + Janaki Attygalle Barrister & Solicitor - also of England & Wales - Joint Partners of Wijesundera & Associates practising in Scarborough, Ontario

             5  Edward Charles Vikrama Corea (deceased) + Vimala Wijekoon

                 6  Mala Hewage Corea + Evan Samarasinghe and after divorce married to Ariyaratne Hewage - Former Secretary, Ministry of Education and now Chairman Finance Committee - Government of Sri Lanka

                 6  Sita Corea (unmarried)

                 6  Ramya Corea Hussein + Sherif Y.Hussein (Egyptian) - Doing his own Business and living in New Jersey

                 6  Ravindra Corea - Consultant, Wild Life + Maureen Wickremesinghe

                 6  Renuka Corea + Charles Lloyd (West Indian) - Doing his own Business

                 6  Deshika Corea + Roshen Meemanage

             5  Chandrani Corea (deceased) + Merle Dharmakirti (deceased - planter)

                 6  Nelum Dharmakirti + Y.R. Piyasena (Retired Civil Servant and presently a Consultant to the Government of Sri Lanka)

                 6  Manel Dharmakirti + Siri Gunawardena and after divorce married Maxwell Fernando

                 6  Kusum Dharmakirti + Michael Guneratne, Director International School, Wennappuwa

                 6  Ranmali Dharmakirti - unmarried

             5  Ratna Corea + Randolph Mulgirigama (deceased - Managing Director of his own Company)

                 6  Anusha Mulgirigama + Kingsley de Alwis and after divorce lives in Spain

             5  Rupa Corea + Henry Dharmakirti (deceased - District Forest Officer)

                 6  Pastor Anura Dharmakirti + Sheila Perera

             5  Second Spouse of Rupa Corea + Nirmal de Silva (deceased - Company Director)

             5  Lihini Corea + Austin Ameresekere (deceased - Managing Director of his own Company)

                 6  Rujitha Ameresekere - Accountant + Roshani Jayatilleke

                 6  Sampath Ameresekere - Company Director + Ayesha Weerasinghe

                 6  Ruveni Ameresekere + Kenyata Sterling - Living in Vancouver, Canada

             5  Indira Corea + former SSP Boniface Perera (div)

             5  Second Spouse of Indira Corea + Prince Nelson (Financial Consultant)

                 6  Prithiva Nelson + Dilshan Rupasinghe - Managing his own Company Shehan

             5  Sri Sangabo Corea (Company Director & Marketing Consultant) + Flora William

                       6  Sanjeeva Corea

                       6  Dilhani Corea + Anthony

                           7  Shemara Anthony

                           7  Maneesha   Anthony

                      6  Ramani Corea + Ranil Wagiswara

             5  Ramani Corea + Ranil Wagiswara - Business Development Manager - Arik Airlines

             5  Dilhani Corea + Rohan Anthony and after divorce married Mahinda Samarasinghe

             5  Sharmini Corea + Kishan Jayewardene - Managing Director of his own Company

             5  Sanjeeva Victor Corea - Senior Manager - Absolute Sri Lanka

   4  [6] Agnes Eveline Rhoda Corea + [5] James Abraham Corea, s/o Johannes Christoffel Corea

          4  Evangeline Henrietta Corea + James Alexander De Silva Goonesekere, born in 1867. He was Superintendent of Mudukatua

             5  Gladys De Silva, (1897-1922) + Sir Claude Corea. Gladys died young and had no children and is buried in Chilaw

             5  Dagmar De Silva + Dr. Albert Herat

                6  Harold Herat (ex Minister of Transport) + Gwen

                    7  Shamara Herat

                    7  Avanka Herat

                    7  Parveen Herat

                6  Oswald Herat + Rosabelle Abayakoon

                    7  Sunimal Herat + Sharmini

                    7  Lalantha Herat + Minoli

                    7  Dushanthi Herat + Lalin


         3  George Edmund Corea, a Master at Royal College, Colombo + Ms Perera

              4  Alfred Windsor Corea (Police Officer)+ Sarah Elizabeth Herat

                      5  Sir George Claude Stanley Corea, b:4-Sep1894, d:2-Sep-1962 + Gladys 1897-1922

                       5  2nd spouse of Sir George Claude Stanley Corea, b:4-Sep1894, d:2-Sep-1962 + Karmanie Chitty (d/o James Chitty & Laurie Pullenayagam) (7H:1)

