Sri Lanka Muslim Genealogy


Kariapper Family Genealogy Database files

The Kariapper family of the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka consists of three main factions/groups as follows:


1.      Karaivahu 1    Thambi Neintha Kariapper (Family #211)

2.      Karaivahu 2    Ibralebbe Kariapper (Family #203)

       3.      Kotabowa       AhamaduLebbe Kariapper (Family #219)

It is not known how the name Kariapper came to be and whether Thambi Neintha Kariapper or Ibralebbe Kariapper had any blood relationship. It seems that it is a title describing a post. The name was not supposed to be carried on as a surname or a family name.

It was only AhamaduLebbe Kariapper (#219) of Kotabowa, Wellassa (now Monoragala), who married the daughter of Ibralebbe Kariapper of Kalmunaikudy, who first started the tradition of using the name "Kariapper" as his family name (to be inherited from father) and started the Kariapper Dynasty. However, certain male individuals in Thambi Neintha Kariapper family (#211) have also chosen to adopt Kariapper (shown with an "*" here to draw attention) as their family name. In addition there have been many inter marriages between these three families, thus enabling the free use of the “Kariapper” family name across many of the descendants.


KARIAPPER, Thamby Neinda – Family #211

Aksol Awlia

Sathaku Lebbe

Neintha Kadu

0                                                             Meera Usan Lebbe


1  Thamby Neinda Kariapper + Name Not Known

    2  Meera Hussain + Name Not Known

          3  Mustafa Lebbe Podi


    2  Meera Lebbe Podi Vanniah

          3  Mohamed Yusuf Lebbe

                4  Mohamed Adam Lebbe Podi (Purkar)

          3  [93] Mohamed Mustapha (ex-MP Ninthavur and deputy Minister)  1924-2000 + [92] daughter of Gate Mudaliyar MS Kariapper

          3  Mohamed Meera Sahibu Lebbe

                4  Daughter + Ghaffoor Marikkar


                4  Mohamed Cassim + Name Not Known

                    5  [80] (daughter) + **Gate Mudaliyar Muhammad Samsudeen Kariapper 1899-1989 (203), Born:29-Apr-1899. Educated at Wesley College, Colombo 1920. Chief Headman, Akkaraipattu. UNP member House of Representatives, Kalmunai 1947-1952. FP MP Kalmunai 1956-1959. Parliamentary Secretary Ministry of Justice, June 1959. Minister of Posts & Broadcasting, Information & Cultural Affairs & Social Services, Jan-1960-Mar-1960. MP, LPP 1960-1965. MP Independent Kalmunai 1965-1970. Mudaliyar, Panama Pattu. Chairman TC, Kalmunai. Died:17-Apr-1989 

                             6 ?Subeitha + AR Mansoor (Ambassodar, Bahrain, ex-MP Kalmunai) 

                             6 [92] Daughter + [93] MM Musthafa (ex-MP Ninthavur and deputy Minister)  1924-2000

                             6 [50] Farooq Kariapper + [51] Hidhaya Kariapper 

                             6 Iqbal Kariapper +


                4  Name Not Known (Father In Law of Dr APM Ibrahim)

Name Not Known
Rasheed GS (Vidane) Ninthavur)


                4  Thankarasa Podiyar


                4  MMY Issadeen Podiyar


                4  (Daughter) + Cassim Master


          3  (daughter) + Marikar

                4  [1] Abdul Hameed Marikar Thombuthor (Registrar) + [2] Fathima Natchiar Meera Lebbe

                    5  [3] MAM Hussain, District Judge, d:2000 + [4] Hanoon Kariapper (209), d:Dec-1952 (widow of M.I. Abdul Rasool of Trincomalee)

                        6  [5] Naila Shireen d 2019 + [6] Ahamed A A  Siddique 

                             7  [7] Zainab Siddique 

                             7  [8] Shabnam  Siddique + Adnan Aziz (69) 

                             7  [9] Nabeeha Siddique + Name Not Known m:2023

                    5  2nd Spouse of [3] MAM Hussain, District Judge, d:2000 + [12] Jezima Mohammed Cassim

                       6  NO ISSUE

                    5  [10] (daughter)

                    5  [11] (daughter)


                4  Abdul Ghaffoor Marikar


    2  Mohammed Cassim Lebbe Podi + Name Not Known

          3  Mohammed Mohideen Kariapper* (Kariapper Vidane)

                4  MKM Mustapha (Vidane – GS or village headman)


                4  [90] Mohammed Cassim

                   5  [91] MC Ahmed (aka Sehran Kariapper) + Seyathu Natchi Sehu Lebbe
                       6  Shaffeena Ahamed (UK) + Atham Bawa Ahamed Lebbe (dec)

                           7  Rezan Lebbe

                           7  Kazan Ahamed Lebbe + Nasfa Yahya d/o Yahya & Zohra (nee Rajabdeen)

                           7  Daniel Kayne 

                       6  2nd Spouse of Shaffeena Ahamed (UK)  + Ahamed Azlaff Sahill (USA) 1958 (m:2016)

                       6  Inoon Ahamed + Mohideen Sikkander
                           7  Shazneen + Name Not Known (Canada)
                           7  Dr (Name Not Known)                   

                       6  Liyaquath Ahamed + Hidaya Saleem (112)
                       6  Jehan Ahamed + Jennifer Tiranayake

                           7  Jemina Ahamed
                       6  Faroukiya Ahamed + Ahamed Jiffrey
                           7  Shifana Jiffrey + Dr. Ilham
                           7  Shifaz Jiffrey + Asma
                           7  Shahran Jiffrey
                      6  Sabriya Ahamed + MM Musthafa (MYOWN)
                           7  Rizna Musthafa + Hasheem (div)
                           7  Rizley Musthafa
                           7  Ramley Musthafa
                      6  Abath Ahamed
                      6  Murad Ahamed + Shibliya (Sammanthurai)

                           7  Basma ahamed
                           7  Basila Ahamed
                           7  Basil Ahamed
                           7  Mushfiq Ahamed


                4  Razeena + Mirza Rasheed

                   5  Azad Rasheed + Maya

                       6  Amir Rasheed Dr + Mareena Zahir

                            7  Farah Zahir

                            7  Imran Zahir

                            7  Shadia Zahir 

                       6  Zeena Rasheed 
                       6  Ruzaina Rasheed


Ellayamma + Cader Mohideen, Attorney at Law                 4 

                   5  Ansar Mohideen + Nushra

                   5  Anver Mohideen

                   5  Shan Mohideen

                   5  Shafeeka Mohideen

                   5  Ansari Mohideen

                   5  Ghulam Ashraff Mohideen + Shafeeka

                       6  Shamra Mohideen

                   5  Ghazali Mohihitra Mohideen

                   5  Anisha Mohideen

                   5  Ariff Mohideen


          3  Mohammed Yusuf

                4  M U Adamlebbe

                   5  Cassim Master


          3  Mohammed Meera Lebbe (Seeni Vidane) + Zainambu Natchia (219) (d/o Ahamed Lebbe Kariapper)

                4  [2] Fathima Natchia Meera Lebbe+ [1] Abdul Hameed Marikar Thombuthor (Registrar)

                   5  [3] MAM Hussain, District Judge, d:2000 + [4] Hanoon Kariapper (219), d:Dec-1952 (widow of MI Abdul Rasool of Trincomalee)

                        6  [5] Naila Shireen d 2019 + [6] Ahamed A A  Siddique 

                             7  [7] Zainab Siddique 

                             7  [8] Shabnam  Siddique + Adnan Aziz (69) 

                             7  [9] Nabeeha Siddique + Name Not Known m:2023

                   5  2nd Spouse of [3] MAM Hussain, District Judge, d:2000 + [12] Jezima Mohammed Cassim

                       6  NO ISSUE

                   5  [10] (daughter)

                   5  [11] (daughter)


                4  Mohammed Meera Lebbe Abdul Majeed

                   5  Mohammed Fazil Abdul Majeed + Zubaida Ibrahim

                   5  [13] Mohammed Azhar Abdul Majeed (Sinnarasa) + [14] Hanoon Kariapper (Baby) (219)

                      6  [15] Abdul Kareem (Ziaudeen) Mohammed Azhar + [16] Rasheeda (Noorul ‘Ayn) Meera Lebbe (d/o U.P. Meera Lebbe Pochyar of Kandy)

