Sri Lankan Sinhalese Family Genealogy
OBEYESEKERE, - Family #3051
Portuguese rule of Ceylon (1505-1656) was always
in the Maritime Provinces and the people whom they converted
were the coastal folk. They were the backbone of their power.
The Dutch were used by the Sinhala king to take revenge on the
Portuguese who wanted to expand their rule of Ceylon.
The Dutch war with Portugal was against their ruler, the King
of Spain. Once Portugal obtained its freedom from Spain, The
Netherlands (Dutch) settled for peace with Portugal. Then they
divided the occupied areas of Ceylon amicably under a treaty
signed in Goa. Slowly, the Dutch became the rulers of coastal
and outer areas of Ceylon and the Portuguese were left with
smaller pieces of territory than those of the Dutch.
The Obeyesekere family
dynasty His ancestor, Owen Ferdinandez, who belonged to
the Portuguese Royal Navy, came to Ceylon around 1630, then as
Lieutenant of the
Royal Portuguese Navy to Galle Harbour to inspect the
activities of the Portuguese administrators in Maritime
Provinces of Galle., then. He fell in love with the
resplendent island on his inspection visits and decided to
He looked out for a large fertile land in Kathaluwa in the
Ahangama area of Galle District. He then constructed a Walauwa
(Manor), which was known as Atadahe Walauwa, since he grew
8,000 coconut plants there. Atadahe Watte Walauwa according to
its present owner had been built at the tail end of the
Portuguese period. And since it still exists, and, can be
reckoned as the earliest manor house in the island. (Land area
approx 125 acres) (see photo below)
He then wanted to change his name to a Sinhala name. He met a
Buddhist priest known as the Koratota Chief Priest(Karatota nayaka unanse,Matara)
and wanted to change his name as ‘Your Leader.’ The Chief
Priest, considering his nobility, named him ‘Obeyesekere,’
which means ‘Your Leader.’
A legend is that it was a Ferdinandez who married a
Sinhala lady from Moonamale, and, who bought the Ata
Dahe Watte fascinated by its ocean fringed pastoral beauty and
got himself admitted to the Sinhala race by a change of name
(Obeyesekere) conferred by the village priest.
The Walauwwa is estimated to be about 385 years old, built
circa 1630. The Walauwa at one time functioned as a Court
House in Talpe Pattu. The parapet wall of the Walauwa was
swept away due to the tsunami of 26th December 2004. The
historical Walauwa was declared a historical archaeological
monument by the Department of Archaeology. In 2015 the
Walauwwa was occupied by Don Justin Arthur Jayawardene and his
wife. In 2016 the Walauwa was sold by F O A K Jayawardena's
children and his heirs to STAY holdings Pvt Ltd .
000000 The Obeyesekere Portuguese ancestor, Don Owen
Ferdinandus, (b circa 1600) was an
officer in the Portuguese Military Fort in Galle, on being
appointed to high office in the Talpe Pattu in the middle of
17th Century (circa 1650), added the name Obeyesekere and the
family lived in Kataluwa. He married a noble lady of Royalty
from the
Kodagoda Walauwe
of Seneviratne Dissanayake, who migrated from
the Kandyan Province. He settled down in
Kathaluwa Atadahe Walawwe and brought up very illustrious
children to serve the nation and country for generations.
(However a news article of Yr 2007 by Raja
Waidyasekara says the 1st person as Lieutenant DV
It is believed, the walauwwa was set up close to
the end of the Portuguese era.around 1630.During that time
Galle area was planted with cinnomon, and the Portuguese
derived income from cinnomon.
The Dutch Governtment occupied Galle around 1650.
The Dutch Governtment started growing Coconut at a large scale ,throughout the coastal belt. The
scheme adopted by the Dutch Governtment was
,they gave the mudaliyars of the area,to plant 8000
coconut trees on a lease. And the Dutch Govt paid 200 Rix
dollars a year, for the maintenance and up keep
of the coconut trees.(There is evidence that this method
existed in Galkissa and Wellawatte)
Later subsequently around 1720 the Dutch Govt,
decided to sell the land to the mudliyars who planted the
coconut trees. Here ,I believe in Talpe Pattu,Galle, Mudliyar
Johannes Obeyesekere b approx 1660, may have been given the
opportunity to plant 8000 coconut trees, and later the land
would have been bought by him from the Dutch Govt. As
there was 8000 coconut trees,
the land would have been called ata dahe watte. And the
walauwwa would have been called ata dahe walauwwa.
00000 Obeyesekere b circa 1630
0000 Obeyesekere b circa 1660 (Johannes)(May have
planted 8000 coconut trees,with an agreement with the Dutch
000 Obeyesekere b circa 1690 (Peter)
00 Obeyesekere b circa 1725
0 (daughter) Obeyesekere (b:circa 1754) + Ranasinghe of
1 Cornelia
Simange Ranasinghe (b circa 1774) + Mawellage Don Louis De Silva Wikramanayake (b:1764) married in 1794
Clara Wikramanayake
Daniel Wikramanayake
2 Katrina
Johannes Wikramanayake
David de Zielwa Wikramanayake b:1797 + Ursula
Henry Wikramanayake
Nicholas Wikramanayake
Johannes Wikramanayake
Solomon Wikramanayake
Cornelia Wikramanayake
Charles Edward Wikramanayake 1843-1936 +
Sooriaarachchi Cecilia Amarasekara
Cyril Herbert Wikremanayake (M1)+Grace
Obeyesekere of Atadahe Walauwwa (no issue)(Grace died of
influenza epidemic in 1919)(in the 1919 influenza
pandamic,which was called Spanish flu, in Sri Lanka
approximately 50,000 people died.)
4 Cyril
Herbert Wikramanayake (Lawyer)1889-1963 (M2)+ Nancy Senanayake
Cyril Raymond Wikramanayake (Lawyer) 1922-1990
+ Indrani Senanayake
Anil Wikramanayake b:1956 (MD-HJS Condiments
Ltd) + Sharnika Thevarapperuma
Anisha Wikramanayake + Kushlan Edirisooriya
Neluka Wikramanayake
Gihan Wikramanayake
6 Sharmini
Mark Wikramanayake (First Sri Lankan Actuary)
+ Rita Perera
4 Cyril Herbert Wikremanayake (M3)+Sophiya
Bella Dissanayake (Roman Cathoic)
5 Merle + Frank Amaratunga
5 Maureen (deceased)
5 Marie (proctor)+Darwood
0000 Johanes Ferdinandus Wijeratne Obeyesekere (Lieut. Of a Spanish vessel which was
wrecked at Galle, adopted the name Wijeratne Obeyesekere when
appointed Korala Talpe Pathu Galle) May have planted the 8000
coconut trees,with an agreement
with the Dutch Governtment. (born
approx 1660)
000 Peter Obeyesekere (appointed Korala of Talpe Pathu afterwards
Muhandiram. + Adriana Rodrigo, closely
connected to Panditaratnas.
00 Name Not Known (Ancestor of Jasmine Obeyesekere)
0 Don Petrus Ferdinandus Amarasiriwardena
Wijeratne Obeyesekere appointed
Korale, Wellabadapattu Galle in 1820.
0 Don Philip Ferdinandus Wijeratne Obeyesekere b: circa 1770, Muhandiram of Adigare Maduwa, 1788 Muhandiram of
Talpe Pathu, finally Mudaliyar Talpe Pathu. + Dona Ana,
only daughter of Wijeratne Mudliyar of Matara. (this family is now extinct). This
Wijeratne married from Illangakone family.
1 Maha Mudaliyar Lambertus Obeyesekere,
Translator Galle Courts & Interpreter of
Matara & resided at Kataluwa Walauwe Galle + Brixius
Lilfa Assessor Mudliyar’s 2nd daughter
2 Mimmie
Obeysekere + Don
Arthur Karunanayake Jayawardene Atapattu Mudaliyar, Galle (b
Jan 1844)(Belongs to Jayawardana Adikaraja family of
Galle.)(Held impotant Govt
posts.Rescidence Mount Hilary Galle.)
(1867 ,Translator,Provincial Road Committee Galle.1869 Clerk Fiscal
Office Matara,1876 Mudliyar Bentota Wallalawita Korale, Later
Atapattu Mudliyar Galle-Chieftains of Ceylon)
Jayawardhane's father was Don Bastian Jayawardhana,(b
approx 1800)who was sent to Mauritius to be interpreter of
prisons,Ehelapola period.After returning from Mauritius ,was
made Mudliyar in Galle District.And he married from the
Karunaratne family.Their descendents married from the
Obeyesekere family of Kathaluwa Ahangama.)
3 Gate
Mudaliyar Harry (Harold) Obeyesekere Karunanayake
Jayawardhana .b14/7/1870. Mudaliyar of Magam Pattu
1897(Hambantota),1906 Mudaliyar
West Giruwa Pattu etc. + Miss Padmini
Obeyesekere (Daughter of
Mudaliar David
Obeyesekere + Elisa Wirasinha)
4 Don Fredrick
Obeyesekere Arthur Karunanaike Jayawardena (Ricky )
Mudaliyar Talpe Pattu b1898 (1916 Clerk Native Dept Hambantota
Kachcherie,1924 Diploma of Agriculture,,1926Muhandiram Magam
Mudaliyar Talpe Pattu.+ (m5/5/1919)Lilian Elizebeth
Rambukpotha (b5/11/1905-d5/2/1960) (d of PB
Rambukpotha)(photo see below)(13 children)
5 Grace Jayawardena
5 Diyanya Jayawardena + Sahabandhu (Vancouver)
5 Duksie Jayawardena +ERP
Goonathileke (Crown Proctor)
6 Egerton Goonethileke
6 Miss Goonethileke +
7 Savithri de Alwis
5 Jasmine Jayawardena +Chandra Rambukpotha
5 Enid Jayawardena + Patrick Panabokke
5 Iris Jayawardena
5 Quintas
5 Oscar Jayawardena
5 Ivan Jayawardene
5 Osmand Jayawardena
5 Childers Jayawardena
5 Michael Jayawardena
5 Justin Arthur Jayawardena (b1930-d 9/1/2019) + Soma Rambukpotha
6 Priyadharshani Jayawardena
6 Gamini
Jayawardena + Sheruni
7 Shenelle Jayawardena
7 Gershon Jayawardena
4 Sylvia
Harrold Jayawardena
Clara Jayawardena + Mr Dassenaike
3 Abraham
Obeyesekere Jayawardena + Jane Mahawalatenna (They had 6
children)(Jane was the eldest
daughter of RM Mahawalatenne of Balangoda.)
4 Ruby Mahawalatenne Jayawardena + Umanga Kulatunga
Polkotuwa (d of Mudliyar Kulatunga Polkotuwa of Anuradhapura)
Roger M Jayawardena (died in 1972)
5 Charmaine Jayawardena (lawyer)+ Lakshman Kiriella (b
1948 ,Educated at Royal College,,lawyer,Former Minister,MP
from Kandy 1989-2021)(Leader of the house 2015-2019)(Held the
ministries of Public Enterprises,Kandy Development,Higher
Education and Highways.Also held the posts of Ministr of
Tourism,Sports and Foreign affairs)
6 Dr Kishanee Kiriella (Consultant Paediatrician in UK)+Varindha
Wimalasena (Senior Investment Banker UK)
7 Yohan Kiriella Wimalasena
7 Sashini Kiriella Wimalasena
6 Chamindranee Kiriella (Barrister UK and SL Lawyer)+ Janaka Herat
Lankesha Herat
7 Manika Herat
6 Dhinuk Kiriella (Barrister UK,BA
Hons,UK,Degree in law UK)
5 Phillip M Jayawardena
Sopley Jayawardena + Mr Ekeneligoda
Aslin Jayawardena + Mr Sempo S Obeyesekere
JUSTIN. Son of late Mudaliyar Don Fredrick (Rickie),
Arthur Obeysekera Karunanaike Jayawardhana of Talpe Pattu
Galle and Lilian Elizabeth Rambukpotha, husband of Soma
Keppetipola Rambukpotha Jayawardhana, father of
Priyadarshani and late Gamini, father-in-law of Yasantha
Mahavithana and Sheruni, grandfather of Dulakshi, Dinugi
Shanelle Gershon and Jamian, brother of Diyaniya,
Duksie, Osmund, Jesmine Enld Iris and late Grace,
Quintus Oscar, Childres, Michael and Ivan,
brother-in-law of Nanda, late Chandra Rambukpotha and of
Sudharma and Leela. Remains lie at A.F.
Raymond’s Funeral Parlour from 8.30 a.m.
on 9th January 2019. Cortege leaves parlour on the 10th
January 2019 at 2.30 p.m. for cremation at the General
Cemetery, Borella (Old Crematorium).003145
1 Miss Obeyesekere + Rev Cornelius Senanayake b1820-d1886 (Son of
Senapathi KHV Senanayake)
Sophia Regina Senanayake+ Muhandiram John
Ferdinandaz Wijeratna Obeyesekere (1st Cousin)
3 Hope Cornelius Obeyesekere
b1882+ Edith Ganegoda ( d of
Disawe Gonagoda)
4 Sumana Obeyesekere +
James Henry de Livera
5 Daisy de Livera
Sita de Livera
5 Ratna de Livera
5 Juanita de Livera
5 Rukmani de Livera
5 Erin de Livera
Seetha Obeyesekere
Upatissa Obeyesekere + Moreen
5 Krishantha Obeyesekere + Niranjala Samarakkody
6 Dileni Obeyesekere
6 Andrew Obeyesekere
5 Sriyan Obeyesekere
5 Suranganee Obeyesekere
5 Indrani Obeyesekere
George Obeyesekere
Manik (Bunny) Obeyesekere
Duncan Obeyesekere + Wijesinghe
Warrel Obeyesekere + Rani Obeyesekere
Gihan Obeyesekere
Kumarini Obeyesekere
Dilip Obeyesekere
Dilushi Obeyesekere
4 Indrani Obeyesekere
4 Stanley Obeyesekere d2011
4 Leela Obeyesekere
4 Ruby Obeyesekere
Alien Obeyesekere
Emily Florence Obeyesekere b1880 (m1)+ Amunugama
3 Emily Florence Obeyesekere
b1880 (m2)+ James Samarasinghe
4 Fidella Samarasinghe
4 Margie Samarasinghe
Brixdous Samarasinghe
4 Godfry Samarasinghe
4 George Samarasinghe
4 Willie Samarasinghe
4 Bertie Samarasinghe
4 Winnie Samarasinghe
4 Douglass Samarasinghe
Akland Osmond Valentine Obeyesekere b1884+ Olive de Silva
4 Adaline Obeyesekere
4 Christy Obeyesekere
4 Moreen Obeyesekere
4 Faith Obeyesekere + Ranee
Manel Obeyesekere
Priya Obeyesekere d2011
Lakshi Obeyesekere
4 Eardly Obeyesekere
3 Corneliya Helen Obeyesekere b1892 + John Edward Senanayake
4 Constance May Ranee Senanayake
Edward Nandakumar Senanayake
4 Iris Senanayake
4 Conrad Senanayake
4 Neeta Senanayake
3 John Alvin Obeyesekere b1878
+ Myrtille Alice (Grace)
4 Hilda Alexandra Obeyesekere
Quinta Obeyesekere
4 Peace Obeyesekere
4 Holly Obeyesekere
4 Nivvy Obeyesekere
3 Lilian Grace Obeyesekere b1881 +(m1) Julias
4 Mercis Ratnayake
3 Lilian Grace Obeyesekere b1881 +(m2) Arthur
Fredrick Wijesinghe
4 Sumana Wijesinghe
3 Felix Obeyesekere b1885
3 Brixtius Obeyesekere b1886
2 Cornelia
Magneline Emiliya Senanayake + Adigar John Henry Meedeniya of Ruwanwelle
Meedeniya Walauwwa. (1867-1931)
3 AdleneMeedeniya+ Alexander Francis
Mollamure (First Speaker of the National Legislative Council
of Ceylon)
4 Sita Mollamure + LJ de S Seneviratne
5 Sunethra Seneviratne + Sepala Illangakoon
5 Lakshman de Silva Seneviratne
3 Ruby Alice Meedeniya+ Don Richard Wijewardane (The press Baron who was a leader of the
independence movement of Ceylon)
4 Ranjith Wijewardene +Ranjini Senanayake
(d/o Robert Senanayake, Brother of Premier Dudley Senanayake
and son of Rt. Hon D.S Senanayake)
5 Ruwan Wijewardene
5 Sujan Wijewardene
4 Seevali Wijewardene
Anil Wijewardene
4 Rani Wijewardene+ George Gomez
Janaki Gomez+ Sena Wijewardene
5 Rajitha Gomez
5 Shalini Gomez + Hurulle
4 KusumaWijewardene + Lal
5 AyomaGooneratne
5 Arjun Gooneratne +
Roshi Wijewardene
5 AmithaGooneratne
+ Cyanthi
5 ArushiGooneratne
+ Nihal Wadugodapitiya
4 Nalini
Wijewardene + Esmond
Wickremasinghe (3103)(Lawyer)
5 Shan Wickremasinghe (TNL TV- Chairman)
6 Ishini Wickremasinghe + Asitha Perera (MP Liberal
Party) STC b1959-d 15/9/2013 (Ambassador to Korea 2006-2009,Ambassodor to Italy 2011)
7 Anika Perera
7 Akila Perera
7 Anya Perera
Ranil Wickremasinghe.(b24/3/1949)(Attended
College.1972-Lawyer.1977 UNP MP from Biyagama electorate.1978
Cabinet Minister. Ministries served-Youth affairs, Employment,
Education, Industries ,Science& Technology.1993 Leader of
the House.(1)Prime
Minister (7th May 1993 to August 1994), (2)Prime Minister
(9th Dec 2001 to 7th Feb 2004), (3)Prime Minister
(9th Jan 2015 to Aug 2015),(4)Prime Minister
(Aug 2015 to 26th Oct 2018),(5)Appointed Prime
Minister again on 16th December 20/11/2019.Was
Leader of the Opposition 1995-2000,2005 to 2014 (UNP).Leader
of the UNP Party from 1994 to 2022.
Married Maithree Wickremasinghe.
in 1994. Professor of English.(Kelaniya University)
5 Niraj
5 Channa Wickremasinghe
5 Kshanika Wickremasinghe
3 Hercules
Joseph Meedeniya + Violet Ellawela
Indrani Kiriella
4 Iranganie Serasinghe
4 Kamani Vitharana
4 Mahinda Meedeniya+ Ruby Ellawela
1a Donie Obeysekere + Edmund Jayatilleke President
Mudaliyar Baddegama
1a Jossie Obeysekere
John Ferdinandus Wijeratne Obeyesekere b1835 CCS (had 10 chidren)
2 Muhandiram John
Ferdinandus Wijeratne Obeyesekere, b Aug 8 1853, d:Aug 7 1899 + Caroline
3 Dionysius C Ferdidandus Obeyesekere, Crown Proctor of
Galle, was educated at Colombo Academy later known as Royal
College, died in 1917 (Crown Proctor Galle 1908) (born approx 1870) (10
J E M Obeyesekere, b:April 25,
1899, Richmond/STC, Advocate 1922, Crown Counsel
1924, Barrister at Law-Greys Inn, Deputy Solicitor General,
Died at 46 years. JEM took to
teaching at All Saints College, Galle and later became
lecturer in Mathematics at the Government Training College,
Colombo, succeeding E.W.
Kannangara who passed into the Ceylon Civil Service in 1919.
It was at the Training College that he met his future wife.