                           6  Nihal Corea, 1934-2H:5 + Gillian Ondaatchi

                                7  Shan Corea + Pradeep Jayawardena

                                7  Tiruni Corea

                                7  Creon Corea (died in 2H:6)

                           6  Harindra Corea MP (ex Minister in the UNP Cabinet) 1936-2005 + Rochelle De Silva

                               7  Sheonie Corea

                               7  Harindrini Corea

                           6  Chandra Corea, b:1937 + Indira Chitty

                               7  Dinusha Corea

                               7  George Chandeep Corea (born 1975) + Surovi Abeyratne

                                   8  Mishaal Corea

                                   8  Tameem Corea

                         5 Percy Corea  Mudliyar Pasdun Corale b approx 1890+ Millie Wijesinghe

                            6 Erin Corea d2003(lived in Panadura)+ Percy Tissa Gooneratne(d2003) (Stc Mtl)(an athlete who represented Ceylon in athletics, went to inner temple and was called to English bar,in 1950.)(President's Counsel )(Tissa Gooneratne's parents are Gilbert Gooneratne and Mary Gooneratne nee Dassenaike from Panadura.Gilbert had 6 children.)(Lal Gooneratne advocate was tissa's brother, AC Gooneratne QC is Tissa's 1st cousin.Tilak Gooneratne advocate also a cousin.)

                               7  Ravindran Gooneratne (Stc)(M1) + Charmaine Henricus

                                   8 Melani Gooneratne + Darrell Bibile

                                      9 Daniel Bibile

                                      9 Hayley Bibile

                               7  Ravindran Gooneratne(Stc) (M2)+Primrose

                               7  Shiranee Gooneratne + Olsen Gunerwardena (Civil Engineer)(Sydney)

                                   8 Lasanthi Gunerwardena + Charith Molligoda

                                     9 Tharangi Molligoda

                                     9 Kavindu Molligoda

                                   8  Damitha Gunerwardena + Induni Rajapakse

                                     9 Tharushi Gunerwardena

                                     9 Menuja Gunerwardena

                               7  Indra Gooneratne + Ranjith Samaranayake(deceased)

                               7  Nirmalee Goonaratne + Mahinda Perera (Stc MtL)(Engineer ,b1949-d2015)(Migrated to  Australia).

                                    8   Milinda Perera +Ayesha

                                           9 Malaika Zahana Perera

                                        9 Zane Terence Perera

                                     8  Emara Perera+ Mishra Ramchander

                                         9 Eloise Margret  Ramchander

                                     8  Lakshini Perera

                                     8  Sean Perera


                  4  Frederick Corea

                  4  Cicely Augusta Corea + Percivall Alan Corea


         3  Jumeaux Corea

         3  Simon Corea


    2  Dona Christina Corea + Tombi Mudaliyar Don Adrian Wijesinghe Jayawardena (1768-1830), m. 1807 (2nd spouse)  See Family #3002


     2  Francina Corea


     2  Leonara Corea


1  Jacob Corea


1  Simon Corea


1  Maria Corea


1  William Corea (Adopted)


1  Abraham Corea


0  Louisa Corea


0  Francina Corea


H: Pedro Corea


H:  Marie Corea + Sylvestine


G:  John Corea (Aarachchi)


B:  Simon Corea

B:  (sister) Corea + Balthazar Moniz

Sister of Edirilla Aratchi Bandara



A:  Name Not Known

B: Daughter + Joao Vaz Araujo (Portuguese)

B: Daughter + Luis de Carvalho


Edirille Arachie (p.129).  gave his daughters and 2 nieces in marriage to Portuguese men. P.128




Joao distinguished himself and he was put in high places.


See Edirimanne Corea Family Union


Simao Corea (Correa) - brother of Edirille Rala  (Domingos Corea... given title Wikramasinha .... assumed? Given? the name Edirille Bandara.  Father Edirille Arachie (p.129). Father gave their sister and 2 nieces in marriage to Portuguese men. P.128


See a Corea mystery re. Edirille Rala and ancesters  (he is supposed to have married a Kandyan Princess? and a Portuguese lady ]

p. 500   Temporal andSpiritual Conquest of Ceylon says:

        Domingos Correa had many portuguese relatives 

 p. 515 Gaspar Correa a relative

       He was interpreter to King p. 476 and a Modeliar, son of Jeronimo Correa interpreter to King, born in Colombo

p. 611 Simao Correa and his nephew Don D. Luis

p. 501 Joao Fernando and his brother ? cousins of Domingos Correa

The temporal and spiritual conquest of Ceylon - Google Books Result

Fernão de Queyroz - 1992 - History - 1330 pages

Domingos Correa had many Portuguese [relatives], Balthazar Moniz married to his Sister, Joao Vaz de Araujo and Luis de Carvalho to two [of his] Cousins, ... 

Google Books The Golden Book of India

COREA, Abhayaratna Gunasekara Wikramasundara Wijayasekere, James Edward, Mudaliyar; b. 1866. His father was Mudaliyar Johannes Christopher Corea, Mudaliyar of Chilaw, who was son of Mudaliyar Abraham Corea, brother of Mudaliydr Simon Corea. Is Mudaliyar of Chilaw. 