                         7  [27] Mohammed Ihthisham (Isham) Abdul Kareem

                         7  [28] Fathima Ihsana (Ishana) Abdul Kareem

                         7  [29] Fathima Imrana Abdul Kareem

                         7  [30] Mohammed Imdad Abdul Kareem

                      6  [17] Katheeja (Mazaina) Mohammed Azhar** twin + [18] ARM Sheriffdeen (s/o OLM Rahim of Trincomalee)

                         7  [31] Noorul Nazeeha Sheriffdeen + [32] AWM Zahar (s/o Wahid of Gampola)

                            8  [46] Hathila Zahar

                            8  [47] Manaal Zahar

                            8  [48] Yaasar Zahar

                            8  [49] Amaara Zahar

                         7  [33] Noorul Shafeena Sheriffdeen

                         7  [34] Zamruth Hathoon Sheriffdeen

                      6  [19] Rahila (Zaroofa) Mohammed Azhar **twin + [20] MC Athambawa (s/o Mohammed Cassim of Sainthamuruthu)

                         7  [35] Mohammed Anver Siraj Athambawa

                         7  [36] ‘Aynul Ramziya Athambawa + Faleel of Sainthamaruthu

                            8  [50] Mohammed Aabith (Abith) Faleel

                         7  [37] Mohammed Shameer Athambawa

                         7  [38] Mohammed Irshard Athambawa

                      6  [21] Zulfica Mohammed Azhar + [22] A.M. Maharoof (s/o Ahamed Lebbe, retired Village Headman of Sammanthurai)

                         7  [39] Kamila Farwin Maharoof

                         7  [40] Hazana Farwin Maharoof

                         7  [41] Mohammed Basith Maharoof

                      6  [23] Nuzaiba (Faiza) Mohammed Azhar + [24] ZAM Zavahir (s/o Zainulabdeen of Gampola)

                         7  [42] Sarah Zamana Zavahir

                         7  [43] Ahamed Sadath Zavahir

                         7  [44] Sarah Sheikha Zavahir

                      6  [25] Bishrul Haffi + [26] Shanaz Hussain (d/o AM Hussain of Kalmunai Kudy)

                         7  [45] Fathima Isma Bishrul Haffi


                   5  Zubairdeen Abdul Majeed + Latiffa


                   5  Pathumuthu Zohara Abdul Majeed + MLMM Hussain


                   5  Pathumuthu Zohara Abdul Majeed + MLMM Hussain

                      6  Bathool Hussain + Saleem
ِAmjad Saleem
                               7  Daughter
                           6  Riffaya Hussain + Abdul Cader (Saudi Arabia)
                              7  Akram Abdul Cader
                              7  Hussain Abdul Cader
                           6  Mumtaz Hussain + Name Not Known

                              7  Daughter


                          6  Imthiyas Hussain + name not known
                             7  Arshad Hussain
                             7  Irshad Hussain

                 5  Ummu Rukiya Abdul Majeed + MIM Meera Lebbe

                 5 Ummu Salma Abdul Majeed, d: 26 Dec. 2004 (Tsunami victim) + SACM Meera Saibo 

                      6  Sharmila + Dr Rizvi d: 26 Dec. 2004 (Tsunami victim)

                      6  Rizvi d: 26 Dec. 2004 (Tsunami victim)

                      6  Daughter


                4  2nd spouse of Mohammed Meera Lebbe Abdul Majeed: + Name Not Known

                   5  NO ISSUE


                4  Mohammed Meera Lebbe Cassim + Name not known (203)

                   5  [12] Jezima Mohammed Cassim + [3] MAM Hussain, District Judge, d:2000

                       6  NO ISSUE

                   5  Ummu Rahma Mohammed Cassim + Mohammed Aleem

                       6  NO ISSUE

                   5  M.I.M. Cassim alias Hamza Cassim (bachelor)


                4  Mohammed Ahmed Lebbe Kariapper* + Umme Salma Kariapper (d/o Ahamedu Lebbe Kariapper) (219)

                   5  Izzet Kariapper + MPY Izzudeen (Mohideen)

                   5  Marzoona Kariapper + Abdeen of Nawalapitiya

                      6  [54] Mohid Abdeen + [53] Shafeela Kariapper

                         7 [55]  Mohammed Ikram Abdeen

                         7  [56] Mohammed Ishraq Abdeen

                         7  [57] Mohammed Ishki Abdeen

                         7  [58] Ishnia Abdeen

                   5  Noor Jehan Kariapper + Sadiq

                   5  Razeen Kariapper + Hiloufa Kariapper

                   5  Abdul Majeed Jiffrey Kariapper + Rehana Mohiyuddin (Doctor in Lahore, Pakistan)*

                      6  Amanullah Jiffry Kariapper b:Feb-14-1979

                   5  Muhammad Marzook Kariapper + Rehana Mohiyuddin (Doctor in Lahore, Pakistan)* (widow of Jiffrey)

                      6  Ayesha Salma Kariapper b:Dec-5-1981


                4  Mohammed Meera Lebbe Yusuf, Dr + Sithy Sulaiha

                   5  Ayesha Yusuf + D Seneviratne

                      6  Priya Seneviratne

                   5  Amin Yusuf + Uneiza Muthalib (Kandy)

                      6  Farzana Yusuf + Dr Fahim Jameel (s/o Justice Jameel)

                      6  Izby Yusuf + Name Not Known (Pakistan)

                      6  Shifa Yusuf

                      6  Azad Yusuf

                   5  Rahila Yusuf + PM Sheriff

                      6  Fazal Sheriff

                      6  Ifthikhar Sheriff, b:1958 + Latheefa, b:1963

                         7  Ahmed Hisham Sheriff, b:1997

                         7  Ahmed Aatif Sheriff, b:2002

                   5  Jezima Yusuf + A.R.A. Kalaff

                      6  Iyub Kalaff

                      6  Alam Kalaff

                      6  Ghazzali Kalaff

                      6  Farah Kalaff

                   5  Ansar Yusuf, d:1994 + Jaleela (div)

                      6  Rameez Yusuf

                   5  2nd Spouse of Ansar Yusuf + Razeena Adambawa

                      6  NO ISSUE

                   5  Wazeer Yusuf + Nizara Deen

                      6  Fahd Yusuf

                      6  Amjad Yusuf

                      6  Benazir Yusuf

                   5  Farouq Yusuf d:Nov 24 2014 in Riyadh + Rifka Nilar

                      6  Rasha Yusuf + Haris Omar (129) (div) s/o of Isfahan Omar & Sithy Ameen

                          7  Mohamed Anthar Omar

                      6  Talal Yusuf


                4  Mohammed Meera Lebbe Ibrahim Kariapper*, District Judge + Sithy Ayn (108)

                   5  Nizam Ibrahim Kariapper + Minna Hassim


                4  Mohammed Meera Lebbe Ismail + d/o Meera Lebbe Pochyar of Kalmunaikudy

                   5  Mohammed Kaleel (Samahim) Ismail + Nazeera Mathani Ismail

                      6  [62] Sabeen Ismail + [63] Janees Cassim

                   5  [51] Hanoon Ismail + [52] Jameel Kariapper, IP (219)

                      6  [53] Shafeela Kariapper + [54] Mohid Abdeen of Nawalapitiya

                         7 [55]  Mohammed Ikram Abdeen

                         7  [56] Mohammed Ishraq Abdeen

                         7  [57] Mohammed Ishki Abdeen

                         7  [58] Ishnia Abdeen

                      6  [59] Zeena Kariapper + [60] Ajward (s/o Sulaima Lebbe, PostMaster of Sammanthurai, nephew of Jiffry Kariapper)

                         7  [61] (son) Ajward


                4  2nd spouse of Mohammed Meera Lebbe Ismail: + d/o Meera Lebbe Pochyar of Kalmunaikudy (first wife’s younger sister)

                   5  Rifa Ismail Kariapper + Mohammed Thahir Mohammed Cassim

                      6  Jaiza Cassim + Mohammed Sirajudeen (Sadiq) Kariapper Cassim, PhD (219)

                         7  [72] Leena Sadiq Kariapper, b:1992

                         7  [73] Manal Sadiq Kariapper, b:1996

                         7  [74] Bayan Sadiq Kariapper, b:1996

                      6  [63] Janees Cassim + [62] Sabeen Ismail

                      6  Januffa Cassim + Mahir Mustafa

                      6  Jazeela Cassim

                      6  Jareeth Cassim

                  4  3rd Spouse of Mohammed Meera Lebbe Ismail + Hajara (203)
                      5  Baby (AYSHA BEGUM) + Aboobakr
                         6  Habeeba (Suraiha Begum) Aboobakr + Yasser
                             7  Afridha Haanim Yasser
                             7  Aini Yasser
                        6  Samsath Begum Aboobakr + Murshid Sinnalebbe
                            7  Qaidh Murshid Sinnalebbe
                            7  Qaim Murshid Sinnalebbe

                            7  Sarah Murshid Sinnalebbe
                       6  Mohamed Zakkey Aboobakr + Roshana

                            7  Mohamed Mahdee bin Mohamed Zakkey
                            7  Mohamed Haziq bin Mohamed Zakkey
                            7  Fathima Adheena Mohamed Zakkey

                4  Mohammed Meera Lebbe Hussain (Village Headman)

                   5  Jezima Hussain + ??

                      6  Misriya + Mohamed Nizam Kariapper (Attorney at Law) (219)
                                7  Ilham Kariapper 

                      6  son + ?