+ Margaret
5 Ralph Obeyesekere
(b24/6/1930-d13/1/1989) (Stc Mtl)+Noble Rodrigo
6 Rajpal K Obeyesekere (Stassen Corp)+Wijayalakshmi
de Silva
7 Dhammika Obeyesekere
7 Shayani Obeyesekere
6 S.K.Lalith Obeyesekere (Former CEO Balangoda &
Madulsima plantations,Sec Gen
Planters Association)+Deepika de Silva
7 Nerooshika Obeyesekere + Roshan Joseph
7 Newanthi Obeyesekere (Solicitor)
6 Indira Obeyesekere (Quantas)+
Avinesh Kumar
7 Ayesha Kumar + Jarred Vos
7 Radya Kumar
6 Gihan Obeyesekere (Stc) + Anusha Siriwardene
7 Rajeeva Obeyesekere
7 Nishita Obeyesekere + Sofranoski
7 Delana Obeyesekere
6 Shiran Obeyesekere (Stc)+
Shamali Jayatilleke
7 Sheraj Obeyesekere
7 Nadish Obeyesekere
5 Anil Jayantha Obeyesekere,
b:18/5/1938, d:26/2/2007, STC Mt Lavinia, Presidents Counsel,
Chairman Petroleum Corp 1994-2001, Chairman SL Telecom
2004-2006, Chairman Lake House) + Irangani Eheliyagoda (Sister
of Percy Eheliyagoda)
6 Eromi Obeyesekere
6 Prasanna Obeyesekere
5 Mahen Obeyesekere
5 Valerie Obeyesekere
5 Rajitha I Obeyesekere
(Presidents Counsel)
5 Sriyani Obeyesekere
3 John Alvin Obeyesekere
b:Dec 15 1878 + Myrtille Alice (Grace)
Peace Myrtle Obeyesekere, b:Jun 13 1907
J G Hallam Obeysekere, b: 1908
Hilda Alexandra Obeyesekere, b:1913
Quinta Augusta Obeyesekere, b:Mar 18 1914
Holly Obeyesekere
Nivvy Obeyesekere
3 Emily Florence Sophia Regina
Obeyesekere b:24.1.1880 + Amunugama (div)
3 2nd spouse of Emily Florence Sophia
Regina Obeyesekere b:24.1.1880
+ James Alexander de Silva Samarasinghe (states
Senanayake records)
Fidelia Samarasinghe + Bishop Cyril Abeynaike
Chrishanthi Abeynaike
Lakshman Abeynaike
Margie Samarasinghe
Brixdous Samarasinghe
Godfry Samarasinghe
George Samarasinghe
Willie Samarasinghe
Bertie Samarasinghe
Winnie Samarasinghe
Douglass Samarasinghe
Lilian (Lily) Grace Obeyesekere b:Mar 1881 + Julias Ratnayake at St. Paul’s Milagiriya,
Mercis Ratnayake
Lilian (Lily) Grace Obeyesekere b:Mar 1881 + Arthur Fredrick Wijesinghe
Sumana Wijesinghe + Bibile
Tissa Bibile
3 [7] Hope Cornelius
Obeyesekere b:Aug 1882 + [8] Edith Ganegoda
(d/o Disawe Gonagoda)
4 Sumana Obeyesekere
+ James Henry de Livera (Jim)
5 Daisy de Livera
5 Sita de Livera
5 Ratna de Livera
5 Juanita de Livera
5 Rukmani de Livera
5 Erin de Livera
Seetha Obeyesekere (spinster)
[1] Upatissa Obeyesekere + [2] Everilda
Maureen (Dotta) Obeysekere, b:Feb 1 1918 at Ruwanwella
Chrisantha Obeyeskere + Niranjani Samarakkody
Dilini Samarakkody
Andrew Samarakkody
Srian Obeyesekere + Seetha Gamalathge
Surangani Obeysekere + George Ferdinandez)
Shane Ferdinandez
Ingrid Ferdinandez
Indrani Obeyesekere + Alfred Peiris
Gihan Peiris
Tyrell Peiris
6 Sweenie
Nimesh Peiris
George Obeyesekere
Stanley Obeyesekere d:2011
Alien Obeyesekere
Peter Obeysekere + Dora Wijesinghe
Manik (Bunny) Obeyesekere
Duncan Obeyesekere + Wijesinghe
Warrel Obeyesekere + Rani Obeyesekere
Gihan Obeyesekere
Kumarini Obeyesekere
Dilip Obeyesekere
Dilushi Obeyesekere
[3] Indrani Obeyesekere + [4] Faith Obeysekere
Manel Obeyesekere
Priya Obeyesekere d:2011
Lakshmi Obeyesekere
4 Leela Obeyesekere
Ruby Obeyesekere (spinster)
3 Acland Osmund Valentine b:14.2.
1884 + Adeline Muriel Olive de Silva Wijayatunga Goonasekere
Acland Christoffel Lambertus, b:July 23 1916
[2] Everilda Maureen (Dotta) Obeysekere, b:Feb
1 1918 at Ruwanwella + [1] Upatissa Obeysekere
Chrisantha Obeyesekere + Niranjani Samarakkody
Dilini Samarakkody
Andrew Samarakkody
Srian Obeyesekere + Seetha Gamalathge
Surangani Obeysekere + George Ferdinandez
Shane Ferdinandez
Ingrid Ferdinandez
Indrani Obeysekere + Alfred Peiris
Gihan Peiris
Tyrell Peiris
Sweenie Peiris
6 Nimesh Peiris
Radley Felix Trevine, b:29.4. 1919 at Kegalle
Eunice Clarida Aileen, b:27.10.1920 at Kegalle
[4] Acland Faith Obeyesekere, b:Sep 25 1922 +
[3] Indrani Obeyesekere
Manel Obeyesekere
Priya Obeyesekere d:2011
Lakshmi Obeyesekere
Eardly Hermen Spencer Obeyesekere, b:July 5
1930 at Panadura + Jayanthi Karunaratne, m:21.12.1968 at St. Francis
of Assisi Church Mt. Lavinia.
Jasmine Obeysekere born 21.2.70 in Cairo + Dr.
Guy Dinesh Fernando
Jayathri Fernando (b 8.10.2005 in NY)
Yannik Fernando (b 29.10.2008 in NY)
Harindra Obeysekere b:17.12.1973 in Colombo +
Chethana Dharmaratne
Chaniel (b:5.10.
? possibly Brixtius b:30.4.1886
(possibly deceased early in life)
Corneliya (Connie) Helen Obeyesekere b:9.11. 1892 + John
Edward Senanayake,married
at St Paul’s Milagiriya
4 Constance May Ranee Senanayake + Atapattu
5 Vijelakshmi Atapattu + George Dissanayake
6 Gishan Dissanayake
4 Edward Nandakumar Senanayake
4 Iris Senanayake + Arthur Attygalle
5 Lalini Attygalle + Edward Perera
6 Eransaka Perera + Sonali Seneviratne
7 Maheshika Perera + Ruwindra Angunawila
6 Rohanthi Perera
5 Sena Attygalle + Rukmani Samarakkody
6 Deepthi Attygalle +Richard Perera (UK)
7 Rohana Perera
6 Senaka Attygalle + Maria
7 Justin Attygalle
7 Jaden Attygalle
6 Dharika Attygalle + Suresh Ellawala
7 Sashen Ellawela
4 Conrad Senanayake
4 Neeta Senanayake b 1924-d 2002+ Stephen Samarakkody
(1910-1966)(MP1960 Polgahawela)
5 Sriyani Samarakkody + Mahinda Yatawaka
6 Nishamani Yatawaka + Anura Delgoda
7 Iresh Delgoda
7 Maneesha Delgoda
6 Haren Yatawaka + Dilani Pieris
Kiyana Yatawaka
7 Anithra Yatawaka
7 Janya Yatawaka
5 Nirmala Samarakkody + Shanthi Wickremasinghe
6 Ayanthi Wickremasinghe
6 Trishan Wickremasinghe + Amanda
Dilkara Samarakkody + Shanthi Perera
6 Haresh Peera
6 Shiara Perera
2 William Ferdinandus Obeyesekere, (born 1842) Mudaliyar of Morawaka Korale in 1867(CCS-had 5
children)(he was a brother of Joan
Ferdinandus Obeyesekere)
Daughter, Name Not Known + de Saa
Felix de Saa Bandaranaike + Angela (Angie),
sister of CWW Kannangara, educationist
Allan de Saa Bandaranaike
James (JEM) de Saa Bandaranaike
4 Bert
de Saa Bandaranaike
Angel de Saa Bandaranaike aka “Aunt Ann”
Daughter, Name Not Known
(Spinster) – started a school in Galle
Daughter, Name Not Known
(Spinster) – started a school in Galle
Allanson Herbert Obeyesekere, 1880-1963 (Galle) +
Daisy Enid Tennekoon, 1899-1959 (Kurunegala)
Dr Ivor Obeyesekere + Charmaine Wickramasinghe
Charmaine Michelene (Mimi) Nelun Obeyesekere +
Ajith Ratwatte
Ishanth Ratwatte + Chethika Hapugalle
(granddaughter of the late MDH Jayawardena)
Chayani Ratwatte + Afsar Badurdeen, son of
Farouk Deen & Rayaheen (Ruwaiha) ) of Nawalapitiya
Adrielle Soraya Deen
Roshan Lalene Obeyesekere + Vasantha Wijemanne
Sheana Roshan + Chanaka Thushara Wijeratne
Renouk Vasantha + Rukshani Weerasooriya
4 Indira Janine (unmarried)
4 Nayantara Charmini + Russell Taylor
Christopher Ruwan
Nicholas Romesh
Hamish Ravi
Varuni Renuka + Richard Saffery
Ella Renuka
William Richard
Sheila Devi Obeyesekere, 1925-2007 +
Duwadisavage Leslie Alan Winston de Alwis (Accounts Director
Colombo Commercial Co)
Shanthini Kamanita + Louis Arthur Hildebrandt
Katrina Shari Hildebrandt
5 Brendan
Joel Hildebrandt
Ryan Jedidiah Hildebrandt
Lalith Jayantha de Alwis + Deepthi Gooneratne
Lasitha Aravinda Wiren de Alwis
Lahari Roshani de Alwis
Lasanthi Dilhara de Alwis
Second spouse of Lalith Jayantha de Alwis +
Nilanthi Dilruha de Alwis
Mrinala Ione de Alwis
Caroline Obeyesekere (Sister of John
Ferdinandus Obeyesekere
(b1853)) + TB Ganegoda Disawe of Auckland Estate
Yatiyantota. (TB Ganegoda had a brother named Rev Cecil
Ganegoda.Chief priest of the Methodist Church)
[8] Edith Ganegoda + [7] Hope
Cornelius Obeyesekere (1st cousins) (b Aug1882)
4 Sumana
Obeyesekere + James Henry de Livera (Jim)
5 Daisy de Livera
5 Sita de Livera
5 Ratna de Livera
5 Juanita de Livera
5 Rukmani de Livera
5 Erin de Livera
Seetha Obeyesekere (spinster)
[1] Upatissa Obeyesekere + [2] Everilda
Maureen (Dotta) Obeysekere, b:Feb 1 1918 at Ruwanwella
Chrisantha Obeyeskere + Niranjani Samarakkody
Dilini Samarakkody
6 Andrew
Srian Obeyesekere + Seetha Gamalathge
Surangani Obeysekere + George Ferdinandez)
Shane Ferdinandez
Ingrid Ferdinandez
5 Indrani
Obeysekere + Alfred Peiris
Gihan Peiris
Tyrell Peiris
Sweenie Peiris
Nimesh Peiris
George Obeyesekere
Stanley Obeyesekere d:2011
Alien Obeyesekere
Peter Obeysekere + Dora Wijesinghe
Manik (Bunny) Obeyesekere
Duncan Obeyesekere + Wijesinghe
Warrel Obeyesekere + Rani Obeyesekere
5 Gihan
Kumarini Obeyesekere
Dilip Obeyesekere
Dilushi Obeyesekere
[3] Indrani Obeyesekere + [4] Faith Obeysekere
Manel Obeyesekere
5 Priya
Obeyesekere d:2011
Lakshmi Obeyesekere
Leela Obeyesekere
Ruby Obeyesekere (spinster)
Ellen Ganegoda + Gerald Dias
Felix Weerasinghe
Percy Weerasinghe
Lily Ganegoda + Denison Meegama
(Station Master Maradana)
Viva Meegama + Stanley Abeysinghe (Painter of
Portraits in SL)
Shrini Abeysinghe
Saumya Abeysinghe (Served at the UN)
4 Neil
Meegama + Noeline Seneviratne
Raja Meegama
Nissanka Meegama
Denzil Meegama + Mani Dassenaike (niece of
Siva Obeyesekere)
Isabelle Ganegoda + DDV Seneviratne of
Sita Seneviratne (Spinster)
Neela Seneviratne + Piyasena Tennakoon
(Advocate, MP for Hewahata,Deputyy Speaker)
Kithsiri Seneviratne (lawyer) + Ramani
Ratnayake (d/o Senator A Ratnayake)
Manisha Seneviratne (lawyer)+Ms Ellegala
(niece of Basnayake nilame of Kataragama Devale Kandy)
Lakshman Seneviratne (Bachelor)
Seneviratne (drowned as a child)
3 Ida
Henrietta Ganegoda, b:1900-d:1989 + Elias Lakshman Kodagoda
b:1896-d:1979, (Proctor at Bandarawela,Chaiman UC
Bandarawela& President Rural Courts.He was a son of Harry Kodagoda,
Inspector of Police Badulla,and of Anulawathi Rambukpotha
Loren Kodagoda (Banti) + Colonel Francis
Mahesh Kasturiarachchi + Dishna Jayamaha
Manohari Kasturiarachchi + Dr Anura Gunasekara
(Consultant Geologist)
Gordon St Elmo Kodagoda(Lawyer) + Trixy Peris
Sunimal Kodagoda (lawyer) +Christo Gunasekara
Geoffry Lakshman Kodagoda (Lawyer)+ Manel
Peris Seneviratne
Shiranthi Kodagoda(Lawyer) + Jayantha Peris
Chalinda Peris
Kushalini Kodagoda (Lawyer)+ Dr Shantha Herath
Dasunya Herath
Ivo Earl Kodagoda + Minnet Jordan
Lindsay Kodagoda
Nigel Kodagoda
Fritz St Clair Kodagoda (Advocate &
Barrister at Lincon's Inn)+Asokamali Palipane (From
Poojapitiya Kandy)
Thushara Kodagoda (Trevin)
Migara Kodagoda (Kevin)
Felicia Kodagoda +Wardy de Alwis (From
Rajakadaluwa Chilaw.His mother was from the Kehellela
Senanayake family.
Rohan Charles de Alwis,solicitor (Charles de
Alwis Solicitors, London) + Aruni Ratwatte (daughter of Dr
Asoka Ratwatte)
Shirly Kodagoda + Lakshman Karunanayake
Nirmani Karunanayake (Shano)
Elmo Karunanayake
Gwendolyn Kodagoda + Brigadier B Munasinghe
Lilani Munasinghe (Staff STC Mt Lavinia) +
Charith Samaradiwakara
Kavinda Samaradiwakara
Cherry Joyce Kodagoda b:1934-d:2014 + Dr
Ariyaratne Dunusinghe b:1929-d:1993 from Kurunegala. (A family
descending from Matale Aluwihare.Dunusinghe Mudiyanselage,whose ancestor had fought in the great
Matale Rebellion in 1848.)
Keerthi Dunusinghe (Lawyer) + Nayesha
Ranasinghe (daughter of former Minister AJ Ranasinghe.)
Ramith Dunusinghe
Yasith Dunusinghe
Kumar Dunusinghe (Lawyer) + Manouri Herath
(Lawyer) (daughter of Advocate HMP Herath and Sheila de Saa
Bandaranaike from Higngurupathwela Walauwa.) (Sheila was the
daughter of
of Sam Wijesinha's sister. Sam was one time
Secretary General of Parliament)
Punyajith Dunusinghe
Uthsara Dunusinghe
1a Harry? – Mudliyar Gangaboda Pathu? + Ellen Perera,
daughter of Perera
1a Ellen + J D Alwis Kachcheri Mudaliyar Kandy
1a Abraham + Matilda, Proctor Alexander Jayewardene’s daughter
0 Daniel Obeysekere, D.Q.A’s
clerk, Proctor, Notary, Municipal Councillor Galle, Justice of
the Peace. M. Aelian/Bastian Jayewardene Korala
Mudliyar’s daughter. Sister of A.
Jayewardene, Mudliyar.
1 Henry Ferdinandus Kataluwa Obeyesekere b1856
CCS+ lady from Wickramaratna family, sister of A. B.
Wickramaratna Atap. Mudaliyar Matara
Emie Obeyesekere + A
Jayewardene Atapattu Mud. Galle
Harry Jayawardene Mudliyar. Magam Pathu +
Padmini (Pabo) Obeyesekere, (d of Don David Obeyesekere
Mudaliyar & Elisa Weerasinghe)
FOAK Jayawardena (Rickie) Mudaliyar
Silviya Jayawardena
Clara Jayawardene + Dassanayake Proctor’s son
Abraham Jayawardene + Jane daughter of
Mahawelatenne RM
Sophie Jayawardene
Athline Jayawardene + Sempo son of David
Obeyesekere Mudaliyar
Lally? Obeyesekere – m. J.
Perera, Mud Talpe Pathu
Dilby? Obeyesekere – died
1 Abraham
Obeyesekere – stamp vendor, Interp Mohandiram of Matara
Police Court, Interpreter Mudaliyar Galle district court- died
an old bachelor
1 Francis (Pantho hamu) Obeyesekere + lady from Gunaratna family, cousin of E.R. Guneratna Atap. Mudaliyar
1 Ambo Obeyesekere + Jacob Alwis Mohandiram (not a member of Warahena family)
Eala? Alwis + Karunaratna Land Registrar, Ratnapura
Podda Alwis – died unmarried
1 Thomas Obeyesekere - Mud of
Matara Gangaboda Pathu, died a bachelor but left illegitimate
issue by a common woman
1 David
Obeyesekere (b approx 1850)–
Interpreter Mudliyar, D.C. Tangalle, interpreter Mudliyar
Balapitiya courts, Mud Magam Pathu, President Mudaliyar of
Magam Pathu (d 4/1/1895)+Eliza Wijekoon Dissanayake
Obeyesekere (may not be weerasinghe)
(This maybe David Ferdinandus Atadahawatte
Obeyesekere Mudliyar Galle b 1836)CCS ,
d 4/1/1895,mentioned
in gazette ceylon 1897,regarding
Eliza Wijekoon Dissanayake Obeyesekere
,can be the wife. Minor
children mentioned were, Chandra Lillia Seyampio Obeyesekere,Sirineki Nepala Obeyesekere,Padmawathi Obeyesekere,Chandrawathi
Iranganie Obeyesekere lama etini+ James Dunuwille
Registrar of Lands, Tangalle
Sempo Obeyesekere + Athlene Jayawardene, daughter of
Jayewardene Atapattu Mudaliyar
Nepo Obeyesekere(Nepala)
Pabo Obeyesekere (Padmawathi)+ Harry Jayewardene
Baby Obeyeseker
(4 children were minor in 1897.maybe born
between 1880 and 1890)
1 Punchi Hamine Obeyesekere - died unmarried
1 Adrian Obeyesekere – died
0 Catherine Obeyesekere + Manamperi, Mudliyar of (Not Known?)
0 Benjamin Obeyesekere – shot himself
0 Ango Obeyesekere + Manamperi Mudaliyar’s brother
00 Interpreter
Muhandiram of Meegamuwa (died a bachelor),
00 Philip
Ferdinandus Wijeratne Obeyesekere - Muhandiram of Adigare Maduwa, Corala of Western
Province in 1786 + Emalia Alwis
0 Mudaliyar Johannes Obeysekere, Mudaliyar of Rhde Galle 1809. & Mudliyar
Talpe Pathu.+ de Alwis
of Warahena, sister of Gate Mudaliyar D A de Alwis & aunt
of Hon. Jas de Alwis
1 Mudaliyar Johannes
Ferdinandus Wijeratne Obeyesekere, b:circa 1790, Mudaliyar Talpepattu) + daughter
of Abraham Goonathilake Siriwardhana de Alwis Mohandiram.
m:1810 approx
2 Don Bastian Ferdinandus Wijesiri Guneratne Obeyesekere b:1825, Mudaliyar Talpepattu Sourthern Province
(Mohandiram of the Attepattoo), Mohotty Muhandiram of Matara, Mudliyar Gangaboda
Pathu Galle, Mudliyar of Chilaw, + Cornelia Susanna Dias Bandaranaike b22/9/1827-d14/5/1896(Md 1842Galle)(1001) (Corneliya is a daughter of Don Solomon
Dias Bandaranaike, Mudliyar of
Udugaha Walauwa, &
Corneliya de Saram.)
3 Sir
Solomon Christoffel Obeyesekere b:12 Feb 1848
- d:13 Oct 1927), MLC, STC Mt.
Lavinia, Sinhalese representative in the Legislative Council
(1900-1916)+ Lady Ezline Maria de Alwis (He may have built the
Obeyesekere walauwa in Rajagiriya.SC Obeyesekere attended
King Edward V11 coronation.Was knited in 1911.)(Eziline
Maria de Alwis is a daughter of James de Alwis and Florence
DB)(Rescidence Hill Castle ,Silversmith
Street Colombo)
Daisy Ezline Obeyesekere, m:1898 + Sir Don
Solomon Dias Abeywickrema Jayatilleke Senewiratna
Rajakumaruna Kadukeralu Bandaranaike (Maha Mudaliyar) b:22-May-1862,
d:31-Jul-1946, Kt. Commander of the most distinguished order
of St. Michael and St. George, Horogolla Walauwwa, St Thomas'
College, Mohandiram 1882. Mudliyar Siyane Korale, After returning from UK, Governor
Arthur Havelock awarded Maha Mudaliyar title and All Island
JP. In 1897 went to UK as official representative for diamond
jubilee celebration and received medal. In 1902 revisited UK.
Received Coronation Medal and KCMG, m:18-Apr-1898
5 Solomon West Ridgeway
Dias Bandaranaike b:8-Jan 1899, d:26-Sep-1959, (Prime
Minister of Sri Lanka 1956-59, Assassinated by a Buddhist Monk
on September 25, 1959), St Thomas' College, educated as a
lawyer in UK, University of Oxford. Became Secretary of Oxford
Union in 1923, called to the bar in 1925, Member of the State
Council in 1931, Formed the Sinhala Maha Sabha in 1937, Active
in the UNP 1945-51 and established the SLFP after 1951, Prime
Minister 1956-59, To solve the ethnic issue he signed the
Bandaranaike-Chelvanaygam pact, which was repudiated due to a
campaign led by the Buddhist Clergy. Made Sinhala the official
Language + Sirimavo
Ratwatta, b:17/4/1916,
d:10/10/2000, m:2-Oct-1940 (First woman Prime Minister in the
World, Prime Minister, 1960-65, 1970-77, 1994-2000) (3060) Wikipedia
Account of Sirimavo
6 Sunethra Dias
Bandaranaike, b:1943 + Kumar Rupasinghe (div)
6 2nd spouse of
Sunethra Dias Bandaranaike + Udaya Nanayakkara
Dias Bandaranaike, b:29/6/1945, Early education at St
Bridgets Convent, Colombo, and graduated in Political Science
at Sorbonne University in Paris, Formed the Peoples Alliance
(PA) Party, President of Sri Lanka 1994-2005 + Vijaya
Kumaratunga, Film Actor, Assassinated 1988
7 Yasodhara Kumaratunga + Roger
Walker (M2007)
7 Vimukthi Kumaratunga
6 Anura Dias
Bandaranaike b: Feb-15-1949 d 15/3/2008, Educated at
Royal College, Member of Parliament 1977 to 2007,
Minister Higher Education 1993, Foreign Minister 2005, Leader
of the opposition, Speaker of the House, Minister of
Tourism/Heritage 2007
Alexandra Camelia Bandaranaike,
lived at "Samudragiri" Walauwa in Mount Lavinia + Leo
G. De Alwis b1880 approx
6 Shirlene
De Alwis + Earle
7 Amal Jayawardena + Waruni
6 Lankasa De Alwis (tenor
singer) + Joy
Dassenaike (cousins)
Ranjith de Alwis
8 Raneesha de Alwis
8 Radeena de Alwis
6 Rukie de Alwis b:26 Mar 1926-d 20 Mar 2017+ Percy Eheliyagoda
7 Leo Eheliyagoda + Ramya Wijetunge
7 Rosanth
Shalimar Eheliyagoda +
Uma Kumar Sharma
Shanikar Sharma
+Migara Alwis- m:2009
8 Aashiana
Alwis- June 2011
Sandesh Sharma
7 Charmaine
Eheliyagoda ,
Attorney-at-Law, + Lakshman
Madurasinghe, m:1979 , Stc, Attorney
at Law, Fellow-CIPD UK
8 Rosanath
Madurasinghe, + Nishani Fernando
9 Romaan
Athan Madurasinghe b Aug 2008
Lankani Eheliyagoda
Devika Eheliyagoda
5 Anna
Florentina Dias Bandaranaike + Abraham de Livera
6 S.Christopher O de Livera
(Lawyer) d 25/7/2011+ Nimal Pieris
7 Asanthi de Livera + Oswin de Alwis
7 Shanaka de Livera(lawyer)Stc
b1959+ Samanda Senaratne
8 Shelan de Livera
8 Sajin de Livera
7 Priyan de Livera (Lawyer) Stc
6 May de Livera
4 Ethel Mildred
Obeyesekere + Dr William Christoffel Pieris
Siriwardene b1867- d1945,
Christoffel Pieris Siriwardena, b:1867,
lived at 40,Silversmith Street Colombo. Educated
at STC and later at Marischal College Aberdeen. He
became a Senior medalist in
Pathalogy and Bacteriology. He graduated in MBCM. He was a
visiting Physician of General Hospital. Lecturer
in clinical medicine at Medical College. District
Medical Officer Haputale.Later Judical Medical Officer (see
pic below) + Ethel
Obeyesekere, (b:1885,
d:1930), m:1915
(3051)(daughter of S.C
Obeyesekere of Talpe Walauwa Galle.)