Residence : Chilaw. 


COREA, Abhayaratna Gunasekara Wikramasundara Wijayasekere, Henry Richard, Mudaliyar; b. November 23, 1839. Descended from the Corea family, a family of repute in the districts of Colombo and Negombo, which traces its descent from Dominicus Corea, who was raised to the rank of a Prince by King Wimala Dharma, and was put to death by the Portuguese in 1601. Is son of Mudaliyar Simon Corea Abhayaratna Gunasekara Wikramasundara Wijayasekere, Mudaliyar of Alutkuru Korale, and a Justice of the Peace. Residence : Negombo.

 Don Adrian Wijesinghe Jayewardene?s 2nd wife?s family (+ Dona Christina Corea of Grandpass (d/o Colombage Neseyge Christoffel Corea Padikaare Muhandiramge) aka"Nanale Militie Muidyanse' of Wolvendaal.  This Christoffel Corea Padikare is mentioned in Twentieth Century Impressions.  But his family saga starts on p. 735 ff.   This book has the whole history from Edirille Arache, ff. and mentions people that lived up to the late 1800?s      See Family #3002

Corea   (Note) 

 Where does this fit:?  (Who was her father in this family tree?)   

Dona Catherina Corea + Don Abraham Wijesinghe Jayewardene (Son of Don Adrian Wijesinghe Jayewardene) See Family #3002

     Adrian Philip Wijesinghe Jayewardene +

     Francis Alexander Wijesinghe Jayewardene +

     James Alfred Wijesinghe Jayewardene +

     Charlotte Wijesinghe Jayewardene +

     Eliza Wijesinghe Jayewardene +

     Cornelius Wijesinghe Jayewardene +


(only these 6 children were Dona Catherina Corea?s.  The other 2 children (not listed here) their mother was the daughter of Jayasundera Bandara.




Corea (Note) 

 Where does this fit:?  (Who was her father in this family tree?)   

Dona?. Corea Lama Eteni + a member of the Vijesundera/Wijesundera Perera family (possibly the wife of Don DavithDabera Wijesundera Gunasekera???)    Research under way?..information being gathered from Madampe/Chilaw etc. 


See Family #3128


RESEARCH done by: Anne-Marie Samarasinghe & Rohan Corea


Photo Album



Ackland Corea, Aelian Corea, Ariel Corea

CE Corea's home in Chilaw


Canon Ivan & Ouida Corea

Charles Edward Victor Seneviratne Corea

Corea Court in Madampe


Dr JAE Corea and Family

Edward Corea

Ernest Corea's Wedding

Eugenie Attygalle's Grave    

Evan Jayasekera, Frances Eleanor Corea

Gravestone of Glady's Corea, d: Feb 22 1922 aged 25

Gwendoline Corea, Harindra Corea, Henri Corea

James Alexander De Silva Gunasekera

Gravestone of James Alfred Corea

James Clifford Aelian Corea, Mohandiram James Alfred Corea and Gate Mudaliyar James Edward Corea

Sir Claude Corea (right) with the Prime Minister of Ceylon Sir John Kotelawala and Viscount Soulbury

Ms Johannes Corea, Professor James Randunna Corea


Sir George Claude Stanley Corea, Evan & Ariel Jayasekera

Above is Blossom Samarasinghe’s Corea ancestor. Research is under way to find the birth, marriage, or death record. At this point we have a record showing that it is Anna Christina Corea’s (1788-1868) mother’s sister that is the ancestor of Blossom Jayewardene’s mother Justicia Perera’s ancestor.

Youtube Clips on the Corea Family sent in by Ivan Corea


Reverend Canon Ivan & Ouida Corea of St.Luke's Church Borella

Mahatma Gandhi's historic visit to Chilaw, Sri Lanka in 1927

CE Corea of Chilaw - National Hero of Sri Lanka

Dr.James Alfred Ernest Corea of Chilaw, Sri Lanka

Victor Corea - A National Hero from Chilaw, Sri Lanka

Piyaneni - Clarence Wijewardena's Tribute to Reverend Canon Ivan Corea

Open Every Door - Song for Autism - Nimal Mendis Tribute to Charin Corea

Fighting for Autism - CNN Anchor Max Foster interviews Ivan Corea on CNN

Vijaya Corea - Sri Lanka's Number 1 Media Personality


COREA - HARINDRA.  (Former Member of Parliament), son of late Sir Claude & Lady Corea, loved husband of Rochelle, much loved father of Sheonie & Harindrini, brother of late Nihal and of Chandra, now in the presence of the Lord. Funeral Service at 3.30 p.m. thereafter cortege leaves 955/5B2, Royal Gardens, Rajagiriya on Sunday 23rd October. Burial at General Cemetery Borella. (Anglican Section). No flowers by request. DN Sat Oct 22 2H:5