                   5  Ashraff Hussain, Leader SLMC, Minister, Government of Sri Lanka (2000), d:200 in a helicopter crash over Kurunegala on his way to the Eastern Province during the Election campaign + Ferial Ismail

                      6  Aman Hussain

                   5  Feroza Hussain + Abdus Salam, District Judge

                   5  Mufida Hussain + Abdullah


                4  Raheela Umma Meera Lebbe + Saleem Kariapper (Salin Udayar) (s/o AK Kariapper who is s/o Ahamedu Lebbe Kariapper) (203)

                   5  [14] Hanoon Saleem Kariapper (Baby) + [13] Mohammed Azhar Abdul Majeed

                      6  [15] Abdul Kareem (Ziaudeen) Mohammed Azhar + [16] Rasheeda (Noorul ‘Ayn) Meera Lebbe (d/o UP Meera Lebbe Pochyar of Kandy)

                         7  [27] Mohammed Ihthisham (Isham) Abdul Kareem

                         7  [28] Fathima Ihsana (Ishana) Abdul Kareem

                         7  [29] Fathima Imrana Abdul Kareem

                         7  [30] Mohammed Imdad Abdul Kareem

                      6  [17] Katheeja (Mazaina) Mohammed Azhar** twin + [18] ARM Sheriffdeen (s/o OLM Rahim of Trincomalee)

                         7  [31] Noorul Nazeeha Sheriffdeen + [32] AWM Zahar (s/o Wahid of Gampola)

                            8  [46] Hathila Zahar

                            8  [47] Manaal Zahar

                            8  [48] Yaasar Zahar

                            8  [49] Amaara Zahar

                         7  [33] Noorul Shafeena Sheriffdeen

                         7  [34] Zamruth Hathoon Sheriffdeen

                      6  [19] Rahila (Zaroofa) Mohammed Azhar **twin + [20] MC Athambawa (s/o Mohammed Cassim of Sainthamuruthu)

                         7  [35] Mohammed Anver Siraj Athambawa

                         7  [36] ‘Aynul Ramziya Athambawa + Faleel of Sainthamaruthu

                            8  [50] Mohammed Aabith (Abith) Faleel

                         7  [37] Mohammed Shameer Athambawa

                         7  [38] Mohammed Irshard Athambawa

                      6  [21] Zulfica Mohammed Azhar + [22] AM Maharoof (s/o Ahamed Lebbe, retired Village Headman of Sammanthurai)

                         7  [39] Kamila Farwin Maharoof

                         7  [40] Hazana Farwin Maharoof

                         7  [41] Mohammed Basith Maharoof

                      6  [23] Nuzaiba (Faiza) Mohammed Azhar + [24] ZAM Zavahir (s/o Zainulabdeen of Gampola)

                         7  [42] Sarah Zamana Zavahir

                         7  [43] Ahamed Sadath Zavahir

                         7  [44] Sarah Sheikha Zavahir

                      6  [25] Bishrul Haffi + [26] Shanaz Hussain (d/o AM Hussain of Kalmunai Kudy)

                         7  [45] Fathima Isma Bishrul Haffi  

                   5  Balkis Saleem Kariapper + Mohammed Abdul Cader Mohammed Cassim of Sainthamaruthu

                      6  Mohammed Nizar Cassim + Gnei Razeena Hannan

                         7  Mohammed Shahad Miron Cassim

                      6  Ahamed Jiffry Cassim

                      6  Ahamed Rajab Mowjood Cassim + Shafeena Ismail

                      6  Niloufer Madlul Najeema Cassim + Munafir

                      6  Minu Mumtaz Nihara Cassim + Mohammed Fouzal Thahir

                      6  Mohammed Riyazathul Faizal Cassim

                      6  Mohammed Bishrul Hafi (Riza) Cassim

                      6  Fazleena Sahira Cassim  

                   5  [52] Jameel Saleem Kariapper + [51] Hanoon Kariapper

                      6  [53] Shafeela Kariapper + [54] Mohid Abdeen of Nawalapitiya

                         7 [55]  Mohammed Ikram Abdeen

                         7  [56] Mohammed Ishraq Abdeen

                         7  [57] Mohammed Ishki Abdeen

                         7  [58] Ishnia Abdeen

                      6  [59] Zeena Kariapper + [60] Ajward (s/o Sulaima Lebbe, Post Master of Sammanthurai, nephew of Jiffry Kariapper)

                         7  [61] (son) Ajward  

                   5  Bashir Saleem Kariapper

                   5  Farook Saleem Kariapper (bachelor)


            3  AYESHA Mohamed Cassim Lebbe Podi  + Kos Mohamed Notaris [203]

                        4 Majeed Vannia KOS MOHAMED NOTARIS+ MARYAM MEERA LEBBE PODI VANNIYA.

                                    5 [250] Merza Majid (MP, Kalmunai, 1952) + [251] Fathima Mohamed Hussain [d/o Father's sister SAFFIYA KOS MOHAMED]