5 William Ian Pieris b1905 + Anula Dias Abeysinghe
6 Susil Pieris
6 Malkanthi Pieris + J.R Maurice Perera (former high
court judge)
7 Asoka Perera
7 Asanga Perera
6 Priyanga Pieris + Eranga (famous singing duo)
7 Dinuka Pieris (son)
5 Iranganie Pieris b1908
5 James Pieris b1910
4 Forester Augustus
Obeyesekere, (Speaker State Council), b:7-Aug-1880,
d:26-Dec-1961 (State Councillor)(Legislative Council
1924-1931)(captained the Royal cricket team) + Anna
Isabella Sykes (Forrester
may have lived close to Cotta Rd in 1910)(1894 he may have
been at STC,according to gazette.)
5 Boykin Obeyesekere
5 [6] Ezlynne Obeyesekere + [5] Ralph
St. L P Deraniyagala (1005)
6 Ralph Deraniyagala + Indrani
7 Arubind Deraniyagala
4 Lillian Augusta
Obeyesekere + William S Illangakoon (Chin) Mudaliyar
5 Christophel Panini
Illangakoon(b26/11/1919-d10/2/1989),Stc,MP for Weligama
1956-60,1970-77(m1) + Effie Samarakkody (m1)
6 Panini Illangakoon (jr)
5 Christophel Panini Illangakoon (b1919)(m2)+ Lilly Goonasekere
6 Dr Gamini Illangakoon (International Lawyer)+ Deepthi Ilangakoon
7 Sanka Illangakoon
7 Sulakna Illangakoon
Christophel Panini Ilangakoon (b26/11/1919-d10/2/1989) MP for Weligama (m3)
+Dona Vimalawathi Ranatunga
Ranjan Ilangakoon b1959 + Manel Illukkumbura b1961
7 Mahesh Ilangakoon b1984
7 Isuri Ilangakoon b1989
7 Rashmi Ilangakoon b 1993
5 Surangani Illangakoon
5 Mahnil Lilette Illangakoon + Roland Hugh Dias
6 Ayunil Dias Abeysinghe
6 Jayanthi Dias Abeysinghe
3 Sir
James Peter Obeyesekere I Barrister at Law (b approx
1850)+ Corneliya
Henrietta Dias Bandaranaike (Missie)b22/10/1855-d15/7/1935 (1001)(d of Christoffel DB &Anna Philipsz)(m
approx 1873)(James Peter Obeyesekere may have lived at Summer
Hill Mutwal in 1910.)
Obeyesekere bought the 9 acre land near the race course from
the crown in 1893 for Rs 39,000.The Walauwa called "Maligawa"
was built there.
4 Lady Hilda
Obeyesekere + Sir Paul
Edward Pieris, (Civil Servent, Historian), b:16/2/1874-1955,
educated at STC Mt Lavinia, Writer of Sinhala books and
Historian, (He wrote the book Sinhalese families which was
published in 1911), m:1905 (1001,1005)
5 Paules Edward Pieris
Deraniyagala (Paulie)b8/5/1900-1976 Director Museum,
(Scientist,Zoologist) + Prini Molamure (3117), m:28-Jun-1934,Dean Faculty of
Arts Vidyodya University 1961-64.
6 Paulus Arjun Mayadun
Deraniyagala + Miriam
7 Yvani Deraniyagala
7 Chandrup Deraniyagala
6 Ranil Yudisthira Deraniyagala
6 Dr. Siran Upendra Deraniyagala, b:1/3/1942-d
5/10/2021,(STCMtl) Ekneligoda Walauwa,
Kuruvita, Director General Dept of Archaeology, MA Trinity College Cambridge University, Post
Graduate Diploma in Archaeology, Phd Harvard
University.(He has published 40 research papers and held key
positions in the Dept of Archaelogy in the Cultural Ministry
6 Isanth Deraniyagala
5 Justin Pieris Deraniyagala
(Artist)20/7/1903-24/5/1967 Trinity College Cambridge-BA
Laws,1926/27 State School of Arts UK.
5 [5] Ralph St. L P
Deraniyagala (Lawyer, Civil Servant &Clerk of the
House of Repesentatives of
SL) + [6] Ezlynne
Obeyesekere (3051) (1st Woman Barrister)
Ralph Deraniyagala
(Bando) + Indrani
Arubind Deraniyagala
5 Miriam Pieris
Deraniyagala 1908-1999 + F Robert de Saram (s/o F R de Saram) (3126)
Rohan de Saram + Rosmary de Saram
Sophia de Saram
Suren de Saram
Skanda de Saram + Sharadha
Manorama Muthu Krishna (7010)
6 Druvi de Saram +
Sharmini Fonseka
7 Mandhira de
7 Radhika de
Niloo de Saram + Desmond Fernando
2nd spouse of Niloo de Saram + Jehan Edwards
4 ***Sir James Peter
Obeyesekere II, (b 1879-d1968)Kt, M.A, Maha Mudaliyar
& Chief Interpreter to his Excellency the Governor of
Ceylon. Barrister at-Law, Advocate of the Supreme Court,
Justice of Peace, District Commissioner., Educated at STC Mt
Lavina and Trinity College Cambridge London(1894)+ Amy
Estelle Dias Bandaranaike (b
10/8/1897)(M17/6/1914) (1001)(son in law of Gate Mudaliyar
Walter Dias Bandaranaike.)(1944 JPO wasMaha Mudliyar and Cheif
Interpreter)(Lord Soulsbary made him(JPO)
aid de camp in 1954-gazette),
5 James
Peter Obeyesekere III 14/7/1915-23/10/2007 (Late MP
Attanagalla, Deputy Minister of Health and Finance and Senator
1960-65, Royal College, Cambridge. Qualified as a pilot, Batadola
Walauwwe Nittambuwa, Royal College, Colombo 7, d:23 Oct 2007 + Sivagami
Dassanaike b
7/5/1929(Ladies College)(d of Louis Robert
Dassenaike and Charlotte Corea)(Siva
Obeyesekere-Minister of Health 1970) Founder of Laksala
OBEYESEKERE - DESHAMANYA JAMES PETER (Late MP Attanagalla, Deputy Minister of
Health and Finance and Senator), Only son of late Sir James
Peter Obeyesekere Maha Mudaliyar and Lady Amy Estelle
Obeyesekere, dearly loved husband of Siva, father of Peter and
Chantal, father-in-law of Dijen de Saram, grandfather of
Dhevan and Chiara. Remains will lie at Batadola Walauwe,
Nittambuwa from 12.00 noon on Wednesday 24th to 12.00 noon on
Thursday 25th October and in Colombo from 2.00 p.m. on
Thursday 25th to Saturday 27th October. Cortege leaves "Maligawa",
Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 at 1.00 p.m. Saturday
27th. Cremation at General Cemetery Kanatte at 2.00 p.m. DN
Wed Oct 24 2007
James Peter Obeyesekere IV Jr.
C H Obeyesekere b:9 May 2005
Chantal Obeyesekere + Dijen de Saram (3126)
7 Devan de Saram
7 Chiara de
4 Donald Obeyesekere,
b:1888-1964 STC/ROYAL (Member of the State Council&
Legislative Council,President National Olympic Committee of
Ceylon) + Johanna Ethel Perera (Donald was born at
Battadolla walauwe Veyangoda.)(Donald may have lived in
Rajagiriya in 1910)
(Donald Obeyesekere, had bought the 50 acres at
Rajagiriya from the Hewavitharana family and buit the 2
5 Danton Obeyesekere
(Boxing)(Barrister at Law) + Ruby
Dias Bandaranaike b29/1/1919(1001)(Md 19/5/1938)
6 Arjuna Obeyesekere, State
6 Shireen Obeyesekere + Priya
6 Indra Obeyesekere + Anoma
Illangakoon (3139)
7 Gemunu Obeyesekere
6 Ajith Obeyesekere + Shamala
Corneliya Sita Obeyesekere b 9/10/1913(Ladies
College) + Henry Ashmore Pieris b:1903
Sita Pieris d 13/4/2017+ Cecil Perera
Wimala Pieris + Dr Chitranjan Amarasinghe
7 Felix Amarasinghe
7 Nilanthi Amarasinghe
Hemal Pieris + Kanthi Weerasinghe
7 Asoka Pieris
7 Duminda Pieris
H S Mevan Pieris
b1946(Cricketer STC Mt Lavinia) + Dr Nirmala
7 Dilani
Pieris (AMW)+ Hiran Yatawaka
8 Amithra
8 Kiyana
8 Jaanya Yatawaka
Nilanka Pieris (Cricket Captain STC Mt Lavinia) +
Dilushi Wickremasinghe
Dineth Pieris
8 Nireka Pieris
5 Donald Asoka Obeyesekere + Eliza
Hilda Dias Bandaranaike b23/7/1912-d:29May 2011
(1001)(M22/10/1942) (d of Conrad Peter DB)
OBEYESEKERE - ELIZA HILDA - Wife of the late Asoka, mother of
Stanley, mother-in-law of Nelun, grandmother of Hasha, Asoka
and Anouk, sister of Sam (SD) Bandaranayake and the late
Peter, Hector, Ann and Edwin Dias Bandaranayake, expired.
Cortege leaves residence11/5, Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo
7 at 4.15 p.m. on Tuesday 31st May, Cremation at
General Cemetery, Kanatte at 5.00 p.m. DN May 30
6 Stanley Obeyesekere + Nelun
7 C Harshini Obeyesekere
7 S C Asoka Obeyesekere
7 S Anouk Obeyesekere
5 Fredrick Obeyesekere
(Barrister,Boxer)(1912-2001)89 years.
Amelia Obeyesekere, 1915-2004, Ladies College, Tennis Player +
Louis Pieris Deraniyagala, STC Mt Lavinia, Tennis Player,
nephew of Sir Paul Pieris
6 Surani Pieris Deraniyagala +
Chittranjan T Elangasekera
7 Shehara Elangasekera
7 Shanuka Elangasekera
7 Shalini Elangasekera
6 Ravindra Pieris Deraniyagala +
Amari Jayawardena
6 Chrisanthi Pieris Deraniyagala d
6 Rajini Pieris Deraniyagala + Neil Dias Bandaranaike
Ayendra Dias Bandaranaike
7 Priyanthi
Dias Bandaranaike
6 Savithri Pieris Deraniyagala +Dr
Raja Amarasekere
Rajindra Amarasekere + Gowri
8 Johnmark Amarasekere
8 Shania Amarasekere
Sherina Amarasekere
Sharmini Amarasekere
5 Alexander Obeyesekere
(Boxing)(1918-2002) (Represented Ceylon boxing in the
Commonwealth games 1950) + Mrs Marrs
4 Stanley
Obeyesekere + Brenda de
Saram (3126)(may have lived close to Kynsey Rd Colombo in
5 Nedra Obeyesekere (Tennis Champion)+ Colonel F C
de Saram (Derrick) (3126)
6 Tara
de Saram (National Swimmer) + Ralph Bolling
7 Julian Bolling (National
David Bolling (National Swimmer)
7 Jeremy Bolling (National
6 Oosha de
Saram (Swimming, Tennis) + Dunkirk
Neilendran Chanmugam, Board of The Maharajah Organization, s/o Edgar
Jeyomanie Chanmugam b:29 Jul 1894, d: 25 May 1963 & Constance
Letitia Mant (alias "Pansy", Principal & Founder of Tiny
Tots Pre School, d/o Henry Mant d:7 Dec 1980 & Lily
Gracelyn d:11 Apr 1949)
7 Anouk
Chanmugam (Golf) + George Ajit Zal Chitty
(SL Rifle Shooting Team at Olympics)
7 Dipika
Rukshana Chanmugam (Swimmer) + William Appleton Jnr.
7 Devin
Nijanthan Chanmugam (Swimmer)
5 Yolande Obeyesekere +
Oopatissa Illangakoon
Obeyesekere walawwa Rajagiriya, may have
been built by SC Obeyesekere around 1880
Dionysius Obeyesekere – Translator and Muhandiram of Fiscal’s office,
Galle. Died a bachelor but left 2 illegitimate children by a
common woman
Ango? Ungo? Obeyesekere – m (Name Not Known)
Elisa Obeyesekere + Perera, Clerk Galle
Kachcheri, brother of Muhandiram of Hinidum Pathu
Encina Obeyesekere + Moh?
Nonchina Obeysekere + Ekanayeke Doctor
3 Jancho
Obeyesekere + Brumpi Bandaranayake of Matara
Pabo Obeyesekere – died unmarried
Lavo Obeyesekere + son of
Hendrick Mohandiram, son of Lewis Gunasekera Mohandiram
Henry Hendrick
1 Miss Obeyesekere + Rev Cornelius
Senanayake b1820-d1886 (Son of
Senapathi KHV Senanayake)
Sophia Regina Senanayake+ Muhandiram John
Ferdinandaz Wijeratna Obeyesekere (1st Cousin)
3 John Alvin Obeyesekere
b:Dec 15 1878 + Myrtille Alice (Grace)
Peace Myrtle Obeyesekere, b:Jun 13 1907
J G Hallam Obeysekere, b: 1908
Hilda Alexandra Obeyesekere, b:1913
Quinta Augusta Obeyesekere, b:Mar 18 1914
Holly Obeyesekere
Nivvy Obeyesekere
3 Emily Florence Sophia Regina
Obeyesekere b:24.1.1880 + Amunugama (div)
3 2nd spouse of Emily Florence Sophia
Regina Obeyesekere b:24.1.1880
+ James Alexander de Silva Samarasinghe (states
Senanayake records)
Fidelia Samarasinghe + Bishop Cyril Abeynaike
Chrishanthi Abeynaike
Lakshman Abeynaike
Margie Samarasinghe
Brixdous Samarasinghe
Godfry Samarasinghe
George Samarasinghe
Willie Samarasinghe
Bertie Samarasinghe
Winnie Samarasinghe
Douglass Samarasinghe
Lilian (Lily) Grace Obeyesekere b:Mar 1881 + Julias Ratnayake at St. Paul’s Milagiriya,
Mercis Ratnayake
Lilian (Lily) Grace Obeyesekere b:Mar 1881 + Arthur Fredrick Wijesinghe
Sumana Wijesinghe + Bibile
Tissa Bibile
3 [7] Hope Cornelius
Obeyesekere b:Aug 1882 + [8] Edith Ganegoda
(d/o Disawe Gonagoda)
4 Sumana Obeyesekere
+ James Henry de Livera (Jim)
5 Daisy de Livera
5 Sita de Livera
5 Ratna de Livera
5 Juanita de Livera
5 Rukmani de Livera
5 Erin de Livera
Seetha Obeyesekere (spinster)
[1] Upatissa Obeyesekere + [2] Everilda
Maureen (Dotta) Obeysekere, b:Feb 1 1918 at Ruwanwella
Chrisantha Obeyeskere + Niranjani Samarakkody
Dilini Samarakkody
Andrew Samarakkody
Srian Obeyesekere + Seetha Gamalathge
Surangani Obeysekere + George Ferdinandez)
Shane Ferdinandez
Ingrid Ferdinandez
Indrani Obeyesekere + Alfred Peiris
Gihan Peiris
Tyrell Peiris
Sweenie Peiris
Nimesh Peiris
George Obeyesekere
Stanley Obeyesekere d:2011
Alien Obeyesekere
Peter Obeysekere + Dora Wijesinghe
Manik (Bunny) Obeyesekere
Duncan Obeyesekere + Wijesinghe
Warrel Obeyesekere + Rani Obeyesekere
Gihan Obeyesekere
Kumarini Obeyesekere
Dilip Obeyesekere
Dilushi Obeyesekere
[3] Indrani Obeyesekere + [4] Faith Obeysekere
Manel Obeyesekere
Priya Obeyesekere d:2011
Lakshmi Obeyesekere
4 Leela Obeyesekere
Ruby Obeyesekere (spinster)
3 Acland Osmund Valentine b:14.2.
1884 + Adeline Muriel Olive de Silva Wijayatunga Goonasekere
Acland Christoffel Lambertus, b:July 23 1916
4 [2]
Everilda Maureen (Dotta) Obeysekere, b:Feb 1 1918 at
Ruwanwella + [1] Upatissa Obeysekere
Chrisantha Obeyesekere + Niranjani Samarakkody
Dilini Samarakkody
Andrew Samarakkody
5 Srian
Obeyesekere + Seetha Gamalathge
Surangani Obeysekere + George Ferdinandez
Shane Ferdinandez
Ingrid Ferdinandez
Indrani Obeysekere + Alfred Peiris
6 Gihan
Tyrell Peiris
Sweenie Peiris
6 Nimesh Peiris
Radley Felix Trevine, b:29.4. 1919 at Kegalle
Eunice Clarida Aileen, b:27.10.1920 at Kegalle
[4] Acland Faith Obeyesekere, b:Sep 25 1922 +
[3] Indrani Obeyesekere
Manel Obeyesekere
Priya Obeyesekere d:2011
Lakshmi Obeyesekere
Eardly Hermen Spencer Obeyesekere, b:July 5
1930 at Panadura + Jayanthi Karunaratne, m:21.12.1968 at St. Francis
of Assisi Church Mt. Lavinia.
Jasmine Obeysekere born 21.2.70 in Cairo + Dr.
Guy Dinesh Fernando
Jayathri Fernando (b 8.10.2005 in NY)
6 Yannik
Fernando (b 29.10.2008 in NY)
Harindra Obeysekere b:17.12.1973 in Colombo +
Chethana Dharmaratne
Chaniel (b:5.10.
? possibly Brixtius b:30.4.1886
(possibly deceased early in life)
1 Caroline
Obeyesekere + Lewis Gunasekera, Muhandiram of T.P, resided at Kodagoda
1 Angelthina
Obeyesekere + Dissanayake of Kodagoda
1 Daniel
Obeyesekere, Weebadde Muhandiram of T. P. + lady from Dissanayake family of Urala
0 Adrian,
Muhandiram of Laandraad
Court + daughter of Mohandiram Samaranayake
1 Hendrick
Obeyesekere – died a
bachelor leaving behind several issue by a Goiyapane woman
1 Simon
Obeysekere – Registrar
of Marriages Births and Deaths m. from Amaranayake Danapala
family of Kodagoda
1 David – Registrar
of Marriages of Kataluwa + lady from Yapa family of Kodagoda
Madeline + Dassenaike
of Akuressa
Constantine + from Kariyapperuma
family – no issue
Adrian – unmarried
Arnold – unmarried
[Other Obeyesekere
family lines that need more information to be connected to
the small trees that we have so far researched and collated
- - - Any valid information of links between the above trees
will be much appreciated – Webmaster]
1 Trutand Henry Obeyesekere + Issabella Alfrida
Wijeyesinghe [this branch updated by Upali Obeyesekere on June
8 2016]
St. Elmo Obeyesekere
b:March 13, 1911 d:August 1983 (In Canada) + Eugenie De S.
3 John
Susantha Obeyesekere + Maureen Bastiansz (Domiciled in
Toronto, Canada)
Anne Obeyesekere + Jerome Rodriguez (Toronto,
Canada), m:Sep 2018
3 Marie
Suranganie Obeyesekere (Domiciled in Toronto, Canada) +
Nettleton Weerasinghe (Deceased)
Jude Weerasinghe
Drake Thorens
Josephine Weerasinghe
3 Upali
Augustus Obeyesekere + Tamara Augusta Wanniappa (Domiciled in
Toronto, Canada)
Adrian Obeyesekere
4 Bryan
4 Tanya
2 Swarna
Obeyesekere + Ernest Karunaratne (both deceased)
1 Freddy Obeyesekere (b
approx 1890),old thomian,drowned in the mediterranean
sea,during world war 1, (he was a brother
of Trutand Henry Obeyesekere.) (Freddy's ship ,Ville de
la ciotat,was torpedoed (30/12/1915) on it's way to europe,and
when in the water,Freddy had given his fotation lifejacket ,to
one of his peers ,who was not good at swimming.That peer
survived, and relayed the story to the family in Sri Lanka.)
00 Mudaliyar Ferdinandez Obeysekere
0 Anna
Ferdinandus Obeyesekere + Abraham de
Silva Wijesinghe (Salman ?) (b approx
1750) (Commander Mudaliyar Galle) (3190)
1 Don Louis de
Silva Wijesinghe + daughter of Telikada Mudaliyar
James de Wijesinghe + Miss de Silva (
and had 5 daughters.)
Missie Wijesinghe + CP Gunathilleke
1 Don Louis de Silva Wijesinghe +M2
of Telikada Mudaliyar
1 Don Louis de Silva Wijesinghe +M3 daughter
of Telikada Mudaliyar
Obeyesekere sub trees that need to be linked to
the main tree
A) 1 Obeyesekere
+ Rev Cornelis Senanayake (1820-1886) b:Jun
1820 –d:15/6/1886 (St Paul's Milagiriya, Christ
Church Dehiwela 1861-1886,
& Thimbirigasyaya)
Regina Senanayake + John Obeyesekere (see above)
John Henry Senanayake
Corneliya Emily Senanayake
Brooke Abraham Senanayake
B) 000 Domingo
Johannes Appuhamy
1 Don Bastian Karunanayake
KATHALUWA AHANGAMA who was sent to Mauritius to be
interpreter of Prison and of Ehelepola. (b
approx 1800)
( had 2 families, 1
in Mauritius, one in Ceylon). After coming
back from Mauritius, made Mudaliyar of Galle district,
Hanbantota, Ragam pattu, and gangaboda pattu + subsequent to 1828
married daughter of Mudaliyar Karunaratne of Kumbalwella,
Galle *in All Saints Anglican church. (their descendants inter
married from the Obeyesekere family of Kathaluwa, Ahangama).
Brother William married the other daughter of Mudaliyar
Karunaratne [Another document says Karunaratne of Kalegana
near Galle]
2 Don
Arthur Karunanayake Jayawardhana - b.approx 1830 Mudaliyar Bentota and
wallalawity korale in galle district 1876. Mudaliyar
Wellaboda pattu, Katcheri Mudaliyar and 1st interpreter
Galle Katchcheri, Atapattu Mudaliyar in Galle (In Book:
‘Mudaliyars of Ceylon’ by… and ‘Chieftains of
Ceylon by Van Sanden)(one of the oldest members of the Royal
Asiatic Society.) + Mimmi Obeyesekere
3 Gate
Mudaliyar Harry (Harold) Obeyesekere Karunanayake
Jayawardhana Mudaliyar of Magam Pattu 1897,1906
Mudaliyar West Giruwa Pattu etc. + Miss Padmini
Obeyesekere (Daughter of
Mudaliar David
Obeyesekere + Elisa Wirasinha)
4 Don Fredrick
Obeyesekere Arthur Karunanaike Jayawardena (Ricky )
Mudaliyar Talpe Pattu b1898 (1916 Clerk Native Dept Hambantota
Kachcherie,1924 Diploma of Agriculture,,1926Muhandiram Magam
Mudaliyar Talpe Pattu.+ (m5/5/1919)Lilian Elizebeth
Rambukpotha (b5/11/1905-d5/2/1960) (d of PB Rambukpotha)(photo see below)
5 Grace Jayawardena
5 Diyanya Jayawardena
5 Duksie Jayawardena
5 Jasmine Jayawardena
5 Enid Jayawardena
5 Iris Jayawardena
5 Quintas Jayawardena
5 Oscar Jayawardena
5 Ivan Jayawardene
5 Osmand
5 Childers Jayawardena
5 Michael Jayawardena
5 Justin Arthur Jayawardena d9/1/2019+ Soma
6 Priyadharshani Jayawardena
6 Gamini Jayawardena + Sheruni
7 Shenelle Jayawardena
7 Gershon Jayawardena
4 Sylvia
3 Harrold
Clara Jayawardena
Sopley Jayawardena
Aslin Jayawardena
C) Abraham
Ferdinandus Obeyesekere alive 1862
Also noted: Freddy Obeyesekere (old Thomian) drowned in the Mediterranean in
the 1st World War. (Out of 2000 volunteers
from the Ceylon Defence Force ,80
are believed to have been killed.)
D) Donald Asoka Obeyesekere , Barrister at-Law,Md 22/10/1942+Eliza Hilda Dias
Bandaranayake,b23/7/1912 (d of Conrad Peter Dias
E) 1 Obeyesekere
b 1870 (Arachchi ,18 village
headman under him)(Mathugama)
2 Obeyesekere (Studied Western Medicine)
2 Don David Obeyesekere b 1900 (changed name to
Dharmadasa Obeyesekere)+ Amara
Kannangara.(Dharmadasa Obeyesekere was lecturer at College of
indigenious medicine,Borella.)
3 Gananath Obeyesekere b 2/2/1930 (Professor of
3 Rohini Obeyesekere Teacher)(b1931)
+ Eric Perera (Surveyor)
4 Sasanka Perera (Professor of Sociology)(South Asian University Delhi) +Anoli
3 Vasantha Obeyesekere b29/12/1937 (uni of ceylon 1962)(b 1937-d 2017)(born in Mathugama)
Film Director
4 Asanga Obeyesekere
4 Kaniska Obeyesekere (UK)
(Grand children, Vineth,Kesara
and Gunitha)
F) Don Richard Ferdinandus Wijeratne
Obeyesekere (Mudliyar Kandekele pattu)
References-Relative Merits
Prepared by:
Mr Manjula de Livera
16th January 2022
Obeyesekere Wikipedia
Solomon Christoffel Obeyesekere
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Solomon Christoffel Obeyesekere (12
February 1848 – 13 October 1927) was Ceylonese lawyer
and legislator. He was an unofficial member of the Legislative
Council of Ceylon
life and career
Christoffel Obeyesekere was born 12 February 1848, the
youngest son of Don Bastian Ferdinandus Wijesiri Guneratne
Obeyesekere, Mudaliyar of Talpe
Pattu and Cornelia Susanna Dias née Bandaranaike (daughter of
Don Solomon Dias Bandaranaike, Mudliyar of Udugaha).[2] His
older brother was James Peter
Obeyesekere I. His
father died soon after he was born and his mother returned to
Colombo. She then married her cousin, Rev. Samuel William Dias
Bandaranaike and they had two boys and two girls. The oldest
son, Felix Reginald was a Supreme Court judge.
educated at Royal Academy and S. Thomas'
College, Mutwal.[2] In 1866
he passed the entrance examination for the Calcutta
University, obtaining a first
class diploma in 1868. He was apprenticed to Charles Ambrose
Lorensz and in 1872 he
qualified as a proctor, heading
the list in every subject.[2]
in his legal practice, Obeyesekere managed the large family
land holdings and was elected President of the Low Country
Planters’ Association. In February 1900, Obeyesekere was
appointed as the Unofficial Member representing the low
country Sinhalese in the Legislative Council, replacing Anthonisz De
Alwis Seneviratne.[3][4] He
served on the Council until 1916.[1] In 1902
he was among the Ceylonese representatives invited to attend
the London Coronation of
King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra.[2][5] He was knighted in 1911
as a Knights Bachelor.[6]
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James Peter
Obeyesekere I (????-1880) was a Ceylonese legislator. He was an unofficial member of the Legislative Council of
Ceylon representing the Sinhalese until his early death
in 1880.[1]
James Peter Obeyesekere was born the eldest son of Don Bastian
Ferdinandus Wijesiri Guneratne Obeyesekere, Mudaliyar of Talpe Pattu
and Cornelia Susanna Dias née Bandaranaike daughter of Don
Solomon Dias Bandaranaike, Mudliyar of Udugaha.[2]
His younger brother was Solomon Christoffel
Obeyesekere. His father died soon after he was born and
his mother returned to Colombo. She then married her cousin,
Rev. Samuel William Dias Bandaranaike and they had two boys
and two girls. The oldest son, Felix Reginald
was a Supreme Court judge.[2]
He married Corneliya Henrietta Dias
Bandaranaike, daughter of Gate Mudaliyar Don
Christoffel Henricus Dias Bandaranaike and sister of Sir Solomon Dias
Bandaranaike, Head Mudaliyar (1895-1928). Their sons
were Sir James Peter
Obeyesekere II, the last Maha Mudaliyar and Donald Obeyesekere, member of
the State Council. Their
daughter Hilda
Obeyesekere married Sir Paul Edward Pieris of the Ceylon Civil Service.
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Sir James Peter Obeyesekere II, Maha Mudaliyar, JP (1879–1968) was a Ceylonese colonial-era headmen. He was the
last Head Mudaliyar and served as aide-de-camp to the British Governor of Ceylon and Governor General of
Born to James Peter Obeyesekere I,
a barrister and Corneliya Henrietta Dias
Bandaranaike, daughter of Gate Mudaliyar Don
Christoffel Henricus Dias Bandaranaike and sister of Sir Solomon Dias
Bandaranaike, Head Mudaliyar (1895-1928). He was the
brother of Donald Obeyesekere, member of
the State Council and his
sister Hilda
Obeyesekere married Sir Paul Edward Pieris of the Ceylon Civil Service.
Educated at S. Thomas' College,
Mutwal and at Trinity College,
Cambridge gaining a MA, he
became a Barrister and on his return to Ceylon
became an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Ceylon.[2]
Having joined the colonial
government service as a District Commissioner, he
succeeded his uncle Sir Solomon Dias Bandaranaike to the post
of Head Mudaliyar (Maha Mudaliyar)
in 1928. The post which was part of the staff of the British
Governor, serving as his chief interpreter, native
representative, adviser and aide-de-camp, therefore was one of
the most powerful personalities in British colonial Ceylon. He was
the last to hold the appointment serving under several British
Governors and Governor Generals in the post independence era.
He was present when his nephew Solomon West
Ridgeway Dias Bandaranaike took oaths as Prime Minister
in front of the Governor General Sir Oliver Goonetilleke
on 12 April 1956. No other appointments to the post of Head
Mudaliyar were made and it was dispensed with after the
Bandaranaike government suspended British honors. His uniform
was donated to the Colombo National Museum
following his death by his family.[2]
He was appointed a Knights Bachelor for public
services in Ceylon in the 1936 New Year Honours by
King George V and was appointed a Justice of the Peace by the
He married Amy Estelle Dias
Bandaranaike and their son James Peter Obeyesekere
III was elected a member of parliament and served as the
acting Cabinet Minister of Health and Finance.
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James Peter
Obeyesekere III |
left |
Secretary to the Minister of Health and Finance |
Member of the
Sri Lankan Parliament |
In office |
Preceded by |
Succeeded by |
details |
Born |
July 1915 |
Died |
October 2007 (aged 92) |
Nationality |
party |
Spouse(s) |
Residence |
Occupation |
Profession |
service |
Unit |
Deshamanya James Peter
Obeyesekere III (14 July 1915 – 23 October 2007) was a Sri Lankan politician and aviator. A Senator, he was also a Parliamentary Secretary
to the Minister of Health and Finance.[1][2]
Born to Sir James Peter Obeyesekere
II, a barrister who was an advocate of the colonial era
Supreme Court of Ceylon and served as the last Maha Mudaliyar (the chief
native interpreter and adviser to the British Governor of Ceylon). His
grandfather was Sir James Peter Obeyesekere I.
The young
James Peter Obeyesekere was educated at the Royal College, Colombo.
attended Trinity College, Cambridge,
he was an active member of the Cambridge Union.
Educated at the Royal College, Colombo,
Obeyesekere went on to study at Trinity College,
Cambridge gaining a MA. There
he was a member of the Cambridge Union Society
and of the Debating Team of Trinity College. An accomplished
sportsman, he was awarded a half blue in athletics at
Cambridge, later becoming a certified athletics coach and
excellent horseman and equestrian. He went on to become a barrister.
created aviation history in South Asia when he became the
first Sri Lankan to undertake what is erroneously described as
a "solo flight" from England to Sri Lanka in November 1946, in
close company with another pilot in an identical Auster
With the outbreak of World War II he joined the Cambridge University Air
Squadron becoming a qualified pilot, he was invited to
join the Royal Air Force as a pilot,
however he turned down the offer and instead joined the Royal Observer Corps. In
November 1946, he flew his single-engined Auster Autocrat home to Ceylon
from England, becoming the first Ceylonese to make such a
flight. Throughout the epic journey, Obeyesekere was
accompanied by Sqdn. Ldr. Roderick A.F. Farquharson in an
identical Auster. Farquharson's not insignificant role in that
epic flight was described in contemporary newspaper reports
and early articles by Obeyesekere himself.[3]
His aviation interests were also
strong as he was the Chairman of the Colombo Flying Club until
its takeover by the government. He gave his Auster to the
Ceylon Air Academy for civilian pilot training. The aircraft
was destroyed in a fatal accident on March 11, 1971, but
nearly 40 years later it was rebuilt for static display at the
Sri Lanka Air Force Museum, Ratmalana in memory of his flight
from England to Ceylon.
A racing enthusiast he competed in
many racing events in Sri Lanka, India and England. He won the
Grand Prix de Lanka. He was the vice patron of the Classic Car
Club of Ceylon and was the only Asian to be elected an
Honorary Life Member of the prestigious Bentley Drivers’ Club.
He was also members of the British Automobile
Racing Club and of the Cambridge
University Automobile Club. Obeyesekere was very active
in the scout movement and was a former president of the Sri Lanka Scout
James Obeyesekere and his wife Siva, supported their kinsmen, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike when
he left the United National Party and
formed the Sri Lanka Freedom Party
in 1951, becoming founding members. He contested the
parliamentary seat of Mirigama in the 1952 general
election, but lost. After S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike was
assassinated in 1959, he contested from his constituency the Attanagalla
electorate in the 1960 July
general election and entering parliament. S.W.R.D.
Bandaranaike's widow, Sirimavo Bandaranaike who
became prime minister appointed Obeyesekere as Parliamentary Secretary
to the Minister of Health and thereafter Parliamentary
Secretary to the Minister of Finance. He did not contest the 1965 general
election, stepping down in-favor of Sirimavo
Bandaranaike to take over her late husband's constituency, in
return Obeyesekere was appointed a Senator serving until
the Senate was abolished in 1971. His wife entered politics in
1965 contesting from the Mirigama electorate, which was her
home town. He contested the 1977 general
election from Mirigama and was
defeated by Mahendra Wijeratne. In 2006,
he was conferred the national honour of Deshamanya by President Mahinda Rajapakse.[4]
He married Sivagami Dassanaike, they had two children, James Peter IV
and Chantal.
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Donald Obeyesekere, MBE (1888–1964) was a prominent colonial era legislator from Ceylon.
He was a member of the State Council of Ceylon,
the Legislative Council of
Ceylon and was the President of the National
Olympic Committee of Ceylon.[1][2]
Educated at S. Thomas' College,
Mt Lavinia and at the Colombo Academy, he gained a BA
from University of Cambridge,
where he won blues for boxing. On his return to Ceylon he
introduced boxing in the country. He was appointed a Member of the Order of
the British Empire for public service.
He married Johanna Ethel Perera and
they had five children; Danton, Corneliya, Asoka, Fredrick,
Amelia and Alexander. The Donald
Obeysekere Prize is awarded at Royal College, Colombo in
his memory.
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Hon. Sir Forester
Augustus Obeysekere |
In office |
Preceded by |
Succeeded by |
details |
Nationality |
(Sri Lankan) |
Residence |
House, Cotta road |
Forester Augustus Obeysekere[1]
(7 August 1880 – 26 December 1961) was a prominent colonial era legislator from Ceylon.
He was the Speaker of the State Council of Ceylon
and a member of the Legislative Council of
Born to Sir Solomon Christoffel
a member of the Legislative Council, F A Obeysekere was
educated at Royal College, Colombo,
where he captained the cricket team at the Royal-Thomian.[5]
He later studied at Cambridge University.[6]
He was elected an unofficial member from the
Southern Province Central (Matara) to the Legislative Council
in the 1924
Legislative Council election and retained his seat till
the Legislative Council was dissolved and replaced by the
State Council in the 1931 State
Council election, when he was elected as deputy speaker. In 1934, he
became Speaker when Sir Francis Molamure
stepped down for personal reasons.
He married Anna Isabella Sykes and
they had two children, Boykin and Ezlynne. Ezlynne married
Ralph Deraniyagala, MBE who became the Clerk of Parliament.
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Alex Obeysekere |
Medal record
Men's Boxing |
Welterweight |
Alexander "Alex" I. Obeysekere (March 1918 –
28 April 2002)[1]
was a Ceylonese sportsman. He won a Bronze
medal at the 1950 British Empire Games.
He was the welterweight champion in the 1940s and was a member
of the Ceylon contingent to the 1948 Olympic Games. He went
on the represented Ceylon in boxing in 1950 Commonwealth Games
in Auckland winning the Bronze medal in welterweight.[2]
He was born in Colombo
to Donald Obeyesekere and was
educated the Royal College, Colombo.[3]
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Obeyesekere |
In office |
Preceded by |
Succeeded by |
Member of the
Sri Lankan Parliament |
In office |
details |
Born |
May 1929 |
Died |
December 2017 (aged 88) |
Nationality |
party |
Spouse(s) |
Residence |
Occupation |
Deshamanya Sivagami Verina "Siva"
Obeyesekere (Sivagami; née Dassenaike; 7
May 1929 – 23 December 2017) was the Cabinet Minister of Health
(1976-1977) and a Member of Parliament from Mirigama. She is
known as the founder of the Laksala and Lakpahana.
Born at the Dassanayake Walawwe in Mirigama to Lois Robert Clifton
Dassenaike and Amybelle Charlotte Valerie née Corea, she was
educated at Ladies' College, Colombo,
where she was a hostel prefect and sports captain. Dr Gamani Corea and Vijaya Corea were her
step-brothers. She married James Peter Obeyesekere
III, the only child of Sir James Peter
Obeyesekere II, Maha Mudaliyar.[1]
James and Siva Obeyesekere,
supported their kinsmen, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike when
he left the United National Party and
formed the Sri Lanka Freedom Party
in 1951, becoming founding members. She assisted her husband
in his unsuccessful campaign for the Mirigama electorate
in the 1952 general
election and in the successful campaign for the Attanagalla
electorate in the 1960 July
general election. James Obeyesekere would serve as the Parliamentary Secretary
of Health and Finance, thereafter he was appointed to the Senate of Ceylon in 1965.[1]
When James Obeyesekere was the member of parliament for Attanagalla
from 1960 to 1965, Siva Obeyesekere organized community health
programmes in 127 villages in the Attanagalle electorate and
actively began to develop handicraft and handloom centres. In
1961, she was appointed Chairman of the Small Industries
Board. In 1963, she was appointed the Chairman of the
Accommodation Committee and a Member of the Tourist
Development Council that drafted the Tourist Development Act.
In 1964, she started the Laksala, which was the first
Government Cottage Industries Emporium and became the Chairman
of its Advisory Board. She also established the Craftsman’s
Association of Sri Lanka promoting the Master Craftsman’s
Apprenticeship Scheme. In 1973, she was elected President of
the National Artisans and Craftsman’s Association.[1]
She contested the Mirigama electorate
in the 1965 general
election from the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and won the
seat defeating Wijayabahu
Wijayasinha and entered parliament. She retained her
seat in the 1970 general
election defeating Professor W. S. Karunaratne. She was
appointed Parliamentary Secretary
of Health by Sirimavo Bandaranaike in
1970 and was promoted to Minister of Health in 1976 succeeding
George Rajapaksa. During her
tenure, she introduced the National Family Health Programme,
which was later adopted by the United Nations as an
international model. Senator Edward Kennedy gave her a special
award of appreciation for her efforts. In 1973, she was
elected Vice President of the Status of Women in Family
Planning conference in Djakarta and lead
the Sri Lankan delegation to the World Population Conference
in Bucharest. She was elected Vice
President of the World Health Organization Conference in Geneva
in 1977. However, she was defeated in the 1977 general
election in the landslid victory of the United National
She founded the Lakpahana, a private
company that sold local handicrafts. In 1991, President Ranasinghe Premadasa
awarded her the Deshamanya title and was elected the
first President of the World Craft’s Council affiliated to
UNESCO. In 1993, she was the "Kamala Saamaan" in memory of
Kamala Devi Chattopadyayi of India for the development of
Laksala. In 2006, she was appointed National Consultant to the
Ministry of Rural Industries and Self-Employment Promotion and
was later appointed a Presidential Adviser to
President Mahinda Rajapakse. In 2009,
she was appointed to the S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike National
Memorial Foundation by President Rajapakse.[1]
Siva Dassenaike married James
Obeyesekere and they had two children, James Peter Obeyesekere
IV and Chantal De Saram.[1]
Obeyesekere Family Pics:
***Sir James Peter Obeyesekere, Kt, M.A, Maha Mudaliyar & Chief
Interpreter to his Excellency the Governor of Ceylon. Barrister at-Law,
Advocate of the Supreme Court, Justice of Peace, District
Commissioner. 1879-1968, Educated at STC Mt Lavina. Nephew of Sir Solomon Dias Bandaranaike.
Son of Corneliya Henrietta Dias
Bandaranaike. Brother of Donald Obeyesekere. Married
Estelle Dias Bandaranaike
* Siva Obeyesekere :
Founder of Laksala honoured by Crafts Council of India
Sivagamie Verina Obeyesekere, well known
as Siva Obeysekara, founder of Laksala was garlanded with
Kamala Sammaan award by the Crafts Council of India in April
this year for her research work and dedicated contribution to
the field of art and crafts.
The award was given to five artisans
including Siva in memory of Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, reviver
of Indian traditional crafts and a freedom fighter. The other
four award winners were from India. Siva was the only
foreigner among these honoured at the occasion. She received
the award from Governor of Karnataka T. N. Chaturvedi at the
birth cenetary celebrations of Kamaladevi at Chitra Kala
Parishat in Bangalore.
Still active highly in her community work
day and night, Siva spoke of her good old days for the Sunday
Observer readers.
"Social service has been something in my
blood veins since I was a school girl at Ladies College," she
said adding "After getting married to J. P. Obeyesekere in
1948 I got wider horizons to serve people". J. P. Obeyesekere
became the Deputy Minister of Health, and then the Deputy
Minister of Finance.