                                    6 Inpa Laksana Maryam Merza+ Jauffer Mohamed Hussain-Attorney at-Law

                                                7 Jehana Jauffer + Riffai

                                                            8 Imdaad  Riffai

                                                7 Rumy Jauffer +

                                                7 Shcifana Jauffer + Nafiys Alawudeen

                                                7 Shiraz Jauffer +


                                    6 Ifthikar Rustom Mirzaa + Nazrien Katheeja Majeed (Daughter of former Nintavur MP M. I. M. Abdul Majeed)

                                                7 Shakira Mirzaa +Shafraz MOHAMED THAMBY

                                                            8 Ayaan Umar Shafraz

                                                7 Tariq Mirzaa + Zainab Jawahir

                                                            8 Hayaa Tariq

                                                            8 Eesa Tariq

                                                7 Shariq Mirzaa

                                    6 Imru Shiras Merza + Issathu Nisa Sheriff

                                                7 Janina Merza + Name Not Known


                        5 Rasheed Majid Engineer + Razna Mohammed Cassim [90]

                                    6 Azad Rasheed +

                                    6 Dr.Amir Rasheed +

                                    6 Mareena Rasheed +

                                    6 Ruzaina Rasheed +


                        5 Kadeejah Majeed [Mother of B. A. Majeed (MP, Sammanthurai) + 1st spouse of Mohamed Ali- Post Master

                                    6 BA Majeed (Former Minister) Mohamed Ali + Razinathul Kadeeja Ismail Durai -Engineer

                                                7 Faroouki Majeed + Yesmin Junaideen

                                                7 Faloona Majeed + Naoshaad MAJEED

                                                7 Maliky Majeed + Jennath MIRZA

                                                7 Nasser Majeed + Quraisha MIRZA

                                                7 Lafir Majeed + Shanaz Wahida MAJEED

                                    6 Ummu Salma Mohamed Ali  + Abdul Majeed Mohamed Ismail -Former Nintavur MP

                                                7 Shiraaz Majeed + Thajoon AW KARIAPPER

                                                7 Mumthaj Shireen MAJEED + Jawahir

                                                7 Naoshaad Majeed + Faloona Majeed (D/o BA Majeed Former Minister)

                                                7 Naphees Majeed (Passed away in his early age)

                                                7 Nazrien Khathija Majeed + Ifthikar Rustom Mirzaa (S/o Mirza MP)

                                                7 Farahnaz Majeed + Larif Amir Ali

                                                7 Muhuzina Manon MAJEED + Prof.MMA Cader (first South Eastern University Vice Chancellor)

                                                7 Shanaz Wahida Majeed + Lafir MAJEED (S/o BA Majeed Former Minister)


                                    6 Ameer Ali – Chairman + Khathija Umma Rahila Mohamed Ali


                                    6 Razeena Mohamed Ali + Mirza Mohamed Ali


                        5 Sumsun Nahar Majeed + Dr.Meeralebbe Mohamed Thamby

                                    6 Dr.Farouk Meeralebbe + Iynoon AW Kariapper

                                                7 Akram Farouk +

                                                7 Nuzrath Farook + Jauher

                                                7 Farhath Farook +


                                    6 Latheefa Meeralebbe + Jabbar -Lawyer

                                                7 Rameez Jabbar +

                                    6 Shafi Meeralebbe + not married (Passed away)


                        5 Noor Jahan Majeed + Rasheed (Clerk) Mohamed Hussain

                                    6 Sithee Rashida Rasheed + Faleel Mohamed Ismail

                                                7 Roshan Faleel + Nowfer Musthaffa (Former Minister & Nintavur MP)

                                                7 Makshood Faleel + Yasmin Nizwani Shafideen

                                                7 Zulfikar Faleel + Nushrath Iqbal Kariapper (G/D/o MS Kariapper)

                                    6 Hanoon Rasheed + Jiffry Kariapper (G/S/o Abdul Kareem Kariapper vanniya-Eravurpatu)

                                                            7 Arooza Kariapper + Lafeer (TA)

                                                                        8 Javed Lafeer + Afroz Kariapper

                                                                                    9 Minza Javid

                                                                        8 Fazrin Nifla +Malik Fairoze

                                                                                    9 Aaliyah Malik

                                                                        8 Jibran Nasif

                                                                        8 Fathima Nishra

                                                                        8 Fathima Nadhiya

                                                            7 Nilufa Kariapper + Naseem Badurdeen

                                                                        8 Insaf Naseem + Fathima Zahra Nazeer

                                                                        8 Mohamed Nihaj Naseem +

                                                                        8 Fathima Nifra Nazeem

                                                            7 Safeela Kariapper + Mowjood Sulaiman

                                                                        8 Hasnaa Mowjood + Nadir Haseem

                                                                        8 Haseef Mowjood

                                                            7 Hilmy Kariapper + Fiqra GMT Kariapper

                                                                        8 Hamshade Kariapper

                                                                        8 Hiba Kariapper

                                                            7 Fazly Kariapper +

                                                6 Jazeema Rasheed + Zubair Ahmed Lebbe

                                                            7 Fahmy Zubair + Jesliya Abdullah

                                                                        8 Zaina Fahmy

                                                                        8 Khidash Fahmy

                                                                        8 Bilal Fahmy

                                                            7 Dr.Safras Zubair + Bushra Wahid

                                                                        8 Yoosuf Sarfraz

                                                            7 Sabira Zubair + Eng.M.M.M.Nazeel

                                                                        8 Nazaha Nazeel

                                                                        8 Infaz Nazeel

                                                                        8 Haani Nazeel

                                                6 Gafoor Rasheed + Ayesha Mohammed Thamby

                                                            7 Aslam Fahmy Gafoor + Nisba Nowfer

                                                                        8 Mehnaz Aslam Fahmy

                                                                        8 Muaza Aslam Fahmy

                                                                        8 Masarra Aslam Fahmy

                                                            7 Asmiya Farhana Gafoor + Ismath Sabry

                                                                        8 Ayyash Ahamed Ismath Sabry

                                                                        8 Ahnaf Ismath Sabry

                                                                        8 Aalim Ismath Sabry

                                                            7 Arshad Faha Gafoor + Fahmiya

                                                                        8 Areeb Al Faras Arshad Faha

                                                                        8 Dariya Faleeha Arshad Faha

                                                                        8 Thikra Faleeha Arshad Faha


                                                6 Muhsina Rasheed + Fowser Hanifa

                                                            7 Mazeeda Fowser + Riyad Badurdeen

                                                                        8 Rashad Riyad

                                                            7 Rushdy Fowser + Sharika Kamal

                                                                        8 Emaad Rushdy

                                                                        8 Shaad Rushdy


                                                            6 Jinnaah Rasheed + Junaitha Sathakathullah 

                                                                        7 Inas Jinnaah +  Naufaloon Buhary

                                                                                    8 Alisha Naufaloon

                                                                                    8 Ayan Naufaloon

                                                                        7 Dr.Sara Jinnaah + Dr.Rifly Rafiudeen

                                                                                    8 Amilia Rifly

                                                                        7 Minha Jinnaah + Hisham Zarook

                                                                                    8 Mikael Hisham

                                                                                    8 Zakry Hisham

                                                                        7 Hurriya Jinnaah + Akhil Fakeer

                                                                                    8 Gibreel Akhil

                                                                                    8 Noor Akhil


                                                6 Riffa Rasheed + Saleem Habeeb


                                    5 Ayesha (Faleela) Majeed [Mother of CTB Chairman + 2nd spouse of Mohamed Ali - Post Master

                                                6 Abdul Razak Mohamed Ali + Zareena Mohamed Ali

                                                6 Pushpam Mohamed Ali + Jaleel Manager

                                                6 Mustaq Mohamed Ali + Hidaya Cader



                        4 [201] Khadeeja KOS MOHAMED NOTARIS + [200] Abdul Latheef Kariapper (had 13 children of which 1 died in infancy, 1 died in early youth)

                                    5 [90] Umme Salma Kariapper + [91] Mohamed Ahamed Lebbe (MAL) Kariapper (211) 

                                                6 Izzet Kariapper + M. P. Y. Izzedeen (Mohideen) 

                                                            7 Nilu Izzedeen +  

                                                            7 Mahroof Izzedeen +  

                                                            7 Fareed Izzedeen +  

                                                            7 Jemina Izzedeen + 

                                                            7 Rehana Izzedeen + Mohideen Bawa 

                                                                        8 Daughter +  Marrikar -MP of Colombo

                                                                                    9 Fathima Zara Marrikar 

                                                            7 Hafi Amir Izzedeen + Kamila

                                                6 Marzoona Kariapper + Abdeen (Nawalapitiya) 

                                                            7 Mihrun Abdeen +  

                                                            7 [41] Mueed Abdeen + [40] Shafeela Jameel Kariapper

                                                                        8 Mohammed Ikram Abdeen

                                                                        8 Mohammed Ishraq Abdeen

                                                                        8 Mohammed Ishki Abdeen

                                                                        8 Ishnia Abdeen + Tharik Kariapper (S/O Fazeel Kariapper)

                                                6 Noorjehan Kariapper + Jauffer Sadiq 

                                                            7 Mumtaz Sadiq + (name not known (Galle) 

                                                                        8 Daughter +  

                                                            7 Maznavi Sadiq (Ambassador, Saudi Arabia (in 2005) +  

                                                            7 Mazeeda Sadiq + (name not known ) 

                                                            7 Muzammil Sadiq + (name not known) 

                                                6 [60] Razeen Kariapper* + [61] Hiloufa Abdul Majeed (Samoon) Kariapper

                                                            7 Maheeza Kariapper +

                                                            7 Rameeza Kariapper + Jowzi Abdul Jabbar

                                                6 Abdul Majeed Jiffrey Kariapper* + Dr. Rehana Mohiyuddin (Doctor in Lahore, Pakistan)*

                                                            7 Amanullah Jiffrey Kariapper*  b:Feb-14-1979 +

                                                6 Muhammad Marzook Kariapper* + Dr. Rehana Mohiyuddin (Doctor in Lahore, Pakistan)* (widow of Jiffrey)

                                                            7 Ayesha Salma Kariapper* b:Dec-5-1981 + Muhammad Ahmed Shamim


                                    5 AK Kariapper + Maryam Naachchi Sellappulla Udaya (from Nintavur)  

                                                6 Zohara (Nona) Kariapper+ Advocate Shamsudeen (former Ambassador, UAE) 

                                                6 Rafeeq Kariapper + Anita Kariapper 

                                                6 Gazzali Kariapper +  

                                                6 Daughter (Baby) Kariapper +


                                    5 [210] Mohamed Cassim (M. C.) Kariapper + [211] Razeena Umma Abdul Careem (d/o mother's brother) 