After her husband's retirement from
politics, she launched in to politics. She contested twice.
Breaking several records, she won the Meerigama seat from the
Sri Lanka Freedom Party in 1965 from the opposition and in
1970 from the government. She held the posts of Deputy
Minister and then the Minister of Health making her name in
"I saw the poverty of people as well as
their talent and skill which can be used to overcome it if
recognised and guided properly. Since I wanted to get a clear
picture of what I was going to do, I went to India and met
Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay who was in the process of reviving
Indian crafts at that time," said Siva.
Following in Kamaladevi's footsteps Siva
worked hard continuously to revive the crafts and handlooms of
Sri Lanka. Equivalent to Indian Cottage Industries Emporium
originated by Kamaladevi, Siva set up Laksala in 1964 in Sri
While being its founder Chairperson, Siva
promoted branches of Laksala throughout the country, which not
only opened the doors for a craft revival, but assisted in
preserving the craft traditions of Sri Lanka and boosted the
income of the poor craftsmen and their families in the
villages.Siva was the Chairperson of the National Crafts
Council for several years. She organised the Sri Lanka
Craftsmen's Association (SLCA) in 1964 and was its President
for many years.
Lakpahana was the craft outlet she
established to promote quality handicrafts of the members. "It
was the golden era for the handloom industry of Sri Lanka,"
she recollected. "The looms are still inside the sealed
buildings all over the country. It's a 'shame and sad'
situation that nobody is thinking of re-starting the dead
industry. It's a heritage of this country which would provide
many job opportunities at village level," she lamented.
Siva was the first person from a
developing country to be the President of World Crafts Council
from 1992 to 1996. She was also President of World Crafts
Council Asia Pacific Region from 1996 to 2000. She was also
the first woman to be awarded the National Honour of
'Deshamanya' by late President R. Premadasa.
Siva Obeyesekere had a full life that an
Asian woman would rarely get. Aging has never been a problem
to her. Still active and energetic she holds many posts in
several educational and service organisations. Siva is at
present a member of the National Advisory Council for the
Ministry of Health.
"My next dream is to open a museum of
traditional handicrafts and handloom textiles which I have
been collecting as samples for years and years. They will
definitely be the part of the history of Sri Lanka," she said.
JP Obeyesekere 3 and Siva Obeyesekere,
Siva with President Mahinda Rajapakse
JP Obeyesekere 3
Siva Obeyesekere with daughter Chantal de Saram ,
grand children Dhevan and Chiara.
Close to the Racecourse Avenue, was the
urban Walauwa,the "Maligawa",which
belonged to JP Obeyesekere. Maligawa originally stood on 9
acres of land, bought from the crown for Rs 39,000 in 1893 by
Mrs Corneliya Obeyesekere.(wife of
James Peter Obeyesekere 1)
In 1939,Sir
James Peter Obeyesekere 11,on the request of Royal College
granted the house with it's furniture, for the use of the
hostel. However in 1941,during the
world war 2,the maligawa,with the Royal College premises was
taken over by the British Army.The school was turned into a
miitary hospital,and the maligawa, became the officers mess,
for the Royal Air Force. Several years later
,it was returned to the Obeyesekere family, and it
became the house of Deshamanya JP Obeyesekere.111.
Alex Obeyesekere and the golden era of boxing
Nooks and Corners by Geoff
Another of our boxing greats, Alex
Obeyesekere, who represented this country at the first post
World War Two Olympics at Wembley in London, passed on last
He was one of those who reigned during the
golden era of boxing in this country, along with Albert
Perera, Leslie Handunge, Eddie Gray, F. C. de Niese, D. V.
Bodaragama, H. P. Jayasuriya, K. Edwin, Barney Henricus, O. M.
D. V. Perera, the Raymond brothers Gene and Derick - one of
whom fought in India with the Rangers Boxing Club, who paid
frequent visits to Colombo - A. C. Dassanaike, M. Welvitigoda
and several others whose names do not now come to mind through
the mists of time.
Alex Obeyesekere was the welterweight
champion in the mid and late 1940s. An aggressive boxer with a
knockout punch, he thoroughly enjoyed a good scrap. Often,
when he received a good punch from his opponent, Alex would
acknowledge it immediately with a nod of his head.
I was fortunate to be a spectator at a
number of the national boxing meets.
One of the most keenly contested of them
was for the Clifford Cup, a team event, at which the famous
Rangers Boxing Club regularly participated.
Alex Obeyesekere fought for Royal College
and the YMCA and hailed from a family of boxers. His brothers
Danton and F.W. were also champions. Danton coached Royal
College for a number of years and produced some first class
I had the privileges of knowing Alex quite
closely as he was one of the best friends of my father. In
later years, after he had retired from boxing, I used to meet
him at the Fort YMCA restaurant and chat with him over a cup
of tea.
He had a heart of gold and stood by his
friends through thick and thin.
My father who
was a keen boxing fan, took me to witness most of those meets
during the golden era of boxing.
Most of them were held at the Colombo Town
Hall and some at Zahira College, Maradana.
By far, according to my view, the best
boxer Sri Lanka has ever produced was Albert Perera. A
bantamweight, at his peak, he had no peer, nationally or
Blessed with a beautiful style, deft
footwork and a pair of strong arms, which worked like pistons,
Albert would bob and weave his way through his opponent's
defences and then land flurries of punches with machine gun
rapidity. His infighting was of world class and his forte.
Fortunately, we were able to see the best
of him as he had some very good opposition in K. Edwin, Leslie
Handunge, D. V. Boderagama and H. P. Jayasuriya.
The bouts between them were all science,
the science of good, clean boxing, no slugging or wild
punches, but the epitome of what boxing was really meant to
Another very clean boxer was Eddie Gray
who, if my memory serves me right, was a light heavyweight.
His fights with F. C. de Neise were very clean and equally
scientific, with Gray always being the superior in every
After his retirement, Eddie Gray, who
migrated to Australia, continues to pay regular visits to Sri
Lanka and has done a great service for boxing here.
However, due largely to internal squabbles
amongst officials, the sport has suffered and is now in the
The new President of the Amateur Boxing
Association, M. Thangavelu, a senior police officer and a
former Thomian boxer, has vowed to revive the sport and lift
the standard of boxing to what it was in the past.
Albert Perera, Alex Obeyesekere and Leslie
Handunge represented Ceylon at the Wembley Olympics in 1948
with Albert losing in the semi-final over a very doubtful
decision by the referee.
As a 10-year-old, I had the privilege of
accompanying my father to wish 'bon voyage' to that Olympic
team at the Colombo Harbour on board the 'SS Herefordshire'.
It was led by Duncan White, who won a
silver medal in the 400 yards hurdles, losing to the American
Steve Cochran.
Duncan White would have secured the gold
but for his having knocked down a hurdle at a very crucial
stage of the race, when he was in a winning way. An
interesting incident involving Alex Obeyesekere
who was the Thomian boxing coach in 1952 and I, is worth
I had won my weight at the annual House
Meet by a knockout and stood a good chance of representing the
college at the forthcoming Stubbs Shield meet. My big problem
was how to divide my time between cricket and boxing.
However, I managed to get half an hour off
from cricket for boxing practices. One afternoon, I was
particularly tired what with a gruelling fielding and batting
practice session, when I arrived at the college hall for
boxing practice. I was asked to spar with a fellow boarder
with whom I had successfully fought a few months earlier on
the green outside the cistern baths.
Unfortunately for my opponent, he not only
got the worst of the exchanges, but to add to his humiliation,
the towel which was wrapped around his waist fell to the
ground, much to the merriment of our fellow boarders, who had
gathered round to witness the fight.
Just before we started sparring that
afternoon during boxing practice, I told my opponent,
"Machang, go easy as I am tired." But, this request apparently
served as an encouragement for the chap to seek revenge for
his earlier defeat on the green. From the word go, he launched
a furious assault.
As I stated earlier I was very tired and
in no mood to engage in a grudge fight. As he came at me
again, I opened my right glove and let him have a thundering
whack on his ear, which began to bleed.
My opponent then stopped fighting and
complained to coach Alex
Obeyesekere that I had landed a foul blow, which caused his
ear to bleed.
After listening to the complaint, Alex did
not even call for my defence, but immediately
ordered me get out and stay out. That was the end of my
very brief boxing carrier. Of course, the coach was right and
whether I was tired or not I had no
right to engage in street fighting.
I last spoke to Alex Obeyesekere when I
telephoned him to get some information for an article on
boxing I was writing a little over three years ago.
After I had identified myself, I sought
the information I wanted, to which he replied, "I can't
remember anything.
My mind is a blank after taking the
punches you chaps gave me."
obit: Feb 26 2007 Daily News
- ANIL JAYANTHA (President's Counsel). Beloved husband of Iranganie, precious
father of Prasanna and Eromi, son of the late Mr and Mrs JEM
Obeyesekere, brother of the late Ralph and Mahen and of
Valerie, Rajitha (R.I.) and Sriyani, brother-in-law of the
late Percy Eheliyagoda, Donald Karunaratne and of Nobel,
Varini, Frank Pimanda and Rukmani Eheliyagoda, expired.
Cortege leaves residence at 5.15 p.m. on Wednesday 28th
February 2007 for Cremation at 6 p.m. at the General Cemetery,
Kanatte. 135 1/6, Old Nawala Road, off
Senanayake Avenue, Nawala. Daily News
Obeyesekere. Thomian. Presidents Counsel. Held responsible posts, viz; Lake House
Chairman, Sri Lanka Telecom Chairman. Married Irangani Eheliyagoda.
Had 2 children.Prasanna and Iromi. Irangani Eheliyagoda is the brother of
Percy Eheliyagoda who married Rukie de Alwis (daughter of Alex
Bandaranaike-SWRD's sister)
Anil Obeyesekere
'Tribute to the memory of Anil Obeyesekere
President's Counsel'
Daily News, Tue Mar 6 2007:
CONDOLENCE: The death of Anil Obeyesekere P.C. after a
brief illness, sent waves of shock and bitter sorrow not only
among his close family members but among the large circle of
his friends, associates in politics and of Lake House where he
was the Chairman at the time of his demise; his wide circle of
friends and associates naturally was larger with those of two
huge corporate bodies. Sri Lanka
Petroleum Corporation and Sri Lanka Telecom where he was the
The numerous floral tributes and banners
of the various corporations and institutions including that of
the Bar Association of Sri Lanka, that glittered at Anil's
home and precinct where his remains lay, mutely but eloquently
expressed the feelings of deep sorrow in appropriate words of
those who loved and respected him.
It was my privilege and pleasure to have
known Anil for more than three decades. He was not only my
learned friend in the true sense of the term in our profession
but also my dear and sincere personal friend till his passing
away. To me Anil certainly was the friend that the famous
English poet Shakespeare had in mind: "Those friends thou hast
and their adoption tried/Grapple them to thy soul with hoops
of steel."
"Life! We've been together/through pleasant and through
cloudy weather: T's hard to part when friends are dear/Perhaps
't will cost a sigh, a tear;/Then steal away give little
warning;/Choose tine own time;/Say not Good night!; but in
some brighter clime:/Bid me 'Good morning'.
Anil proved himself not only a good friend
but also a gentleman par excellence. In the Eighteenth Century
Edmund Burke wrote "that a king may make a nobleman but he
cannot make a gentleman." How true it is even today.
I emphasize without fear of contradiction
that Anil was both a noble man and a gentleman. He hailed from
a noble and respected family in the country: His professional
talent and success was recognized and honoured by the Head of
State having been appointed President's Counsel. His ability
as an administrator was recognized having been appointed Trade
Commissioner of Czechoslovakia and later the Chairman of three
massive corporate bodies aforementioned.
I remember with affection and deep
gratitude Anil's last great act of humanitarian service
rendered a few days before he fell ill and was hospitalised
for heart surgery. On a mere telephone call by me on a Friday
afternoon to help my niece, a journalist at Lake House, to
enter Apollo hospital, Colombo, to undergo immediate heart
surgery, even before she could fax the necessary formal
documents, by Saturday noon his secretary informed me to
collect the necessary letter of admission to the hospital and
that saved the life of this patient.
It was chronic irony of fate that by the
time this patient was discharged after successful surgery,
Anil was hospitalised and passed away in the early hours of
26th February 2007 to our bitter grief. I noted to Lake House
his loss was irreparable.
That was Anil the good and sincere friend
and gentleman. The usual jargon of officious administrators
sincere to red tape than a friend, "I'll see. I'll consider,
I'll look into the matter when I receive the papers etc," was
certainly not in the vocabulary of Anil. He acted and acted
fast like the gentleman and trusting friend that he certainly
This gracious quality of Anil was
confirmed to me by a class mate of his, Bhatiya Jayaratne at
S' Thomas College, Mt. Lavinia where Anil had his education
and this no doubt speaks volumes for his Alma Mater too.
At his funeral at Kanatte, Borella,
speaker after speaker spoke in high praise of Anil's
achievements as a lawyer and administrator and his
contribution to the SLFP and to the community and society and
the country at large.
It was in the fitness of things that since
President Mahinda Rajapaksa was out of the Island His
Excellency's message of condolence to the bereaved wife
Iranganie, daughter Eromi and son Prasanna was read by Hon.
Minister W. D. J. Seneviratne.
Minister Maithripala Sirisena, Secretary
of the SLFP emphasised that unlike others Anil served the SLFP
during times when the party was not in power and that he
displayed a great love and loyalty for his party. In fact I
had noted myself personally the truth of this assertion of
Anil's great love of the SLFP.
In or about 1974 Anil prevailed upon me to
enroll myself as a member of the SLFP although I told him that
I had quit politics since 1960 as I was called upon to perform
acting judicial functions often during that time.
Anil's death certainly is a great loss not
only to his bereaved wife and family and close friends but
also to his motherland which he served as a true patriot.
"Now racks a noble heart/Goodnight sweet
prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."
Anil's body was cremated and turned to
ashes but undoubtedly his soul has risen and soared into
heaven or nirvana. May his soul rest in
Vernon Botejue J. P. U. M., Nugegoda
JP Obeyesekere dies
Former senator and Attanagalla MP J.P Obeyesekere,
passed away yesterday. Husband of a former Health Minister and
MP for Mirigama, Siva Obeyesekere, Mr.
Obeyesekere successfully contested the Attanagalla seat at the
July 1960 Parliamentary general election and functioned as the
Deputy Minister of Health and Finance till 1965. His remains
now lying at the Batadola Walauwa in Nittambuwa will be moved
to his residence at No. 19, Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 7 at 2
p.m. today and will remain there till 1 p.m on October 27
(Saturday). The funeral will take place at Kanatte, Borella at
2 p.m on Saturday. Daily Mirror Thu Oct 25 2007
References-Relative Merits
Prepared by:
Mr Manjula de Livera
16th January 2022
Royal College Prefects 1934 - J P Obeyesekere
is seated in front row second from right
A life decorated
with flying colours
James P. Obeyesekere - Sunday Times Dec 9 2007
My friend JPO passed away at the age of
92. James was my dear friend from the age of five. We joined
prep school together, rode the first bicycles, fitted with
solid tyres and no brakes. To stop you had to peddle
backwards. At Royal College, James was an athlete, a talented
tennis player, and a rifle shot. He won the Herman Loos Rifle
Cup in 1933. James was annoyed when reference was sometimes
made to his parents, when asked to stand on the form with the
words "Arise Sir James".
James left school in 1933. Of our 60 class
mates, only James and Clive De Mel managed to get admission to
Cambridge and Oxford. When James arrived at his College in
Cambridge, he saw a bearded pot-bellied man whom he thought
was the hall porter. He asked him to help him carry his
luggage to his room. James was horrified the next day, when he
met his tutor. He was the same pot-bellied man he had met the
previous day and true to British tradition he said nothing.
At Cambridge, James organized sports car
racing for the undergraduates, and converted an abandoned air
field into a race track. He qualified as a pilot at the
University Flying Club. When war broke out, the Royal Air
Force invited him to join as a pilot, but he declined and
served as an observer of enemy planes in the Air Force.
When the war was over he sold his
collection of sports cars and purchased a single engine
airplane to fly back to Ceylon. His father was worried he
would crash and wrote to James "Be careful when you fly over
the Alps”.
His epic flight route was, however, down
south through Arabia and India. I was delighted to receive him
at home the day after he landed in Ceylon, and recounted our
old days together. James flew his plane over Colombo. When he
repeatedly flew over Ladies College, his girl friend, pointed
up to the aeroplane, and told her class mates, "That's my
In Ceylon he was a keen supporter of motor
sports. He built his own Cooper Special racing car at home.
James installed the first Intensive Care Unit within the
operating theatre complex in this country. Of our 60
schoolmates, only five are still around today. We used to meet
every year the day before the Royal Thomian match. Sadly, our
dear friend James has left us. May his
soul rest in peace.
Senator Deshamanya James Peter Obeyesekere
Daily News Mon Feb 5 2008:
James Peter Obeyesekere had many sides to him. He was conscious that he
belonged to an aristocratic family but he still had the common
touch and was able to move with the poor just as his cousin,
the late Prime Minister S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike did.
It was in form V at Ladies College that I
first came to know of James. My class mates some of whom were
his relations were full of admiration for a young man who had
just graduated from Cambridge University and ventured on a
solo flight from London to Ceylon in the mid 40’s. There was
much speculation amongst the senior girls, especially his
relatives as to which of them would win his heart. Of course
it had to be Sivagami Dassanaike good sports woman, ballroom
dancer, excellent organizer of many social events at Ladies
College, and above all an attractive girl (who was later to
become the Minister of Health) who swept the board.
Quoting from James appreciation of Felix on
page 142 in the volume F D B "it all happened after the
demise of Prime Minister S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike, and
Mrs. Bandaranaike was in deep mourning. Very soon afterwards when a general
election was announced for 1960, it was found that a
delimitation of electorates had taken place. What was until
then the Attanagalle electorate was divided into two, for
the first time, namely Attanagalle and Dompe. Understandably
Mrs. Bandaranaike did not wish to enter the political field
at this juncture, and so it was that she requested me to
contest the Attanagalle seat, to which I agreed. The
question then arose as to a suitable candidate for Dompe.
She was inundated with a flood of requests from Mr.
Bandaranaike’s staunch supporters of the area, the large
majority of whom did not match up to the required standards
as far as voter-acceptance was concerned. It was a
precarious situation which lasted for quite some time, until
suddenly one night a thought came to me that there was a
young man (Felix Dias Bandaranaike) who might be the answer
to our problem. I suggested it to Mrs. Bandaranaike who was
quite taken up with the idea and requested me to sound him
on such a proposal."
James came over to our home in Colpetty
with Barnes Ratwatte and had a discussion with Felix about the
proposal. Felix asked as to why James was continuing in
politics "It was then that I told him I personally felt
that people like ourselves owe it to the Country to come
forward and serve the people to the best of our abilities
and as I was already in politics in a small way as a
Village Committee Member, I found it to be a very rewarding
service to the nation. It was a sacrifice I was prepared to
make. This I believe struck a chord in his mind."
There was A. P. Jayasuriya a stalwart of
the SLFP who gave great support to Mrs. Bandaranaike and I
recollect quite well that James and Felix worked hard on a new
party policy manifesto in December 1959 but unfortunately one
of the party supporters spirited away a copy of it and it
appeared in the next day in the newspapers. Felix and James
immediately got down to drafting a new policy programme which
had to be produced in a day or two. Thereafter, James and Siva
worked as a team through out the two elections in March and
July 1960.
Now to come to some humorous incidents. It was reported that James who contested
the Mirigama seat for the SLFP in 1956 election of S W R D
Bandaranaike was asked by the party high command not to
address a particular community by its name. We are told that
he tacked on "Nonawaruni Mahathwaruni" to their name
and created quite a stir (My apologies if this is only a
family joke).
In the 1960 July election James and Felix
decided to canvass together in the Nikavaratiya electorate.
Both of them with their feudal heritage had to arrange to take
their cheese and butter in a food flask and also to take their
mosquito nets. Since the toilets were far away from the
mudalalis’ house where they stayed, they did not think twice
to go in their cars to the desired spot. I of course termed
their trips as a Laurel and Hardy show. James, although from
the aristocracy had a kind heart and as a Veyangoda Village
Council Member he knew how to move with the poor and
understand their problems. With Siva they kept up the
traditions of the Obeyesekere family and donated huge tracts
of lands in the Siyane Korale for schools and hospitals. Up to
date the Obeyesekeres have taken a great interest in the
supervision and administration of these places, including the
Wathupitiwala hospital in Veyangoda.
When James used to race in the Mahagastota
hills, he once took Felix as a navigator, and if you ask me
Felix was a drag on him. Nevertheless James won some of the
events he took part in. James was fond of children and I
recollect that in one race Gwen Herath’s daughter was his
co-companion. I remember him having long discussions with my
nephew Hiran about racing cars and aeroplanes.
Stanley Obeyesekere in his appreciation of
James at the memorial service at Ladies College told the
congregation that James was a fun loving and kind uncle. Tara
Bolling his niece also told us what a committed Christian he
was and his great commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ until
the very end of his life.
James virtually forced Felix to get his
baby Austin car of a very old vintage which Felix had
purchased from N. E. Weerasuriya, Q.C, repaired. James had a
large collection of vintage cars of which he was proud of. I
am sure that if he lived a little longer he would have
encouraged his grand children, Chiara and Dhivan to be clever
racing drivers.
The Broadacres at Batadola, Veyangoda
which his father owned were distributed to the villagers
around and James was left with a mere fifty acres under the
Land Reform Act of 1972. He was a good agriculturist and took
a great interest in his fertilizer programme and was keen to
compare notes with other land owners left with -the same 50
James had gone. That era is no more. God
rest his soul and may James be remembered as a feudal
aristocrat who was incorruptible, fair and honest in his
judgment of people and who never lost the common touch.
At the memorial service of 12th January
2008 at Ladies College Chapel the first page of the hymn sheet
I have only slipped away in to the next
Lakshmi Dias Bandaranaike
The appellation of ‘Gentleman’ has
unfortunately been overused in recent years and has tended to
lose its value. However everybody who has had even the
briefest contact with Deshamanya J.P. Obeyesekere will agree
that here indeed was a gentleman in the highest possible
Although born into and raised in a life of
wealth and privilege, JPO was a man with the common touch. He
moved freely with his tenant farmers to whom,
he like his predecessors, donated his lands with the
introduction of land reform. It was so even with his workforce
as he did indeed with the people of Attanagalla, who twice
elected him as their MP with a massive majority.
He was appointed junior minister of health
and junior minister of finance and threw himself into his job
with great dedication and vigour. But, people who knew him
soon realised that this was not his métier which prompted him
to give up politics.
In consideration of the great service
performed by him, JPO was later appointed to the Senate. His
idea of politics was entirely one sided — asking nothing for
himself except to be of service to the people and his country.
He put all his weight behind his charming
wife Siva, who is herself a Deshamanya, and served as possibly
the best minister of health that this country has ever had.
She was instrumental in introducing positive concepts of
maternal and child health, reduction in under nutrition and
its effects on both mothers and babies. She was also
instrumental in setting up an excellent family planning
service which together with the above put our country at the
top in indices of health in the whole of Asia.
As a student James used to walk across the
road to Royal where he had his primary and secondary education
before going up to Trinity College in Cambridge. A little
known fact was that the Rev. W. S. Senior, ‘poet laureate’ of
Sri Lanka and later vice principal of Trinity College, lived
with the Obeyesekeras at ‘Maligawa’ and was James’ personal
tutor while teaching at the Colombo University.
James’ stay in Cambridge was interrupted
by World War II but he soon joined the Cambridge University
Air Squadron and went on to fly for the Royal Observer Corps
delivering new and repaired aircraft to their operational
bases. This did not prevent him from gaining an M.A. (Cantab),
election to the Cambridge Union and a half blue in athletics.
He owned several cars of which his
favourite was a chain driven Fraser-Nash and a 4.5 litre
blower Bentley and a 3 litre Bentley. In severely rationed
Britain, petrol for running these came from the allowance he
received as a pilot in the RAF.
He joined the Bentley Drivers’ Club and
the British Automobile Racing Club and was keenly active in
their affairs until his last days. He was the only Asian to be
elected an Honorary Life Member of the prestigious Bentley
Drivers’ Club of England.
On learning that many brand new aircraft
were up for sale cheap, JPO bought a single engined
Taylorcraft fluster and flew it solo from Cambridge to
Ratmalana. The account of this epic journey was published some
years ago, and will be still available in bookshops.
He was chairman of the Colombo Flying Club
until its takeover by the government. He gifted his Fluster to
the Air Academy to train young pilots. His plane was
unfortunately wrecked in an accident, and the restored engine
of that plane is currently available with the Sri Lanka Air
Force as a permanent exhibit at the Sri Lanka Air Force Museum
in Ratmalana to commemorate his historic solo flight.
After his marriage to Sivagamie
Dassenaike, a union of Royal and Ladies’ Colleges and of two
leading families in Siyane Korale, he settled down to raise a
family and care for his estates. His motor sporting interests
centered on the various hill climbs of which Mahagastota was
paramount. It was however in the Monsoon Reliability Trials
that James was able to show his real skills and style as a
James was a classic example of a
sportsman. He competed because it gave him pleasure and never
to be proud of having won at an event.
Dr. Michael Abeyratne
SO Mar 6 2007
'Tribute to the memory of Anil Obeyesekere
President's Counsel'
CONDOLENCE: The death of Anil Obeyesekere
P.C. after a brief illness, sent waves of shock and bitter
sorrow not only among his close family members but among the
large circle of his friends, associates in politics and of
Lake House where he was the Chairman at the time of his
demise; his wide circle of friends and associates naturally
was larger with those of two huge corporate bodies. Sri Lanka Petroleum Corporation and Sri Lanka
Telecom where he was the Chairman.
The numerous floral tributes and banners
of the various corporations and institutions including that of
the Bar Association of Sri Lanka, that glittered at Anil's
home and precinct where his remains lay, mutely but eloquently
expressed the feelings of deep sorrow in appropriate words of
those who loved and respected him.
It was my privilege and pleasure to have
known Anil for more than three decades. He was not only my
learned friend in the true sense of the term in our profession
but also my dear and sincere personal friend till his passing
away. To me Anil certainly was the friend that the famous
English poet Shakespeare had in mind: "Those friends thou hast
and their adoption tried/Grapple them to thy soul with hoops
of steel."
"Life! We've been together/through pleasant and through
cloudy weather: T's hard to part when friends are dear/Perhaps
't will cost a sigh, a tear;/Then steal away give little
warning;/Choose tine own time;/Say not Good night!; but in
some brighter clime:/Bid me 'Good morning'.
Anil proved himself not only a good friend but also a
gentleman par excellence. In the Eighteenth Century Edmund
Burke wrote "that a king may make a nobleman but he cannot
make a gentleman." How true it is even today.
I emphasize without fear of contradiction
that Anil was both a noble man and a gentleman. He hailed from
a noble and respected family in the country: His professional
talent and success was recognized and honoured by the Head of
State having been appointed President's Counsel. His ability
as an administrator was recognized having been appointed Trade
Commissioner of Czechoslovakia and later the Chairman of three
massive corporate bodies aforementioned.
I remember with affection and deep
gratitude Anil's last great act of humanitarian service
rendered a few days before he fell ill and was hospitalised
for heart surgery. On a mere telephone call by me on a Friday
afternoon to help my niece, a journalist at Lake House, to
enter Apollo hospital, Colombo, to undergo immediate heart
surgery, even before she could fax the necessary formal
documents, by Saturday noon his secretary informed me to
collect the necessary letter of admission to the hospital and
that saved the life of this patient.
It was chronic irony of fate that by the
time this patient was discharged after successful surgery,
Anil was hospitalised and passed away in the early hours of
26th February 2007 to our bitter grief. I noted to Lake House
his loss was irreparable.
That was Anil the good and sincere friend
and gentleman. The usual jargon of officious administrators
sincere to red tape than a friend, "I'll see. I'll consider,
I'll look into the matter when I receive the papers etc," was
certainly not in the vocabulary of Anil. He acted and acted
fast like the gentleman and trusting friend that he certainly
This gracious quality of Anil was
confirmed to me by a class mate of his, Bhatiya Jayaratne at
S' Thomas College, Mt. Lavinia where Anil had his education
and this no doubt speaks volumes for his Alma Mater too.
At his funeral at Kanatte, Borella,
speaker after speaker spoke in high praise of Anil's
achievements as a lawyer and administrator and his
contribution to the SLFP and to the community and society and
the country at large.
It was in the fitness of things that since
President Mahinda Rajapaksa was out of the Island His
Excellency's message of condolence to the bereaved wife
Iranganie, daughter Eromi and son Prasanna was read by Hon.
Minister W. D. J. Seneviratne.
Minister Maithripala Sirisena, Secretary
of the SLFP emphasised that unlike others Anil served the SLFP
during times when the party was not in power and that he
displayed a great love and loyalty for his party. In fact I
had noted myself personally the truth of this assertion of
Anil's great love of the SLFP.
In or about 1974 Anil prevailed upon me to
enroll myself as a member of the SLFP although I told him that
I had quit politics since 1960 as I was called upon to perform
acting judicial functions often during that time.
Anil's death certainly is a great loss not
only to his bereaved wife and family and close friends but
also to his motherland which he served as a true patriot.
"Now racks a noble heart/Goodnight sweet
prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."
Anil's body was cremated and turned to
ashes but undoubtedly his soul has risen and soared into
heaven or nirvana. May his soul rest in
Vernon Botejue J. P. U. M., Nugegoda
DN Sat Apr 25, 2009
110th Birth Anniversary:
Some reflections on the life and times of JEM
Recently we have heard well deserved praise of
the Police Department for some swift detections.
Time was when the Police took pride in solving crimes and duly
bringing criminals to justice. That was an era when officers
received recognition of their merits and politicians seized no
opportunities to interfere with investigations. Then the
underworld had no inroads to power, politics or the police.
One of the most difficult cases that was dependant entirely on
circumstantial evidence came up in Ceylon in 1933. A native of
the United Kingdom, Alexander Kennedy, who had lived in
Colombo since 1909 traded in footwear and skins in the Times
Building. He was accused of causing mischief by fire in
respect of the building which contained his shop and of the
property therein to improve his embarrassed
financial position so that moneys could be claimed from the
Insurance Company.
The case involved evidence relating to
complicated financial transactions and to technical scientific
matters regarding the cause of the fire. A decision had to be
made whether the fire was due to an electrical short-circuit
which ignited the coal gas or was the result of the accused
owner deliberately setting fire to his stock, over which
petrol had been poured.
The evidence
The collation of the evidence was by the Police,
with the professional assistance of JEM Obeyesekere, acting
Deputy Solicitor General. The trial lasted 34 days before
Justice Allan Drieberg. The accused was unanimously convicted
on October 20, 1934. The appeal to the Privy Council was
dismissed. Their Lordships mentioned that the summing-up to
the Jury was unexceptionable. This was the first case in
Ceylon in which it had been proved that a fire was
deliberately caused to defraud an insurance company.
On April 11, 1934 a European planter whilst
engaged in transporting a large sum of money was shot dead.
That was the Talgaswala Murder Case in which the investigation
presented considerable difficulty and the evidence was
entirely circumstantial which JEM helped the Police to gather.
The courage and enthusiasm with which he devoted him self to
this complicated trial revealed a keen sense of duty. The
trial started in November 1934, soon after the Kennedy case.
His masterly opening of the case for the Crown, and the skill
with which he handled the circumstantial evidence on which the
case solely depended, revealed the thorough manner in which he
had studied the progress of the investigation from the very
slender clues which led to the arrest of the accused.
Some may remember a similar case in the late
1940s - the White House case - where a planter was shot on the
way to Ratnapura. Here, the planter's wife who was driving the
car, had the sense to drive away
with her dead husband by her side. Justice A.C. Alles (now in
retirement) was the young prosecuting Crown Counsel who
brought the case to a sensationally successful conclusion.
JEM was educated at Richmond College, and at S.
Thomas' College. His colleagues at S. Thomas' were S.W.R.D.
Bandaranaike, A.G. Ranasinghe, L.J. de S. Seneviratne, K.
Somasuntharam and S.P. Wickramasinghe (the latter four became
Civil Servants), S.J.V. Chelvanayakam, E.B. Wikremanayake,
L.W. de Silva, Col. S. Saravanamuttu and R.S.S. Goonewardena
(all of them became Advocates and the last a member of the
State Council and Ambassador to the U.S.A.) F.J.T. Foenander
and A.S. Rajasingham (who became doctors), H.A.J. Hulugalle
(who became Editor of the Ceylon Daily News), D.T. Wijeratne,
the Government Scholar who was principal of Dharmasoka
College, Ambalangoda, I.H. Wijesinghe who also selected the
teaching profession, was Classics Master at Royal College and
retired as Charity Commissioner of Colombo and of course,
Canon R.S. de Saram, who became Warden of S. Thomas' College.
JEM's father, Dionysius C.F. Obeyesekere, Crown
Proctor of Galle, who was educated at Colombo Academy later
known as Royal College, died in 1917, JEM took to teaching at
All Saints College, Galle and later became lecturer in
Mathematics at the Government Training College, Colombo,
succeeding E.W. Kannangara who passed into the Ceylon Civil
Service in 1919. It was at the Training College that he met
his future wife.
Ceylon Civil Service Examination
In 1920 he had ideas of sitting the Ceylon Civil
Service Examination and was recommended to the Colonial
Secretary by Warden W.A. Stone of S. Thomas' as a student who
showed exceptional ability. He had got a First Class in the
Cambridge Senior and passed the London Intermediate
Examination in 1917, qualifying for the Government
Scholarship. Warden Stone mentioned that "he came from a good
Galle family which, from both sides, had Mudaliyars serving
the Government".
JEM's grandfather was Muhandiram John F.
Obeyesekere and the Muhandiram's brother, William, was the
Mudaliyar of Morawak Korale in 1867. Their ancestor, Don Owen
Ferdinandus, an officer in the Dutch Military Fort in Galle,
on being appointed to high office in the Talpe pattu in the
middle of the 18th Century, added the name Obeyesekere and the
family lived in Kataluwa.
JEM who was born on April 25, 1899 was under-age
to take up the Civil Service examination in spite of Warden
Stone's recommendation. Having completed his Law studies, he
was enrolled as an Advocate in 1922, taking his oaths along
with J. Mervyn Fonseka of Royal College and Walter
Olegasegeram of Trinity College. After about two years at the
unofficial Bar, he was selected by Sir Henry Gollan, the
Attorney-General, to act as Crown Counsel in 1924 and although
he was less than 28 years of age, was confirmed in 1926,
probably the youngest to be so confirmed. At the time JEM was
confirmed. Crown Counsel, L.H. Elphinstone, K.C. was the
Attorney-General with M.T. Akbar as Solicitor-General and
Stanley Obeyesekere as Deputy Solicitor-General. The Crown
Counsel he joined were W.E. Barber, Vernon Grenier, R.F. Dias,
C.C.A. Britor-Muttunayagam, J.W.R. Illangakoon and M.W.H. de
JEM developed as a reliable prosecutor who could
maintain an unemotional atmosphere in Court whatever the
degree of sensation the case may have caused. He filled the
prosecutor's role with that courtesy, impartiality and high
sense of duty that inspire confidence in the administration of
justice. While he was fair to an accused, he could at times be
extremely effective in replying to the defence with brilliant
flashes that showed he had closely studied the facts of the
case. These proved his cogent and logical reasoning which
helped the judge to sum up with scarcely any misdirection and
the Jury to arrive at a fair and just verdict. These were the
traditions set by outstanding Crown Counsel like C.M.
Fernando, Stanley Obeyesekere, and later on by E.H.T.
Gunasekera and H.W.R. Weerasooriya.
However, at times JEM had the characteristic to
have no patience to embroider his words with silk trimmings.
He said what he said with such candour that at times it
disconcerted the listener and even caused irritation. This
made him misunderstood by many but the misunderstanding was
short-lived. His actions and words were well intentioned and
free from malice. In 1930, his fellow Crown Counsel R. F. Dias
wrote to him:
Attorney-General's Chambers,
22nd Jan. 1930.
"Dear JEM
I hope you will not be offended at my pointing
out to you that the tone of some of your drafts are such that
I have not been able to sign them without amending them when
submitted to me when you were out on circuit. I too commenced
my career by writing rather freely and this brought for me a
rebuke from the Attorney-General himself and I have reason to
believe that the impression caused in high circles has been
prejudicial to my advancement in service. As a well-wisher of
yours, I hope you will benefit by my experience".
Yours sincerely
Sgd/R.F. Dias"
With the inauguration of the Donoughmore
Constitution the office of Legal Secretary was created. In the
early years, Sir Edward Jackson, the Attorney-General himself,
functioned in both posts. Meanwhile the new post of Assistant
to the Attorney-General had been created in October 1926 to
which the initial appointee was L.M.D. de Silva (later of the
Privy Council), followed by M.W.H. de Silva, JEM first acted
in the post of Assistant to the Attorney-General in 1932.
He had also acted for short periods as
Magistrate, Colombo and District Judge, Chilaw and since 1934,
as Deputy Solicitor-General. Of the seven Crown Counsel in
1926 mentioned above, only three remained after the retirement
of Vernon Grenier in 1933, namely, JEM the Senior Crown
Counsel, M.W.H. de Silva, Assistant to the Attorney-General
and J.W.R. Illangakoon, acting Solicitor-General and later
Murder case
Another sensational "murder" case that exploded
in 1933, "a case of particular importance in view of the
social status of the accused", had been investigated by the
Police with instructions from JEM who himself appeared at the
non-summary inquiry. But, for some reason, he did not
prosecute at that trial. In June 1934, the then Acting Deputy
Solicitor-General M.W.H. de Silva, assisted by H.L. Wendt,
Crown Counsel, conducted the prosecution in what was commonly
known as the Duff House case before Justice M.T. Akbar and an
English speaking Jury. After a trial lasting 21 days, by a
verdict of 5-2 the accused was found guilty of murder. At that
time there was no Court of Criminal Appeal.
The only remedy to an aggrieved accused was by
way of appeal to the Privy Council in London. Two years after
the conviction, on July 29th 1936, whilst M.W.H. was still
acting in his 13th month as Solicitor-General and J.W.R.
Illangakoon, the Solicitor-General, had begun to act as
Attorney-General, Privy Council held that at this trial:
1) hearsay evidence
had been admitted,
2) the directions
under Section 106 of the Evidence Ordinance were open to very
serious objection, and
3) undue pressure
appeared to have been exercised in the jury.
In view of these findings, "the proceedings
before Justice Akbar were deemed irregular and tending to
divert the due and orderly administration of the law into a
new course which may be drawn into an evil precedent in the
future". They held, inter alia, that "it is not the law of
Ceylon that the burden is cast upon an accused person of
proving that no crime has been committed." The Privy Council
further declared that whilst they did not desire to lay down
any rules to fetter discretion or to discourage candour and
fairness on the part of those conducting prosecution, they
could not approve of the prosecution calling witnesses
irrespective of considerations of number and of reliability,
or of the prosecution discharging the functions both of
prosecution and defence. If it does so, confusion is apt to
result when the prosecution calls witnesses and then proceeds
to discredit them by cross examination. The Privy Council
advised that the appeal of the accused should be allowed and
the conviction and sentence quashed.
At this time it was rumoured that the post of
Deputy Solicitor-General in which JEM was acting, was shortly
to be suppressed and that M.W.H. de Silva, who was acting in
the post of Solicitor General, may be transferred to the
Judicial Service to enable E.A.K. Wijeyewardene, the Public
Trustee, to the post of Solicitor-General. Submissions were
made to the Attorney-General that if it was the intention of
the Government to appoint M.W.H. de Silva to the post of
Solicitor-General, considerations of loyalty to a brother
officer who was JEM's senior, did not permit him to urge his
claims against M.W.H. However, if for any reason it was
proposed not to appoint him, JEM's claims were urged to that
From 1915, since the appointment of T.F. Garvin
at the age of 34, the post of Solicitor-General had always
been filled by a member of the Attorney-General's Department,
viz. M.T. Akbar, Stanley Obeyesekere, L.M.D. de Silva and
J.W.R. Illangakoon, respectively. Prior to 1915 there were a
few instances where leading members of the Bar, invariably
King's Counsel, were appoint as
Solicitor-General. There was not a single precedent for the
appointment of a person who was not a member of the practising
Bar, whether in its official or unofficial side.
When Paul E. Peiris of the Ceylon Civil Service
was District Judge, he was deeply impressed by the clarity of
thought, the order and method behind the advocacy of E.A.L.
Wijeyewardene (a one-time Government Scholar to Cambridge
University) who was then leading Counsel in the District
Courts. When Paul E. Pieris was appointed to the newly created
post of Public Trustee, he persuaded E.A.L. Wijewardene to
leave the Bar and join him as his Deputy in 1932. Having
himself succeeded Paul E. Pieris as Public Trustee, he
fulfilled his obligations to the New Department, reaching
fresh horizons and establishing it on a sound footing. E.A.L.
Wijeyewardene (from outside the bar) looked afresh for new
field in the Law.
With the situation in the Attorney-General's
Department as it was in October, 1936 E.A.L. Wijeyewardene
found no difficulty in making a return to Hulftsdorp to the
substantive post of Solicitor-General. M.W.H. who might have
been confirmed as Solicitor-General and given Silk, who might
have been the first Buddhist Puisne Judge, was out of the
Attorney-General's Department and went as acting Additional
District Judge, Colombo. Moreover, Justice Akbar who might
have been the first Ceylonese Chief Justice, retired
prematurely at the age of 56. JEM who was the Crown Counsel in
the Duff House case who had assisted the Police in the
investigation and led evidence at the non-summary inquiry was
appointed acting Public Trustee from October, 1936.
Incidentally, he was succeeded as Public Trustee by his old
Thomian classmate, A.G. Ranasinha of the Ceylon Civil Service.
JEM reverted to his new place of Senior Crown Counsel in
November 1936 but resigned in 1938 and reverted to the
unofficial Bar.
After the departure of the acting
Solicitor-General, four outsiders went through the
Attorney-General's Department, (as Law Officers of the Crown)
two of them to the Supreme Court. Of these, E.A.L.
Wijeyawardene who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1938, became one of the outstanding
judges of this country.
The other was E.G.P. Jayatilake, who went to the
Supreme Court and succeeded E.A.L. Wijeyewardene in 1948 as
Chief Justice. M.T. de Amarasekera, K.C., after a brief spell
in the Attorney-General's, reverted to the unofficial Bar. J.
Mervyn Fonseka, who came from the Legal Draftsman's
Department, died in office. J.W.R. Illangakoon appeared to
feel or was made to believe that being the Attorney-General
and also having been the only person to have acted both in the
1931 and 1936 State Councils as Legal Secretary, his rightful
place was Chief Justice of Ceylon and not that of a Puisne
Judge. His predecessors Sir Charles Peter Layard, Sir Alfred
George Lascelles and Sir Anton Bertram rose to the post of
Chief Justice from the post of Attorney-General. However, in
December 1939 with the departure of Chief Justice Sir Sydney
Abrahams, the post was offered to J.C. Howard, Chief Justice
of the Gold Coast, who had come to Ceylon in October 1936 to
fill the newly created post of Legal Secretary. Before that
the Attorney-General functioned as the Officer of State, i.e.,
Legal Secretary under the Donoughmore Constitution. From 1931
to 1936, Stanley Obeyesekere, L.M.D. de Silva and J.W.R.
Illangakoon functioned as Officers of State whenever each to
them acted in the absence of the permanent Attorney-General,
Sir Edward Jackson. Within a short time of the elevation of
Sir John C. Howard to the post of Chief Justice, unfortunately
Attorney-General J.W.R. Illangakoon died.