                                                6 Zarook Kariapper + Fareena Farook

                                                6 Zarina Kariapper + Ahmed Lebbe

                                                            7 Zahir Hussain +

                                                6 Zam Zam Kariapper + Ilma Majeed

                                                            7 Shujaah Kariapper

                                                            7 Zaneer Kariapper

                                                            7 Fathima Azkaa Kariapper + Saamir Abdul Saleem

                                                                        8 Idris Saamir

                                                6 Zulfika Kariapper + Mohamed Malik

                                                            7 Aaqil Malik +

                                                            7 Aahid Malik +

                                                            7 Aasim Malik +

                                                            7 Ziyan Malik


                                    5 Abdul Lassim (Jamaldeen) Kariapper + Nafeesa Fathima  

                                                6 Iqbal Kariapper (bachelor)  

                                                6 Siddiq Kariapper + Safeera

                                                            7 Fathima Haya Kariapper

                                                            7 Maryam Hamziya Kariapper

                                                6 Khateeja Kariapper +  


                                    5 2nd spouse of Abdul Lassim (Jamaldeen) Kariapper + Rahila 

                                                6 Fahira Kariapper + Subair

                                                            7 Farhan Subair +

                                                            7 Faslan Subair +

                                                            7 Hasna Subair +

                                                            7 Hafsa Subair +

                                                6 Hilmi Kariapper + Sameera

                                                            7 Shafee Abdullah Kariapper  

                                                            7 Syed Rila Abdullah Kariapper  


                                                6 Rizana Kariapper + Moynudeen (AGA) 

                                                            7 Iqzan Ahamed Moinudeen

                                                            7 Busra Islam Moinudeen

                                                            7 Husni Musharaff Moinudeen

                                                            7 Himas Abdulla Moinudeen


                                                6 Arshad Kariapper + Shafiya Rowsan

                                                            7 Fathima Leena Kariapper  


                                                6 Zuhair Kariapper + Jamoona

                                                            7 Hafsa Subair

                                                            7 Atheefa Kariapper  

                                                            7 Atheef Kariapper  

                                                            7 Syed Amar Kariapper  


                                    5 AW-Abdul Wahid Kariapper + Ayesha (from Sammanthurai) 

                                                6 Inoon Kariapper + Farook Dr.Meeralebbe

                                                            7 Akram Farook + 

                                                            7 Nuzrath Farook + Jauher 

                                                            7 Farhath Farook +


                                                6 GMT Gulam Mohamed Thoufeeq Kariapper + Jaseema Mahmood Lebbe

                                                            7 Fiqra GMT Kariapper + Hilmy Jiffry Kariapper 

                                                                        8 Hamshadh Kariapper 

                                                                        8 Hibba Kariapper 

                                                            7 Shihara GMT Kariapper + Uwaiz Ismail

                                                                        8 Izaz Uwaiz 

                                                                        8 AamaniUwaiz 

                                                                        8 Yunoos Uwaiz 

                                                6 Thajoon AW Kariapper+ Shiraz Majeed (Son of former Nintavur MP M. I. M. Abdul Majeed)

                                                            7 Imran + 

                                                            7 Mirfath + 

                                                            7 Rezmie +

                                                            7 Zakie +


                                                6 Ameer Kariapper (now in Canada)+ Farida Izadeen  

                                                            7 Ali Kariapper 


                                    5 Abdul Majeed (Samoon) Kariapper + name not known 

                                                6 [61] Hiloufa Kariapper + [60] Razeen Kariapper  

                                                            7 Maheeza Kariapper 

                                                            7 Rameeza Kariapper 

                                                6 [51] Hidhaya Kariapper + [50] Farooq Kariapper (Son of MS Kariapper)

                                                            7 (son) Kariapper 

                                                            7 Nushrath Kariapper +Zulfikar Faleel

                                                            7 (Daughter) Kariapper 

                                                6 Hidhayathullah Kariapper (died young)+ name not known  

                                                            7 Sofna Kariapper + Nabil Ilyas 

                                                            7 Safnas Kariapper 

                                                6 Himaya Kariapper + Ilyas Sherif 

                                                            7 Nabil Ilyas

                                                            7 Imadh Ilyas

                                                            7 Daughter

                                                            7 Sumaiya Ilyas


                                    5 Salin Kariapper (died young)


                                    5 [220] Ameen Kariapper + [221] Ayesha Abdul Careem (d/o mother's brother )

                                                6 Zahira Kariapper + Anver Cader Mohideen

                                                            7 Anis Zahida Mohideen

                                                            7 Roshi Mohideen

                                                            7 Zamina Mohideen

                                                6 Abdulla Zuhardeen [Nizar] Kariapper + Mufeeda Jamaldeen

                                                            7 Fathima Afrin Kariapper

                                                            7 Muhamed Aadil Kariapper

                                                6 Zameer Kariapper + Fathima Shanaz

                                                            7 Mohamed Aashif Kariapper + Fathima Sajidha Mansoor

                                                            7 Fathima Shazna Kariapper + Mohamed Sabri Ashraff

                                                            7 Fathima Shahima Kariapper


                                    5 Hameed Lebbe (Alaudeen) Kariapper + Hajara Beebi ATHAMLEBBAI

                                                6 Latheefa Kariapper + Rafeek Mohamed Caseem                          

                                                            7 Fazliya Rafeek + Sideek Mohamed Ali

                                                                        8 Thashreef Sideek

                                                                        8 Thasneem Sideek

                                                                        8 Thanzeeha Sideek

                                                                        8 Thasdeeque Sideek

                                                            7  Ahamed Safa Afrak Rafeek + Deenah Mahroof d/o Mohamed Mahroof and Zainab                                                                        
                                                                        8 Ahamed Zayn Afrak

                                                6 Siddeque Kariapper (Lake House) + Fathima Naleera

                                                            7  Mohamed Shifan Siddeque Kariapper

                                                6 Jaufer Kariapper + Janoofa Zain

                                                            7 Afroz Kariapper + Javed Lafeer

                                                            7 Afri Kariapper

                                                            7 Aflal Kariapper

                                                6 Ashraff Kariapper + Haseefa Uwaiz

                                                            7 Anaf Kariapper

                                                            7 Rizni Kariapper

                                                            7 Bushra Kariapper


                                       5  Mohamed Fareed Kariapper + Ayesha

                                          6  Jasmin (Baby) Kariapper + Ibrahim 

                                                     7  Shibly

                                                     7  Bubby 

                                          6  Zulficar Kariapper + Najmiya 

                                          6  Harith (Sona) Kariapper, b:1962 d:2021 + Roshana (Rosi) Jameel d/o Dr Jameel (Kalmunai) & Haseena

                                                    7  Rizni Kariapper

                                                    7  Rimzi Kariappper
                                                    7  Ruhi Kariappper
                                           6  Jareena Kariapper

                                     5 Mohamed Hussain (Zahir) Kariapper (District Judge) + Jazeema Mohamed Thahir 

                                                6  Mohammed Siddiq Tajudeen Kariapper (PhD, Chemistry – now in Canada)+ Dr.Ariffa Hameed [D/o Marhoom Rtd.Principal Hameed]  

                                                            7  Imadh Kariapper, b:1993

                                                            7  Heeba Kariapper, b:

                                                            7  Tariq Kariapper, b: 2001: 

                                                6  [70] Mohammed Sirajudeen (Sadiq) Kariapper (PhD, Physics) + [71] Dr.Jaiza Cassim (211) 

                                                            7  [72] Leena Sadiq Kariapper, b:1992

                                                            7  [73] Manal Sadiq Kariapper, b:1996

                                                            7  [74] Bayan Sadiq Kariapper, b:1996 

                                                6  [80] Mohammed Nizam Kariapper (Attorney at Law) + [81] Misriya (211) 