It was only in May 1941, almost 6 years after he
was first appointed to act as Solicitor-General, that M.W.H.
as Attorney-General, got back to
his position as a Law Officer of the Crown, but that too, via
the tardy and devious route through the District Court of
Chilaw and Kandy. He was made a King's Counsel in January
Reasonable doubt
When he was Attorney-General, the burden of proof
under Section 106 of the Evidence Ordinance arose in another
form in the case of King Vs. James Chandrasekera where a
question stated by Justice Mosely, S.P.J. was heard by a Bench
of seven Judges whether any general or special exception in
the Penal Code when pleaded by an accused person, the accused
is entitled to be acquitted if a reasonable doubt is created
in the minds of the Jury as to whether he is entitled to the
benefit of the exception so pleaded. This Section arose in the
Duff House case. H.V. Perera, K.C., and JEM Obeyesekere - who
as stated before reverted to the unofficial Bar in 1938 - for
Chandrasekera and M.W.H. de Silva, K.C., as Attorney-General,
substantively agreed on this decision.
Meanwhile, with these vast changes at Hulftsdorp
in the late 1930s when only J.W.R. Illangakoon was the sole
sentinel left in the Attorney-General's Department out of
those members mentioned above in 1926, JEM's return to the
unofficial Bar in 1938 met with immediate success. His
precision and lucidity of expression and his mastery of the
English Language, made it easy for him to submit his cause
expeditiously for ready understanding by any judge. He had a
remarkably wide practice the moment he resigned from the
Attorney-General's Department. That was the time when the
Court of Criminal Appeal had been inaugurated and he, along
with H.V. Perera, K.C., set the standards for the Court of
Criminal Appeal. He was an all-rounder in that he could handle
criminal and civil cases, writ matters and election petitions.
But he died in 1945, so cutting short a brilliant career and
depriving to the legal profession and the country a remarkable
man of exceptional ability. Although the Law had been his
profession, JEM never allowed it to dominate his life to the
exclusion of everything else. He had a sound commonsense, a
studied knowledge of human nature and an uncanny instinct in
sizing up a witness. Without descending to blustering tactics,
he was able to expose falsehood. He had a keen legal mind, an
analytical mind and a wide knowledge of the different systems
of law administered in this country. He was one of those who
believed that if the facts are right the law will come of
He made a thorough study of his briefs before the
Courts and of his files in the Attorney-General's Department.
JEM was a fast worker and he seemed to have the necessary
information at his fingertips, whether it was substantive law,
precedent or Departmental Regulations. He was often able to
express a definite opinion without the usual investigation by
a subordinate officer of the Attorney-General's Department. It
was a treat to read his files, elegant language conveying
precise thinking in the most beautiful handwriting seen by us
juniors in the Record Room of the Attorney-General's
Department. He was often able in a masterly fashion to whittle
down or explain away at first sight what appeared
an insurmountable difficulty in a case. He had also
proved himself to be an outstanding teacher of Mathematics and
the Law earlier in his life. He left a young family of six
children, of whom two sons Ralph and Mahen died young. Of the
living, two sons R.I. Obeyesekere and Anil Obeyesekere, are well-known President's
Counsel. Anil is also Chairman of the Petroleum Corporation.
His daughter, Mrs. Sriyani H.O. Pimanda, a lawyer herself, is
Secretary to the Hatton National Bank and Director (Legal) of
the Browns Group of Companies. His elder daughter, Valerie,
worked in the Commonwealth Relations Office in London and is
now living in retirement.
(The writer was Crown Counsel, 1948-1963,
Secretary General of Parliament, 1963-1981 and
Parliamentary Commissioner (Ombudsman) 1981-1991).
Nomads Tennis Club photo 1926.(First Row seated (L to R)-SWRD
Bandaranaike ,Nedra Obeyesekere,Yolande Obeyesekere,Back
rows-George R de Silva,Irene de Silva among others.)
Obeyesekere Walauwa -Rajagiriya
I read the
article in the Nation EYE feature section on Sunday
January 19 and as Obeysekera
Walauwa saga continues
By D D C Munasinghe requested, wish to add the following
facts, mostly gathered from the last owner Mr
Frederick Wimaladharma Obeysekera (FWO) himself. Post
office Peacock
cage Stables Broad
verandah Large bed
room Chapel History
of Rajagiriya Last
visit |
Photos see below.
Ata Dahe Walauwa of Galle built by Owen Ferdinanduz Obeyesekere
approx in 1630.
At the wedding of Sirimavo Ratwatte's
parents-L to R
Sir Solomon DB, Sirima's GF SD
Mahawalatenna and
Sir SC Obeyesekere.(Photo approx 1905) Sir Solomon DB & Daisy Obeyesekere with
Daisy Ezline Obeyesekere and Ethel Obeyesekere
and Dr Sir Solomon Dias yr 1900. William Pieris
SC Obeyesekere
More Obeyesekere Photos
Seated -Arthur Jayawardhana , left- son -Harry
Jayawardhana , right -grandson- FOAK Jayawardhana (photo below
yr 2008)
SWRD PM 1956-59
CBK President 1994-2005
Ranil PM 5 times between
PM 1960-65&70-77
Legislative Council
(1833-1931)emerged from the Colebrooke-Camaron
reforms and was established in 1833. Initially it consisted of
15 members.9 officials and 6 unofficial members.Of the latter ,3 represented the European
community.1 Burgher ,1
Sinhala and 1 Tamil. The Governor also attended the
Legislative Council meetings.
The Sinhala representatives were as follows.
1835-1843 -JG Philipsz Panditharatne
(Mudaliyar) d1860
1843-1860 -John Charles Dias Bandaranaike
1861-1865-Harry Dias Bandaranaike (Barrister,Judge)d1901
Dehigama-Lawyer from Kandy
1875-1878- James de Alwis (Advocate) d1878
1878-1881-James Peter Obeyesekere (Barrister)
-Albert L de Alwis
1882-1900-A de Alwis Seneviratne (Advocate)
1900-1916-Solomon Christofell Obeyesekere.(Proctor) d1927
1917 -1923 Donald
Obeyesekere b1888
1924-1931 Forester
Augustus Obeyesekere 1880-d1961
The highlighted names of the Legislative
council are all relatives ,who
represented the Sinhalese community.
Donoughmore Constitution 1931-1947
State Council 1931-1947
Speaker State Council 1934-1935 Forester
Augustus Obeyesekere
State Counciiors
Donald Obeyesekere
Soulbury Constitution 1947
Independence to Ceylon 1948
Members of Parliament
JP Obeyesekere 3
1960-1965 SLFP (Dy Minister)
Siva Obeyesekere
1970-1977 SLFP (Minister)
Migration Pattern
Owen Ferdinandez came to Ceylon as captain of the
Royal Portuguese Navy. He settled down in Kathaluwa Ahangama
area of Galle, and changed his name to Obeyesekere.
Bastian Ferdinandus Wijesiri Guneratne Obeyesekere
married Cornelia Susannah Dias Bandaranaike.
(It is believed after Bastian died ,she came to Colombo and
remarried to Rev Canon Samuel William Dias Bandaranaike
around the yr 1859.)
Cornelia wife of James Peter Obeyesekere 1 , bought 9 acres close to the race
course for Rs 39,000. and the
Walauwwa "Maligawa" was buit there.
Donald Obeyesekere bought 50 acres from the
Hewavitharana family in Rajagiriya and built 2 walauwwa's.
Native Headmen Galle
Don Alexander Ferdinandus Abeysiriwardene
Wijeratne Obeyesekere
Johannes Ferdinandus Wijeratne Obeyesekere
Don Petrus Ferdinandus Amarasiriwardene
Wijeratne Obeyesekere.
Ata Dahe Walauwa
- Ata
Dahe Walawwa an Archaeological Monument -
The Ata
Dahe Walawwa at Kataluwa in Habaraduwa DS area in Galle
district which was declared a heritage site a couple of years
ago is today in a dilapidated condition.
Walawwa is about three centuries old. According to history it
was set up by Lieutenant D.V. Ferdinandez. The Walawwa got the
name Ata Dahe Walawwa since there were 8,000 coconut trees on
the land where the Walawwa is situated.
This has
also functioned as Court House to hear cases at Talpe Pattu in
Galle district. The building has been set up on ancient
architectural pattern. This historical Walawwa was declared a
historical and archaeological monument by the Department of
Archaeology. The present owners of the Walawwa are Don Justin
Arthur Jayawardena and his wife.
parapet wall of the Ata Dahe Walawwa was swept away in the
tsunami. Sea debris still remain
at the same place. Due to non maintenance of the Walawwa the
roof and the walls remain in a dilapidated position. The
kitchen of the Walawwa has been completely damaged.
It is the
Galle branch of the Department of Archaeology that bears the
responsibility of maintaining the Walawwa.
By Raja
Daily News, 5 February 2007
The Kathaluwa Maha
…and the last of its Mohicans Don Justin Arthur
29, 2020, 2:18 pm
by Savitri
de Alwis
school holidays were a time of excitement and extravagance a
little over fifty years ago as we got to spend time with our
cousins in our extended family and journey to their ancestral
homes. The historic Kathaluwa Maha Walauwa in Ahangama in the
Galle district was one such delightful place. As children I
recall vividly running carefree and bare feet with my cousins,
flipping warm white sand with our toes in the sprawling sandy
gardens of Kathaluwa Maha Walauwa. The affluence of the
property at the time it was built almost 385 years ago earned
the name ‘Ata Dahe watte Walauwa’ for it was famously known to
contain 8000 coconut trees! The imposing manor house stood
majestically across the aquamarine ocean, tucked away beyond
the railway line that ran in front of its centuries old
perimeter wall.
Kathaluwa Maha Walauwa was the ancestral home of the
Jayawardenes’ for four consecutive generations. It was built
circa 1630 by Don Owen
Ferdinandez a Portuguese Captain of the Royal Portuguese Navy
and the Jayawardene and Obeysekera families who are his
descendants are intrinsically linked sharing a common ancestor
in Owen Ferdinandez. When the Portuguese Captain sailed into
Galle harbour circa 1630, he was smitten by the beauty of the
palm fringed southern coast that he decided to make his home
there and the elaborate and ornate Manor house complete with
fine china, ivory tusks, elegant Burma teak and exquisite
ebony furniture bathed in red velvet were the results of his
pursuits. So were the canvas portraits adorning the walls;
they were not only a mere record of its proud owners but a
display of power and influence, wealth, beauty and virtue of
the sitter. It is reckoned that the Manor House was built
towards the end of the Portuguese period in Ceylon on a 125
acres plot in Kathaluwa, Ahangama. Owen Ferdinandez gradually
embraced and immersed into the Sinhalese race by adding the
name Obeysekera meaning ‘Your Leader’ which was conferred upon
him by a village Buddhist priest considering his nobility.
My link
to the Kathaluwa Maha Walauwa was through my mother’s elder
brother Egerton the eldest son of Crown Proctor ERP
Goonetilleke who married Dakshi the daughter and the eight
child of Mudaliyar Don Frederick Obeysekera Arthur Karunaratne
Jayawardene, also known as Ricky, of the Kathaluwa Maha
Walauwa. Born in 1898 he was the Mudaliyar of Talpe Pattu and
descended from two generations of Mudaliyars; his father Harry
was Gate Mudaliyar Giruwe Pattu (Tangalle) and his grandfather
Arthur the son of Don Bastians was Atapattu Mudaliyar of
Galle. The Mudaliyar class were a creation of the Portuguese
Colonials in the 17th century and usually a hereditary title
at the time.
childhood memories of Ricky Jayawardene in his middle age
years were of a tall and lanky, spritely man sporting a
moustache. He married his petite and beautiful demure wife
Lilian Rambukpotha in 1919 and she bore him thirteen children
in the day, six daughters and seven sons to be precise. Justin
was their sixth child and the Kathaluwa Maha Walauwa became
their ancestral home when an Obeysekera fair maiden was
betrothed to Arthur Jayawardene, Justin’s great grandfather.
It became a bustling place with a Court House added for Talpe
Pattu in 1932. The flamboyant Mudaliyar Ricky Jayawardene was
also the proud owner of a Sports car Fiat Convertible 1500 C
bearing registration K 607 in the 1940s. Over the years though
all thirteen children of Mudaliyar Ricky Jayawardene married
and left their ancestral home to settle elsewhere to raise
their own families and Justin was bestowed the custodianship
of the Manor house which was a heavy financial responsibility.
who passed away in 2019 at the age of 89 received his formal
education under the titans of education, the Wesleyan
Missionaries at the prestigious Richmond College, Galle. He
together with his siblings were
musically gifted on the keyboards as well as singing in
harmony and were the live wire at social gatherings. Justin
and his brothers Quintus, Oscar, Childers, Michael, Ivan, and
Osmand were avid cricketers and represented Windsor House and
Justin kept wicket with Childers who played for the first X1
team of Richmond College in the 1940s. Having left school
Justin was employed at Ports Authority in Galle and he married
his childhood sweetheart and cousin Soma Rambukpotha. They
were parents to two sons and a daughter but tragically Jehan
and Gamini, his two sons predeceased him; Jehan as a toddler
and Gamini at the age of 42 leaving his wife and two young
children and an infant born soon after his demise.
were many happy occasions too that I reminisce at the
Kathaluwa Maha Walauwa especially the weddings of two younger
daughters of Mudaliyar Ricky Jayawardene; Jasmine to Chandra
Rambukpotha and Enid to Patrick Panebokke according to Kandyan
traditions perhaps the first of its kind that I remember as a
child. Similarly were the annual pirith ceremonies in
exquisitely hand crafted ornate mandapayas and alms for one
hundred bikkhus at a time at the Walauwa to mark the death
anniversaries of Mudaliyar Ricky Jayawardene who died in 1971
and his wife Lilian in 1960 at the age of
55 years.
all the changing scenes of life however, the opulence and
grandeur of Kathaluwa Maha Waluwwa believed to be the oldest
Walauwa in Sri Lanka gradually faded away and fell into
disrepair due to the lack of much needed colossal funds for
the upkeep and maintenance of this heritage site. Although
this ancient Walauwa was declared a historical archaeological
monument by the Department of Archaeology its resources were
limited for these historical sites to be protected and
preserved as a national treasure. Against all odds however,
Justin Jayawardene and his wife lived at the premises until
2015 when a decision was made by the surviving children of
Mudaliyar F.O.A.K. Jayawardene (Ricky) and their heirs to sell
the property for the purpose of salvaging it from further
owners of Laugf Gas fame (STAY Holdings Pvt Ltd) who are the
new owners since 2015 have within a period of five years
restored the Manor house sympathetically to its former glory
at an astronomical sum of 450 million rupees, it is claimed.
This national treasure has not only been salvaged, restored
and upgraded as a modern villa with all amenities and is now
marketed as a top end luxury boutique villa retaining its
historical name as Kathaluwa Maha Walauwa.
Don Owen
Ferdinandez Obeysekera its visionary and architect must
breathe a sigh of relief!
Monday, February 17,
2020 - 01:00
Resurrecting a 400 year old historic
mansion, STAY
Holdings (Private) Limited, restored, refurbished and
opened Kathaluwa Mahawalawwa, near Koggala last week with an
investment of Rs. 450 million.
Chairman, STAY Holdings (Private)
Limited U. K. Thilak De Silva, said he wanted to add a niche
product to the Southern Tourism catalogue and invested in this
property. “This is our third investment and have refurbished
and opened two other similar hotels in the area, targeting
high end markest.”
“During refurbishment, which took
six years, we took care to ensure that all ancient
architectural elements of the 400-year-old mansion were
retained. The Department of Archaeology has deemed this villa
a national monument and restoration has done justice to the
rich history of the property.”
“An official from the department was
also stationed at the site during the restoration.”
Director, STAY Holdings Shalinda De
Silva said that it took them six years to complete the project
due to this factor. We have several 400 year old land marks
that still reflects the colonial
past, used today at the Kathaluwa Mahawalawwa.”
The family owned property offers
four luxury rooms with all modern amenities, a swimming pool,
Jacuzzi along with outdoor and indoor dining options an in an
large 5 acre garden. The mansion was built in an area called
‘8000 Watta’ as there were 8,000 coconut trees planted in it.
“When we purchased it there were 150 trees and none were
felled to build the ‘Kathaluwa Mahawalawwa.’
Recalling history, he said that the
manor (house) was first constructed by a Portuguese sailor in
1625, who then decided to stay on in Sri Lanka and even
changed his name to Obeyesekera. After changing ownership with
several of their families, STAY Holdings acquired the property
and rebuilt it, maintaining architectural styles of the
Portuguese, Dutch and the British in the property.
“There was also an Old Court complex
which is now used as the fine dining area, while an ancient
labour room, library, study area,
historical paintings too have been restored along with the
Mada Midula.”
He said that they hoped to market
the property for over US$ 280 and have positive forward
bookings from both local and Europe and UK clientele.
International award winning Chef
Dinesh de Silva, has been
appointed Manger of the hotel.
of Obeyesekere family, taken from The Community Book
by Mevan Pieris
0 Johanes
Ferdinandus Wijeratne Obeyesekere (Lieut. Of a Spanish vessel which was
wrecked at Galle, adopted the name
Wijeratne Obeyesekere when appointed Korala Talpe Pathu
Galle) May have planted
the 8000 coconut trees, with an agreement with the Dutch
Governtment. (born
approx 1660)
1 Pieter Ferdinandus Obeyesekere b1708 (Dutch Head Thombu, Land Thombu
Kataluwa Village, 1753, Vellala caste) (appointed
Korala of Talpe Pathu on 26/10/1765, afterwards
Muhandiram. + Adriana Rodrigo b1709,
closely connected to Panditaratnas. (9
2 (1) Adriaan
Ferdinandus, b1729, Interpreter to
Fiscal of Galle, in 1753
2 (2) Assensia,
b1731 + Gallegame Don Phillip
Appuhamy Dhanapala
3 (1) Don
Simon b 1747
3 (2) Christian
b 1750
2 (3) Hendrick
Ferdinandus b1733 +
Emaliya Alwis (8 children)
3 (1) Don
Henricus Phillips Ferdinandus Obeyesekere, b1760,
Muhandiram Adigar pattu
in 1788, and Mudliyar and Korala, Talpe Pattu im 1802 + Dona Anna
Wijeratne Mudliyar of Matara. 8
4 (1) Richard Ferdinandus Obeyesekere, b1786,
interpreter Mudliyar, District
Courts Matara.Mudliyar of Kandabodapattu and
Gangabodapattu, Matara + Cornelia
Gunasekere, (two children)
5 (1) Lambertus
Ferdinandus Obeyesekere Wijeratne,
+ d of
Brixius Mudliyar. (8 children)
6 (1) Mimmy
Obeysekere + Jayawardene Atapattu Mudliyar.
6 (2) Georgiana
(Donnie) Obeyesekere + Edmund Jayatilleke, President
Village Tribunal.
6 (3) Jossie
6 (4) John
Ferdinandus Obeyesekere, Chief cleark Balapitiya Courts,
+ Amelia Senanayake, d
of Rev Cornelius Senanayake (6 chidren)
7 (1) John
Alvin Obeyesekere, b1879-d31/3/1959, Advocate District
Judge Gampaha. (M1) Jena
Senanayake, no issue
Gyrtle Alice Rodrigo of Badulla, 5
8 (1) Newton
Lambertus Obeyesekere
(2) Peace Obeyesekere + Noel Perera
8 (3) Quinta
Obeyesekere + Phillip de Silva
8 (4) Hilda
Obeyesekere + Willie Senanayake
8 (5) Alwin
HallumObeyesekere + Moradalle Kumarihamy
7 (2) Hope
Cornelius Obeyesekere + Edith
Ganegoda, (10 children)
8 (1) Sumana
Obeyesekere + Jim de Livera, Excise Insector, Son of
Percy de Livera Mudliyar
8 (2) Sita
Obeyesekere, unmarried
8 (3) Upatissa
Obeyesekere, b27/9/1918 + Evrina Maureen Olive
Obeyesekere, b1/12/1918, (4
9 (1) Upatissa
Acland Chrisantha Obeyesekere, b5/7/1949 + Niranjani
(1) Dilani Niranjani
Obeyesekere, b1/8/1980 + Elston Roger Norton
10 (2)
Ushan Andrew Chrisantha Obeyesekere
9 (2) Sriyan
Obeyesekere, b18/3/1951 + Seetha Gamalathge
(3) Angeline Surangani
Obeyesekere + George Macolm Reny Ferdinadus
9 (4) Indrani
Manel Obeyesekere + Albert Pieris
8 (4) Neelawathi
Manique Obeyesekere + CPW Fonseka
(5) George Hope Obeyesekere, Ceylon
Rifles, unmarried.
8 (6) Stanley
Obeyesekere (unmarried)
8 (7) Aelian
Obeyesekere (unmarried)
8 (8) Duncan
Obeyesekere + Dora Wijesinghe (5 children)
9 (1) Worrell
Alfred Peter Obeyesekere + Ratnarani Ratnasingham
10 (1)
Chenura Jude Peter Obeyesekere
10 (2)
Chemila Anthoney Obeyesekere
(3) Chatura Sebastian
9 (2) Kumarini
Obeyesekere, unmarried
9 (3) Gihan
Obeesekere, unmarried
9 (4) Dilip
Ramsay Gabriel Obeyesekere + Sanjeevani
10 (1)
Yawan Obeyesekere
10 (2)
Chamel Obeyesekere
9 (5) Dilkushi
8 (9) Rani
Edith Obeyesekere, b22/4/1932-d2021, + m19/91953 Acland
Faith Obeyesekere, d4/8/1964
8 (10) Ruby
Indrani Obeyesekere, unmarried, d2019.
7 (3) Ackland
Obeyesekere, Mudliyar, land settlement dept + Olive
Silva, (6 children)
8 (1) Christopher
Obeyesekere, lived at Hingurakgoda
8 (2) Evilda
Maureen Olive Obeyesekere, b1/2/1918-d279/2019 +
Upatissa Obeyesekere
8 (3) Trevyn
Obeyesekere, Attorney at Law, unmarried.
8 (4)
Eardley Obeyesekere, Deputy Director, BMICH
+ Jayanthi Karunaratne
9 (1)
Jasmine Obeyesekere + Dinesh Fernando
9 (2)
Harendra Rohan Obeyesekere + Chetana Dharmaratne
8 (5) Eileen
Obeyesekere, unmarried
8 (6) Acland
Faith Obeyesekere, d4/8/1964 + m19/9/1953Rani Edith
Obeyesekere, b22/4/1932, (3
9 (1) Priya
Obeyesekere, d17/11/2011, unmarried
(2) Manel Obeyesekere, unmarried
9 (3) Lakshmi
Obeyesekere, unmarried.
7 (4) Florence
Obeyesekere + James Samarasinghe, Post Master
7 (5) Cornelia
Obeyesekere +
John Senanayake, Deputy
Fiscal Tangalle
7 (6)
Lily Obeyesekere (M1) Ratnayake (M2) Arthur
6 (5)
Henry (Harry) Obeyesekere, Mudliyar, Magam
Pattu, Gangaboda pattu Galle + Ellen Perera (2
(1) Christopher (Christie) Obeyesekere,
+ Melanie, d of Mudliyar Wijesinghe, 10 children
8 (1) Joseph
Christoffel Wlhelm Obeyesekere, b14/4/1911 + Pamela
Trienza Navaratne de Alwis,
b1923 (5 children)
(1) Christoffel Emilio Obeyesekere, b17/5/1946,
(m26/1/1974) +
Felicia Jacobs, b10/12/1949
10 (1) Shakiela
Christine Obeyesekere, b27/12/1974 + Amit Gregory,
10 (2) Radhika
Natalie Obeyesekere, b27/1/1985 + Mahendra Rajiv
9 (2) WilhelmAnthony
Travin (Marbe), died in Australia, unmarried.
9 (3) Brian
Obeyesekere + Viveka Perera
10 (1) Shania
Obeyesekere +
10 (2) Roshika
Obeyesekere + Rajiv Malalasekere, son of Vijaya
9 (4) Michael
Carlyle Obeyesekere + Beverley
10 (1) Andrea
10 (2) Christoffel
9 (5) Jeramy
Anthoney Obeyesekere + Moira Abeysekere
10 (1) Sheannal
10 (2) Sheran
8 (2) Phillis
8 (3) Reenie
8 (4) Noeline
8 (5) Kenneth
8 (6) Theresa
8 (7) Ellen
Obeyesekere + Emie Abeysekere
8 (8) Rita
8 (9) Tony
8 (10) Mary
7 (2) Trooten
Obeyesekere + Elfreeda, d of Mudliyar Wijesinghe. (Two
(1) Swarna Obeyesekere + Karunaratne
8 (2) Elmo
Obeyesekere + Eugine Silva (3 children)
9 (1) John
Susantha Obeyesekere
9 (2) Surangani
(3) Upali Obeyesekere
6 (6) Ellen
Obeyesekere + J D'Alwis Gate Mudliyar Kandy Kachcherie.
6 (7) Podda, died
a child.
6 (8) Abraham
Obeyesekere + Matilda Jayawardhana (d of Alexander
Jayawardhana), no issue.
5 (2) Daniel
Ferdinandus Obeyesekere, Proctor
Supreme Court + Miss Jayawardena (9 children)
6 (1) Richard, died
6 (2) George
Obeyesekere, teacher Richmond Coollege Galle.
(3) Jimmy Obeyesekere, died young.
6 (4) Ellen
Obeyesekere + JD
Kannangara, District
Judge, Balapitiya.
6 (5) Jane
Obeysekere + H Delgoda
6 (6) Fanny, died
6 (7) Gerald
Obeyesekere, + d of CP Wijesinghe (3 children)
7 (1) Hector
Obeyesekere, Proctor, lived in Paiyagala, (married
Mercia d of Andrew Perera Gunawardhana, had
one daughter.
8 Shanthi Obeyesekere,
Dulcie d of Muhandiram Andrew Perera
Gunerwardhana, no issue.
7 (2) Noeline
Obeyesekere +
Arthur Benjamin Wijesinghe
7 (3) Greeta
Obeyesekere + Henry Anandanath Jayawardane.
6 (8) Dolly
Obeyesekere + H Delgoda, (after her sister Jane had
6 (9) Jessie
Obeyesekere + William Wijekoon.
4 (2) Alexander Ferdinandus
Obeyesekere Mudliyar 4 Gravets Matara, Mudliyar 1830 +
Miss Ekanayake of Matara
4 (3) Petrus Ferdinandus Obeyesekere,
Weebadu Muhandiram, Wellebada pattuGalle, and 4 Gravets,
4 (4) Clara +
Son of Amarasekere Mudliyar-no issue.
4 (5) Andiris unmarried
4 (6) Gelko- died a child
4 (7) Cornelia unmarried
4 (8) Redol unmarried, he was a poet.
3 (2) Catherine FerdinandusObeyesekere +
Manamperi Mudliyar of Matara
3 (3) Benjamin (unmarried)
3 (4) Ango Ferdinandus Obeyesekere + Manamperi
3 (5) Don Johannes Ferdinandus
Obeyesekere, b1770, Mudliyar Pt de Galle and Talpe
Pattu, 1809 +
Mgdelena de Alwis Goonathileke, d of Abraham
de Alwis Mudliyar of Bentota. (4 children.)
4 (1) Bastian Ferdinandus Obeyesekere,
b1803-d1854, Mudliyar Talpe Pattu,
(m1843) +
Susana Cornelia DB:d of Don
Solomon DB (They had 2 children)
5 (1) Hon James Peter Obeyesekere (1) b1/1/1846-d11/9/1881,
+ Cornelia
Henrietta DB:d of Christoffel
DB. (4 children)
6 (1) Hilda
Constance Theodora Obeyesekere, b29/8/1877. (m24/7/1899)
+ Sir Paul
Pieris b16/2/1874
6 (2) Sir
James Peter Obeyesekere (11), b17/1/1879.Maha
Mudliyar + (m8/6/1914)
Amy Estelle Dias Bandaranayake, d
of Walter Dias Bandaranayake. (1 child)
7 James
Peter Obeyesekere (111), b20/5/1915,
d23/10/2007 +
Sivagami Vivina Dassenaike,
b7/5/1929, d of Clifton Dassenaike. (2 children)
8 (1) James
Peter Obeyesekere (1V), b24/10/1952 +
Channah Henrietta Obeyesekere, b9/5/2005
8 (2) Chantal
Obeyesekere +
Dijen de Saram, LLB:
6 (3) Donald
Obeyesekere, b22/5/1880, (m3/5/1906)
+ Johanna
Edith Perera, (8 children)
7 (1) Son, died
as infant
7 (2) Danton
Gamunu Obeyesekere, b19/5/1908, d15/9/1993, (m19/5/1938)
+ Ruby Grace
Bandaranayake, d of Harry Dias
Bandaranayake, of Kelanimulla. (4 children)
(1) Donald Indra Obeyesekere, b26/12/1939,
married twice
Grace Kaligbak-divorced
9 (1) Ruby
9 (2) Donald
Anoma Ilangakoon, d of Lyn Illangakoon (Warden
9 (3) Gamini
Obeyesekere, b2/2/1993
8 (2) Gloria
Shirin Obeyesekere, b14/4/1943, (m12/12/1970) + Deshapriya
Cuthbert Amerasinghe.
8 (3) Arjuna
Gamunu Obeyesekere, b1/10/1946 unmarried.
8 (4) Sridev
Ajith Obeyesekere, b21/4/1950, m29/7/1977 + Shamala
Dassenaike, d of Noel
7 (3) Donald
Asoka Obeyesekere, b1910-d1954, (m22/10/1942) + Eliza Hilda
DB:b23/7/1912, d of Conrad Peter
DB. (1 child)
8 Stanley
Christoffel Asoka Obeyesekere, b11/12/1946. m19/7/1975 +
Nelun Nilanthi
Dassenaike, b2/8/1956, d of Linton Dassenaike (3
9 (1) Chrishanthi
Harshani Obeyesekere, b28/5/1979 + (m1/10/2011)
Timothy Hayden Smith
9 (2) Stanley
Christoffel Obeyesekere 2.b14/7/1984, (m31/8/2013 +
Rynette Vaz
10 (1) Solomon
Christoffel Arjan Obeyesekere, b9/7/2017
(2) Dhiran Asoka James
Obeyesekere, b10/5/2021
9 (3) Sarala
Anouk Obeyesekere, b19/5/1989
7 (4) James
Leonard Parakrama Obeyesekere, b30/12/1910-d29/7/1911
7 (5) Fredrick
Wimaladharma Obeyesekere, Barrister,
b5/6/1912-d2/7/2001, (m16/2/1949) + Johanna
Catharine Mildred Perera, divorced, no
7 (6) Edith
Cornelia Sita Obeyesekere, b9/10/1913-d6/11/1973,
(m8/2/1934) +
Henry Ashmore Pieris, b4/9/1903-d6/11/1995, Divisional
Agricultural officer.Son of Henry Ashmore Pieris,
7 (7) Amelia
Florentina Vajirawati Obeyesekere, b27/4/1915-d2/4/2004,
(m6/5/1937) +
Louis Augustus Paules Pieris, son of Ashmore
(8) Alexander Indrajith Obeyesekere,
Edna Maas, widow of Hermon Maas of
Australia, no issue.
6 (4) James
Stanley Obeyesekere, b30/4/1882, Solicitor
General, + Brenda de Saram.d of Richard Francis de
Saram, (2 children)
7 (1) Nedra
Obeyesekere, b10/1/1910-d10/8/1998 + Fredrick Cecil de
Saram (Derrick) Barrister.
7 (2) Yolland
Stanley Obeyesekere b26/9/1913-d25/10/1995, (m aprox1942
+ Solomon Oopatissa Ilangakoon.
5 (2) Sir Solomon Christoffel Obeyesekere,
Proctor MLC, (M-24/6/1878) + Ezline
Maria de Alwis, d of Hon James de Alwis. (4 children)
6 (1) Forrester
Augustus Obeyesekere, b7/8/1880, (m21/3/1907) + Amy Isabel
Sykes, b8/5/1879, d of William
Sykes. (2 children)
7 (1) Ezlynn
isabel Amelia Obeyesekere, b9/2/1908, in UK, d1973,
Barrister, + Ralph, St
LouisPieris Deraniyagala, son of Sir Paul Edward Pieris.
(2) Forrester Augustus (Boykin) Obeyesekere,
b24/3/1921, unmarried.
6 (2) Daisy
Ezeline Obeyesekere, b22/5/1879, (m18/4/1898 + Sir
Solomon Dias Bandaranaike, Maha
6 (3) Ethel
Mildred Obeyesekere, b17/1/1882, + (m15/8/1902)
Dr William Christoffel Pieris
6 (4) Lilian
Augusta Obeyesekere, b7/8/1883, (m21/11/1912) + Simon William
Ilangakoon, b29/5/1887
Mudliyar Colombo
4 (2) Don Diyonisius Ferdinandus Obeyesekere,
b1816-d19/1/1888, Translator
Galle Courts + Susana
Dias Abeyesekera, d
of Paules Dias Abeyesekera Rajakaruna (2 children).
5 (1) John
Ferdinandus Obeyesekere
b16/12/1835-d20/4/1886, Muhandiram Chief Clerk, PWD
Galle. + (m4/2/1857)
Caroline Harriet de Silva. (10
6 (1) Janet
Eliza Obeyesekere, b approx 1858 + Henry Gooneratne
6 (2) Diyonisius
Carmichael Obeyesekere, Proctor SC, b26/6/1860,
(m6/9/1893) +
Annie liza Jayatilleke, (3 children)
(1) Gertrude Francis
Obeyesekere +
CH Wickremanayake
7 (2) Edith
May Obeyesekere + Reginald Alexander Gunerwardena,
Gajeera Walauwa Meegama.
7 (3) John
Edmund Mark Obeyesekere, b1899-d12/7/1945,
District Judge Chilaw + Margret Wickremasinghe, d of CS
Wickremasinghe, Muhandiram
Matara. (6 children)
8 (1) Ralph
St John Obeyesekere + Nobel Rodrigo, (5 children)
9 (1) Rajpal
Obeyesekere, b23/12/1952 + Lakshmi Swarnamali de Silva
10 (1)
Dhammika Obeyesekere + Arati Vimalasingham
(1) Maithri Obeyesekere
(2) Maheshi Obeyesekere
(3) Nelum Obeyesekere
10 (2)
Shayani Obeyesekere + Walter Perera
Nithya Obeyesekere Perera
9 (2) Lalith
Obeyesekee, married twice, (M1) Manrooka Soysa, divorced
Nerooshika Obeyesekere + Roshan Joseph
(1) Aheli Obeyesekere Joseph
(2) Theksha Obeyesekere Joseph
Bentotage Deepika de Silva
Newanthi Obeyesekere
9 (3) Indira
Obeyesekere + Kumar Arulsamy
9 (4) Gehan
Obeyesekere + Anusha Siriwardena
10 (1)
Nishita Obeyesekere + Robert Sowanoski
10 (2)
Rajiva Obeyesekere
10 (3)
Delana Obeyesekere
9 (5) Shiran
Obeyesekere + Shamini Ekanayake
10 (1)
Sheraj Obeyesekere + Dilushi Tillekeratne
10 (2)
Nadeesha Obeyesekere
8 (2) Valeri
Margret Obeyesekere + Donald Karunaratne
8 (3) Mahen
Gamunu Obeyesekere + Christine Wittenskyer
Odille Obeyesekere
8 (4) Rajitha
Indrapala Obeyesekere, b2/9/1935, (m29/6/1962) + Indira Varini
Tennakoon, b11/3/1943
9 (1) Varuna
Indrajith Hiran Obeyesekere, b26/3/1963
(2) Channa Rajiv Obeyesekere, b29/4/1966,
(m28/19/2000) +
Anuja Goonethileke
Chloe Rekha Obeyesekere, b1/10/2003
9 (3) Arjuna
Sanjay Obeyesekere, b7/11/1968, SC Judge, (m27/12/1994)
+ Anoja
9 (4) Rajitha
Indika Obeyesekere, b1/3/1970. (m7/6/1997) + Julie
8 (5) Anil
Jayantha Obeyesekere + Iranganie Eheliyagoda, d of
William Eheliyagoda
9 (1) Prasanna
9 (2) Eromi
8 (6) Sriyani
Hemamali Obeyesekere + Frank Pimanda
6 (3) Angelina
Cecilia Obeyesekere
6 (4) Anne
Francis Obeyesekere, b approx 1864 (mApril 1889) + Edward de Saa
6 (5) Gravinea
Celina Obeyesekere, (m25/10/1908) + Edmund
Roland Obeyesekere, b20/1/1871, Son of William Tutrand
6 (6) Grace
(7) Lawrence
Hilary Obeyesekere, b approx 1875, d1930,
Governtment Surveyor (m10/2/1919)
+ Leelawathi
Kalawana, b1901-d1980, (4
7 (1) Lawrence
(Lory) Herbert Obeyesekere (Todd), b24/12/1919 + Leela
Jayamanne (4 children)
8 (1) Senaka
Herbert Obeyesekere, b15/1/1953 + Anoma Abeygunawardena
9 (1) Roshan
Obeyesekere + Sumedha Ranaweera
9 (2) Dinesh
Obeyesekere + Nadeeshani Liyanage
(1) Carwin Obeyesekere
10 (2)
Rylan Obeyesekere
9 (3) Punsara
Sandali Obeyesekere
8 (2) Sudharma
Obeyesekere + Sukumal Samaratunga
8 (3) Palitha
Obeyesekere + Wimala Gamage
9 (1) Niranga
Obeyesekere + Chandrani Dissanayake
Lakindu Obeyesekere
9 (2) Eranga
Obeyesekere + Thakshila
Yasas Obeyesekere
9 (3) Thinura
8 (4) Tamara
7 (2) Leela
Caroline Obeyesekere (Tiny) + Sarath
7 (3) Earle
Kalawana Obeyesekere +
Hema Marambe (3
8 (1) Mahendra
Obeyesekere + Nishani
9 (1) Binadi
Navitma Obeyesekere
9 (Budvin
Senila Obeyesekere
8 (2) Dhammika
Obeyesekere + Sepali
9 (1) Parami
9 (2) Patali
8 (3) Janaki
Chandrika Obeyesekere + Gamini Gajanayake
9 Anuji
7 (4)
Don John Kalwana Obeyesekere + Eunice
Mildred Gomes
6 (8) Dr John
Louis Ferdinandus Obeyesekere, d27/9/1915 + Erin
7 Erin
LouisaObeyesekere + Phillip Willenberg
6 (9) Adelicia
Estella Obeyesekere + John Charles Jayatilleke, Mudliyar
6 (10) Alllanson
Herbert Obeyesekere, b3/6/1880-d13/5/1863,
Engineer PWD + Daisy Tennakoon.
7 (1) Dr
Herbert Ivor Obeyesekere, b4/11/1921 MD + 8/6/1947
Charmaine Sooriya
Wickremasinghe (5 children)
8 (1) Charmaine
Michelin Nelun Obeyesekere, b8/11/1049 + Devaka Ajith
8 (2) Roshan
Lalene Obeyesekere, b28/2/1952 + Wasantha Sivali
8 (3) Indira
Janene Obeyesekere, b3/1/1954
8 (4) Nayanthara
Chamini Obeyesekere, b14/8/1958 + Russel Taylor
8 (5) Varuni
Renuka Obeyesekere, b7/9/1961 + Richard Saffery
7 (2) Sheila Devi
Obeyesekere, b30/4/1925, + 7/2/1948, Leslie Alan Winston
de Alwis
8 Shantini de
5 (2)
William Tutrand Ferdinandus Obeyesekere,
d22/11/1897, Mudliyar Morawak Korale
Priscilla Perera Wijesinghe Goonatilleke,
had 1 child
6 (1) Edmund
Roland Obeyesekere, b20/1/1871-d28/10/1902 Clerk Galle
Kachcherie, (m20/10/1908)
+ Gravinea
Celina Obeyesekere, b6/12/1866,
d of John Ferdinandus Obeyesekere
7 Edmund
Cecil Obeyesekere, b9/1/1910, + 30/5/1934 Mary Joan de
8 (1) Phiomane
Edelwalse Dulip Marlene Obeyesekere + Christopher
Ponnukone-no issue
8 (2) Rita
Ione Devikarani Obeyesekere + James Irwin Christopher
Edmund Cecil Obeyesekere (m2-23/5/1877) Alice
Hendrina Gooneratne, d23/5/1886,
had 4 children.
6 (2) Edward
Hector Obeyesekere, b:23/7/1878
6 (3) Charles
Peter Obeyesekere, born Dec 1880
6 (4) Lucy
Hendrina Obeysekere, b:8/11/1882
6 (5) Laura
Obeyesekere, b:23/5/1884
4 (3) Don Clara (Dingo) Ferdinandus
Obeyesekere, + Don Abraham Dissanayaka Wijesinghe of
Matara, who is the BIL of
David Ilangakoon Mudliyar
(4) Dona Johanna (Larvo) Ferdinandus
Obeyesekere + Henry Gunasekera
3 (6) Caroline
Ferdinandus Obeyesekere + Lewis Gunasekera
Muhandiram, of Talpe Pattu Galle.
3 (7) Angenita Ferdinandus Obeyesekere
+ Dissanayake
3 (8) Daniel Ferdinandus Obeyesekere, b1780,
Weebadu Muhandiram Talpe Pattu + Miss Dissanayake. (They
had 8 children)
4 (1) Don Henry Ferdinandus
Obeyesekere + sister of AB Wijeratne Atapattu Mudliyar
of Matara (4 children)
5 (1) Emmie Obeyesekere + Arthur
Jayawardena, Athapattu Mudliyar, son
of Bastian Jayawardene.
5 (2) Sarah Sally Obeyesekere + Senarat
Mudalige Joseph David Conrad Perera,
b1849-d1919 Mudliyar GG and Mudliyar Talpe Pattu
(3) Dilly Obeyesekere, unmarried.
5 (4) Lesa Obeyesekere + Karunaratne,
Land Registra, Ratnapura.
4 (2) Don Abraham (Brampy) Obeyesekere,
interpreter of Galle, Matara and Tangalle Courts.
4 (3) Francis Ferdinandus
Obeyesekere, + Miss Gooneratne, d of Theodoris
Wijewardena Gooneratne, Atapattu
Mudliyar Galle.-no issue.
4 (4) Ambo Ferdinandus Obeyesekere
+ Jacob Alwis Muhandiram. (not a member of Warahena
4 (5) Don Thomas Ferdinandus
Obeyesekere Mudliyar of Matara, Kandaboda
Pattu-unmarried, he was a medical
4 (6) Punchi hamine -unmarried.
4 (7) Adrian -unmarried.
4 (8) Don David Ferdinandus
Obeyesekere, MudliyarMagam pattu and President Village
Tribunal +
Eliza Wijekoon Dissanayake (5 children)
5 (1) Irangana Obeyesekere + James
Dunuwila (Fiscal of Tangalle)
5 (2) Sampo Obeyesekere + Ezline
5 (3) Nepo Obeyesekere, Police
Inspector, unmarried.
5 (4) Pabawathi (Padmini) Obeyesekere
+ Harry
Jayawardena, Gate Mudliyar
Tangalle, Mudliyar Magampattu, son of Arthur Jayawardena
and Emmie Obeyesekere.
5 (5) Dilly Obeyesekere + Wijetunga
2 (4) Cornelius Ferdinandus b:1735
2 (5) Johannus Ferdinandus b:1735 twin
2 (6) Frans Ferdinandus, b:1738
2 (7) Michael Ferdinandus, b:1741
2 (8) Daniel Ferdinandus, b:1745
2 (9) Louis Ferdinandus, b:1748
Prepared by:
Mr Manjula de Livera
: Jan 2025