                                                            7  [82] Ilham Kariapper, b:1992 

                                                6  Iyna Kariapper + Rasheed (Civil Engineer) 

                                                            7  Ashiq Rasheed

                                                            7  Thafani Rasheed

                                                            7  Thameena Rasheed

                                                            7  Athif Rasheed

                                                            7  Afzal Rasheed

                                                6  Dr Mohammed Nizreen Kariapper + Nazreen Jameel (D/o Dr.Jameel -Sainthamaruthu)

                                                            7  Hamdy Kariapper

                                                            7  Haleef Kariapper, b:2004

                                                6  [31] Ahamed Shapheeq Kariapper + [30] Kamila Mahroof 

                                                            7  [32]Anish Ayas Kariapper

                                                            7  [33]? Kariapper, b:2004

                                                6  Hafeela Kariapper + Mafeel (Electrical Engineer) 


                    4 Safiya KOS MOHAMED NOTARIS + Mohamed Hussain

                            5 Fathima Hussain + [250] Mirza (MP, Kalmunai, 1952)

                                   6 Inpa Laksana Maryam Merza+ Jauffer Mohamed Hussain-Attorney at-Law

                                                7 Jehana Jauffer + Riffai

                                                            8 Imdaad  Riffai

                                                7 Rumy Jauffer +

                                                7 Shcifana Jauffer + Nafiys Alawudeen

                                                7 Shiraz Jauffer +


                                   6 Ifthikar Rustom Mirzaa + Nazrien Katheeja Majeed (Daughter of former Nintavur MP MIM Abdul Majeed)

                                                7 Shakira Mirzaa +Shafraz MOHAMED THAMBY

                                                            8 Ayaan Umar Shafraz

                                                7 Tariq Mirzaa + Zainab Jawahir

                                                            8 Hayaa Tariq

                                                            8 Eesa Tariq

                                                7 Shariq Mirzaa

                                   6 Imru Shiras Merza + Issathu Nisa Sheriff

                                                7 Janina Merza +


                            5 Mohammed Rasheed Hussain + Noor Jahan Majeed

                                   6 Sithee Rashida Rasheed + Faleel Mohamed Ismail

                                            7 Roshan Faleel + Nowfer Musthaffa (Former Minister & Nintavur MP)

                                            7 Makshood Faleel + Yasmin Nizwani Shafideen

                                            7 Zulfikar Faleel + Nushrath Iqbal Kariapper (G/D/o MS Kariapper)

                                   6 Hanoon Rasheed + Jiffry Kariapper (G/S/o Abdul Kareem Kariapper vanniya-Eravurpatu)

                                                            7 Arooza Kariapper + Lafeer (TA)

                                                                        8 Javed Lafeer + Afroz Kariapper

                                                                                    9 Minza Javid

                                                                        8 Fazrin Nifla +Malik Fairoze

                                                                                    9 Aaliyah Malik

                                                                        8 Jibran Nasif

                                                                        8 Fathima Nishra

                                                                        8 Fathima Nadhiya

                                                            7 Nilufa Kariapper + Naseem Badurdeen

                                                                        8 Insaf Naseem + Fathima Zahra Nazeer

                                                                        8 Mohamed Nihaj Naseem +

                                                                        8 Fathima Nifra Nazeem

                                                            7 Safeela Kariapper + Mowjood Sulaiman

                                                                        8 Hasnaa Mowjood + Nadir Haseem

                                                                        8 Haseef Mowjood

                                                            7 Hilmy Kariapper + Fiqra GMT Kariapper

                                                                        8 Hamshade Kariapper

                                                                        8 Hiba Kariapper

                                                            7 Fazly Kariapper +

                                                6 Jazeema Rasheed + Zubair Ahmed Lebbe

                                                            7 Fahmy Zubair + Jesliya Abdullah

                                                                        8 Zaina Fahmy

                                                                        8 Khidash Fahmy

                                                                        8 Bilal Fahmy

                                                            7 Dr.Safras Zubair + Bushra Wahid

                                                                        8 Yoosuf Sarfraz

                                                            7 Sabira Zubair + Eng.M.M.M.Nazeel

                                                                        8 Nazaha Nazeel

                                                                        8 Infaz Nazeel

                                                                        8 Haani Nazeel

                                                6 Gafoor Rasheed + Ayesha Mohammed Thamby

                                                            7 Aslam Fahmy Gafoor + Nisba Nowfer

                                                                        8 Mehnaz Aslam Fahmy

                                                                        8 Muaza Aslam Fahmy

                                                                        8 Masarra Aslam Fahmy

                                                            7 Asmiya Farhana Gafoor + Ismath Sabry

                                                                        8 Ayyash Ahamed Ismath Sabry

                                                                        8 Ahnaf Ismath Sabry

                                                                        8 Aalim Ismath Sabry

                                                            7 Arshad Faha Gafoor + Fahmiya

                                                                        8 Areeb Al Faras Arshad Faha

                                                                        8 Dariya Faleeha Arshad Faha

                                                                        8 Thikra Faleeha Arshad Faha


                                                6 Muhsina Rasheed + Fowser Hanifa

                                                            7 Mazeeda Fowser + Riyad Badurdeen

                                                                        8 Rashad Riyad

                                                            7 Rushdy Fowser + Sharika Kamal

                                                                        8 Emaad Rushdy

                                                                        8 Shaad Rushdy


                                                            6 Jinnaah Rasheed + Junaitha Sathakathullah  

                                                                        7 Inas Jinnaah +  Naufaloon Buhary

                                                                                    8 Alisha Naufaloon

                                                                                    8 Ayan Naufaloon

                                                                        7 Dr.Sara Jinnaah + Dr.Rifly Rafiudeen

                                                                                    8 Amilia Rifly

                                                                        7 Minha Jinnaah + Hisham Zarook

                                                                                    8 Mikael Hisham

                                                                                    8 Zakry Hisham

                                                                        7 Hurriya Jinnaah + Akhil Fakeer

                                                                                    8 Gibreel Akhil

                                                                                    8 Noor Akhil


                                                6 Riffa Rasheed + Saleem Habeeb


                                    4 Hassan (Clerker) Hussain + Subaitha Umma Mohammed Sheriff (AKP)

                                                5 Iynoon Hassan + xxxx

                                                5 Ranee + xxx

                                                5 Baby + xxx

                                                5 Ansar Hassan +

                                                5 Ferosa Hassan + xxx


                        4 Abdul Careem KOS MOHAMED NOTARIS +  Khadeeja MUSTHAFFA LEBBE PODI POLISANA

                                    5 Abdul Hameed Abdul Careem + Rahmathu BeeVee Mohamed Ismail

                                                6 Mohamed Basheer Ali A Hameed + Jareena Thamby Lebbe Podiyar

                                                            7 Shimara Basheer Ali + Fadil Fazie

                                                                        7 Sheza Fadil

                                                                        7 Shanza Fadil 

                                                            7 Nabiha Basheer Ali +

                                                6 Mohamed Nazeer A Hameed + Fareeda

                                                            7 Fathima Zeena Nazeer

                                                            7 Fathima Shifara Nazeer

                                                6 Abdul Careem A Hameed + Mumthaj Hussain

                                                            7 Zhikra Careem + Safraz

                                                                        7 Lemadh Safraz

                                                            7 Zulfa Careem

                                                            7 Amrah Careem

                                                            7 Adheeb Careem

                                                6 Nafizathul Sithee Junaitha A Hameed + Mohamed Manaff Mohamed Ismail

                                                6 Sitheek Mohamed Ali A Hameed  + Ummu Hakeena Atham Lebbe Podiyar

                                                            7 Fathima Fareeha Sitheek

                                                            7 Faroouqi Sitheek

                                                6 Naseema A Hameed + Mansoor Uthuman Lebbe

                                                            7 Manal Mansoor

                                                6 Jazeema A Hameed + Samsudeen Meeransahib

                                                            7 Noor Fathima Samsudeen

                                                6 Jazeem A Hameed +

                                                            7 @MaryamJazeem 


                                    5 Abdul Majeed Abdul Careem - Rtd.Post Master +  Sithy Junaitha Zain

                                                6 [213] ILma Majeed + [212] Zam Zam Kariapper

                                                            7 Shujaah Kariapper

                                                            7 Zaneer Kariapper

                                                            7 Fathima Azkaa Kariapper + Saamir Abdul Saleem

                                                                        7 Idris Saamir

                                                6 [213] Imam Majeed + Fareena Shaheed Shehu Madar

                                                            7 Hamra Imam


                                    5 [211] Razeena Umma Abdul Careem + [210] MC Kariapper ABDUL LATHEEF KARIAPPER

                                                6 Zarook Kariapper + Fareena Farook

                                                6 Zarina Kariapper + Ahmed Lebbe

                                                            7 Zahir Hussain +

                                                6 Zam Zam Kariapper + Ilma Majeed

                                                            7 Shujaah Kariapper

                                                            7 Zaneer Kariapper

                                                            7 Fathima Azkaa Kariapper + Saamir Abdul Saleem

                                                                        7 Idris Saamir

                                                6 Zulfika Kariapper + Mohamed Malik

                                                            7 Aaqil Malik +

                                                            7 Aahid Malik +

                                                            7 Aasim Malik +

                                                            7 Ziyan Malik


                                    5 [221] Ayesha Abdul Careem + [220] Ameen Kariapper

                                                6 Zahira Kariapper + Anver Cader Mohideen

                                                            7 Anis Zahida Mohideen

                                                            7 Roshi Mohideen

                                                            7 Zamina Mohideen

                                                6 Abdulla Zuhardeen [Nizar] Kariapper + Mufeeda Jamaldeen

                                                            7 Fathima Afrin Kariapper

                                                            7 Muhamed Aadil Kariapper

                                                6 Zameer Kariapper + Fathima Shanaz

                                                            7 Mohamed Aashif Kariapper + Fathima Sajidha Mansoor

                                                            7 Fathima Shazna Kariapper + Mohamed Sabri Ashraff

                                                            7 Fathima Shahima Kariapper



                                    5  Ummu Zainab Asanar Ismail + Mohamed Ismail-(Master)

                                                6 Jaseema Ismail + Dr Aboobucker

                              7 Dr.Muneer + Fathima Sazana Naleem

                                                                        7 Shazia Muneer

                                                                        7 Mahdi Muneer

                                                            7 Fawzul Muneera Aboobacker +

                                                            7 Aadilah Aboobucker + Riyas Majeed

                                                                        7 Hafza Fathima Riyas


                                                6 Rafeek Ismail + Rameeza Halaldeen

                                                            7 Bilal Rafeek +

                                                            7 Hilal Rafeek +

                                                            7 Naz Rafeek + Faiq Meedin

                                                6 Noorul Jesmin Ismail + Mohamed Saleem Meeralebbe

                                                6 Anver Ismail + Hajara Beebi Ahamed

                                    5  Mohamed Ali Asanar Ismail + Not Known

                                    5  Makeen Asanar Ismail + Hameetha Mohamed Ismail (Sammanthurai)

                                                6 Najeeb MAKEEN + Roshy BADURDEEN

                                                            7 Rushda NAJEEB + Dr.Shabeer IBRA LEBBE

                                                            7 Shirinthaj NAJEEB + Hinoshiyaan SALEEH

                                                6 Rani Jithaya MAKEEN  + Mohamed Fazeel BADURDEEN

                                                            7 Mohamed Shamli FAZEEL

                                    5  Fathumma Asanar Ismail + Mohideen

                                                6 Jareena ASANAR + Seeni Mohamed

                                                            7 Irfana SeeniMohamed

                                    5  Abdul Hameed Asanar Ismail + Not Known


                        4 RAHUMATH NAACHIA -Vishwa KOS MOHAMED NOTARIS + MM Caseem Kariapper

                                    5  [12] Jezima Mohammed Cassim Kariapper + [3] MAM Hussain, District Judge, d:2000

                                    5  Ummu Rahma Mohammed Cassim Kariapper + Mohammed Aleem

                                    5  Hamza Mohammed Cassim Kariapper (bachelor)



                                    5  Salma Osman + (318) Aboosally Mohamed Lebbe Marikkar (MP for Balangoda and ex Minister of Labor)

                                                6 Roshan Aboosally + Mike Mohamed

                                                6 Rameez Aboosally + Mohantha Soysa

                                                6 Nilu Aboosally + Zarkir Abdulhussein

                                                6 Shanaz Aboosally + Sulaiman Niyas

                                                6 Laila Aboosally + Jehaan Ismail (173)

                                                6 Sharm Aboosally + Dilip Kodikara


                                    5  Saleem Osman + (211) Zahira MS Kariapper (D/O Gate Mudaliyar Muhammad Samsudeen Kariapper)

                                                6 Naznin Saleem + Gazali Cader Mohideen

                                                            7 Al Zamil Gazali +

                                                            7 Daughter Gazali + Jiffry Marzook

                                                            7 Daughter Gazali +


                                                6 Fawzy Saleem + Yesmin Mashoor Mawlana (D/O Senator Mashoor Mowlana )

                                                            7 Fawmiya Fawzy

                                                            7 Roshana Fawzy

                                                            7 Shanaz Fawzy

                                                            7 Shihana Fawzy


                                                6 Faizal Saleem +

                                                6 Faleel Saleem +

                                                6 Riza Saleem +

                                                6 Marhima Saleem (died young )

                                                6 Zanoofa  Saleem (died young)

                                                6 Fareena Saleem (died young)


                                    5  Razeena Osman + Junaideen

                                                6 Yasmin Junaideen + Faroouki Majeed

                                    5  Mansoor Dr Osman (died young)

                                    5  Rahila Dr Osman + Issadeen

                                    5  Azeez Dr Osman +


                        4 ZAINAB-(HAJARA) KOS MOHAMED NOTARIS + MM Ismail Kariapper

                                    5  Baby (AYSHA BEGUM) + Aboobaker Thambikkandu

                                                6  Habeeba (Suraiha Begum) Aboobakr + Yasser Sulaman Lebbe Podiyar(Sammanthurai)

                                                            7  Afridha Haanim Yasser

                                                            7  Aini Yasser

                                                6  Samsath Begum Aboobaker  + Murshid Sinnalebbe (Grandson of Mudaliar Ahamed Lebbe Sinne Lebbe, also known as Ahamedlebbe Sinnalebbe (born 2 June 1902), was a Ceylonese merchant and former Member of Parliament represented Batticaloa District.

                                                            7  Qaidh Murshid Sinnalebbe

                                                            7 Qaim Murshid Sinnalebbe

                                                            7 Sarah Murshid Sinnalebbe

                                                6 Mohamed Zakkey Aboobakr + Roshana

                                                            7 Mohamed Mahdee bin Mohamed Zakkey

                                                            7 Mohamed Haziq bin Mohamed Zakkey

                                                            7 Fathima Adheena Mohamed Zakkey



          3  Daughter + Sinna Podiyane

          3  Daughter + Shahul Hameed (Butcher)

                4  2nd spouse of Mohammed Meera Lebbe Ismail Kariapper Jr.: + d/o Meera Lebbe Pochyar of Kalmunaikudy (first wife’s younger sister)

                   5  Rifa Ismail Kariapper + Mohammed Thahir Mohammed Cassim

                      6  Jaiza Cassim + Mohammed Sirajudeen (Sadiq) Kariapper


          3  Daughter + Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Kariapper (219) (s/o Ahamed Lebbe Kariapper)

               4 Zain Kariapper (1st Muslim Proctor, Eastern Province) 


               4 **Gate Mudaliyar Muhammad Samsudeen Kariapper 1899-1989, Born:29-Apr-1899. Educated at Wesley College, Colombo 1920. Chief Headman, Akkaraipattu. UNP member House of Representatives, Kalmunai 1947-1952. FP MP Kalmunai 1956-1959. Parliamentary Secretary Ministry of Justice, June 1959. Minister of Posts & Broadcasting, Information & Cultural Affairs & Social Services, Jan-1960-Mar-1960. MP, LPP 1960-1965. MP Independent Kalmunai 1965-1970. Mudaliyar, Panama Pattu. Chairman TC, Kalmunai. Died:17-Apr-1989 + + d/o Mohamed Cassim (211)

                    5 ?Subeitha + AR Mansoor (Ambassodar, Bahrain, ex-MP kalmunai) 

                    5 [92] Daughter + [93] MM Musthafa (ex-MP Ninthavur and deputy Minister) 

                    5 [50] Farooq Kariapper + [51] Hidhaya Kariapper 

                    5 Iqbal Kariapper + Name Not Known

            4 Dr Makeem Kariapper 


            4 Dr Salihu Kariapper 


            4 Abdul Rahim Marikkar Kariapper (surveyor died young) 


            4 Daughter drowned in Kaliodai 


            4 Daughter (Matheniyr?) + Mohamed Cassim Kariapper (211) 

               5  MC Ahamed (MP Kalmunai 1960-77), d: 3 July 2008 (aka Sehran Kariapper) + Seyathu Natchi Sehulebbe, d: 24 Oct 1993

                 6  Shaffeena Ahamed (UK) + Atham Bawa Ahamed Lebbe (dec)

                     7  Rezan Lebbe

                     7  Kazan Ahamed Lebbe + Nasfa Yahya d/o Yahya & Zohra (nee Rajabdeen)

                     7  Daniel Kayne 

                 6  2nd Spouse of Shaffeena Ahamed (UK)  + Ahamed Azlaff Sahill (USA) 1958 (m:2016) (10,76)

                 6  Inoon Ahamed + Mohideen Sikkander
                     7  Shazleen + Name Not Known (Canada)
                     7  Dr (Name Not Known)                   

                 6  Liyaquath Ahamed + Hidaya Saleem (112)
                 6  Jehan Ahamed + Jennifer
                 6  Faroukiya Ahamed + Hasheem (Kandy)
                     7  Shifan Hasheem
                     7  Shifaz Hasheem
                     7  Shehrun Hasheem
                6  Sabriya Ahamed + M M Musthafa (MYOWN)
                     7  Rizna Musthafa + Name Not Known
                     7  Rizley Musthafa
                     7  Ramley Musthafa
                6  Abath Ahamed
                6  Murad Ahamed + Shibliya (Sammanthurai)

              5  Razeena + Mirza Rasheed

                6  Azad Rasheed

 Name Not Known + Cader Mohideen, Attorney at Law              5 

                   6  Ansar Mohideen

                   6  Anver Mohideen

                   6  Shan Mohideen

                   6  Shafeeka Mohideen

                   6  Ansari Mohideen

                   6  Ghulam Ashraff Mohideen 

            5  daughter + Khader Mohideen

               6  Ghazali Mohideen


        4  Farlina Kariapper + Mohamed Thamby Saheed Ahmed 

            5  Name Not Known

                  6  Sherooza Ismail + Jayasuriya

                      7  Dimitri Jayasuriya 

               5 Jezima Ismail (Principal of Muslim Ladies College) + Prof Maharoof Ismail (173)

                  6  Jehaan Ismail + Laila Aboosally (d/o the late MLM Aboosally, MP for Balangoda and ex Minister of Labor)
                      7  Daughter (Name Not Known)
                      7  Son (Name Not Known)

                  6  Naushad Ismail, d:2015 + (Singapore)

                  6  Nadia F Ismail + Nazeer
            5  Latheefa Saheed Ismail + Muhammad Ghazzali Ismail (Leon) (173)

                  6  Azli Ismail + Petra

                  6  Azeera Ismail + Hussain Esufali


         4 Subeitha d: 1999+ A. L. M. A. Majeeth (P. M. Akk) d: 2003 


         4 Sabrith Kariapper + Name Not Known                   

              5 Daughter d: 1996 + (name not known d: 1986) 

              5 Daughter + (name not known) 

              5 Daughter + (name not known) 

              5 Zavahir Majeeth + (name not known) 

                  6 daughter, b:2000


The Late Gate Mudliyar M.S. Kariapper:

Visionary who lived ahead of his time

A.L. Abdul Azeez - DN Fri Mar 13 2009

In 1989, writing in a daily newspaper, I recalled my last conversation with the late Gate Mudliyar M.S. Kariapper. Looking in my eyes, the ailing Gate Mudliyar studiously asked me “Are you studying well?” He knew then that I was reading for law. It was on the day he was rushed to a private hospital in Colombo where he breathed his last.

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Gate Mudliyar M.S. Kariapper

In the twenty years that ensued, I have gone from being a student of law to a student of international relations. Yet, as the late Gate Mudliyar would often remark, “I am still a student”.

The late Kariapper was an internationalist, who lived ahead of his time and who encouraged the youth to look beyond what seemed immediate into the world at large. He told me once that he was living close to the beach because he ‘liked to look beyond the horizon’.

An epitome

In my many encounters with the late Kariapper, I found to my youthful amazement, that he was a man of many parts; an epitome of a mix of ingenuity and elegance. As I digested over the years some of what he shared with me in my youth days, my appreciation of him grew ever deeper, inculcating in me an unshakable belief that he had a thorough understanding of the world’s history, a comprehensive grasp of contemporary thoughts from philosophy to politics, and a deeper knowledge of linguistics and literature and of civilisations and cultures.

This is aside from his expertise in the subject of tropical farming and agro-economics which he was familiar with as a civil administrator, especially during the war times. And add to it the gift of the gab and the fun of the pun he commanded. From all this flowed his innate, immaculate ability to narrate anecdotes and accounts of history, often interspersed them. In his conception, such empowerment at local level would have its reflection on the strength of national unity and cohesion aside from engendering wealth and prosperity in the long run.


He had a manifest concern for the protection of the environment. His training in the discipline of tropical agriculture had transformed his thinking and perspective towards the environment. A document published in 1936 has acknowledged in particular that the late Kariapper was elected in the year 1923 “in recognition of the keen interest he took in the game protection”, an honourary member of the Ceylon Game and Fauna Protection Society.

“He is today one of the four honourary members which the Society has, including D.S. Senanayake, Minister of Agriculture and Land”.

It was no surprise therefore that the late Kariapper had an intrinsic belief that no development would be sustainable unless it was underpinned by an inclusive process integrating all relevant factors and concerns. As Sri Lanka broke free from colonial bondage, bolstered by his new found influence and authority in the post-independent establishment, Gate Mudliyar gave expression to this belief by helping in launching of an integrated system of development, which had at its heart, the development of the Gal Oya reservoir.

Many appear to view the Gal Oya project as an irrigation scheme, intended primarily to benefit the peasantry. There was no denial for that.

For the late Kariapper however, the entire enterprise represented an innovative, inclusive, coordinated effort going beyond unlocking the region’s irrigation potential alone.

Grand scheme

He emphasised as much on launching adequate ecologically synchronised activities as on undertaking such as grand scheme. Such an approach, in his view, would bring a sense of balance to the whole enterprise thus making it overall environment-friendly. His whole approach to agricultural productivity, sustainable livelihood, town planning and development, and human settlement was deeply grounded on this holistic vision.

In one of my encounters in the 1980s, the late Kariapper brought home to me an important point which struck me most. That was about the impact of accelerated urbanisation in Kalmunai, a town and a commercial hub, which the late Kariapper himself helped to develop at an early stage. Gate Mudliyar lamented then that the people of that region had failed to tap the potential of human settlement that proceeded with the development of Gal Oya. By refusing to move out of that overcrowded town and its surrounding areas, the people, as he put it to me, had only denied their next generation a space for decent living, with serious health consequences in time to come.

Compact unit

He deeply felt that the increasing tendency among the people to seek to live as a compact unit in a tight place would in the course of time put a tremendous pressure on the limited infrastructure and services to cater to the needs of a vertically growing community. His main worry was that if the development of this region were to continue at this pace, the day would not be far off when it would be bursting at its seams.

In a country that had emerged from the yoke of colonialism - in what is known in International Law as the realisation of the right to self-determination development was rather seen as a process of both consolidating that right as well as giving meaning and content to it. Having served as Vanniyar Mudliyar under the colonial administration in the region, Gate Mudliyar had acquired a fund of knowledge and experience in addition to a vast network of high level contacts. As much as he wanted to put this to use for the people and the region, so was there a greater call to public service awaiting him from ‘Ceylon’s’ independence leaders.

Great admirer

The late D.S. Senanayake, the Father of Independent Ceylon, was understandably his great admirer. Further as far back as 1948, ‘politics’ was recognised perhaps as a higher means of public service, something the late Kariapper would not have relented. His advent to politics in 1948 therefore was logical, and was intended to help harness that fund to expanding the choice of the people as development is currently understood in socio-economic discourses.

As his political trajectory bears out, the late Kariapper acquitted himself admirably in this task to his last day in the legislature, through his dedication to causes ranging from the development of the Gal-Oya Multi-purpose Reservoir Scheme, to building of schools with a particular emphasis on the education of Muslim girls, and to the development of Kalmunai region.


The late Kariapper’s vision of ‘development’ was both exemplary and inspiring. He was ahead of the curve when it came to the understanding of the concept of development. With his experience in, and exposure to, the development of agriculture and land as well as development of irrigation and human settlement, and thanks especially to his grasp of contemporary trends and thoughts, his vision of development had emphasis on sustainability and participatory approaches. It put premium on the involvement of the local communities in activities that were intended to empower.

My recent visit to my birthplace made me realise Gate Mudliyar’s prediction was already coming true. With our belief in the symbolism of physical wealth, that manifests itself in the construction of huge buildings and complexes without taking into account environmental concerns, and with virtually no leadership in sustainable town planning and management, the space for natural living has shrunk to a point where not just the health of the people but their thinking and values as well are being affected. The tsunami tidal waves which took a heavy toll of life in the region on December 26, 2004 is only a case in point in this regard.

An internationalist

He was a multifaceted personage, who was a leader, an environmentalist, a development practitioner, and above all, an internationalist. He gave of his best in the service of the nation, the region and its people. He had articulated concepts and thoughts on wide-ranging themes from sustainable development, to human settlement, to environment protection long before they became part of the international discourses. Releasing of a commemorative stamp by the Government of Sri Lanka in honour of Gate Mudliyar is a fitting tribute to this great visionary and legend. However, we need to do more.

When, in future, some academic research is undertaken by a discerning intellectual, it will bring out such aspects of his life that lie beyond our ordinary grasp; aspects that, in my view, made up the sum total of Gate Mudliyar.

President Emeritus of the Sri Lanka Muslim Women's Conference and an educator par - excellence Deshabandu Jezima Ismail


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Grace, humility and strength are the hallmark qualities of our HI!! Legend this month, Deshabandu Jezima Ismail. The President Emeritus of the Sri Lanka Muslim Women's Conference and an educator par-excellence, she embodies women's empowerment while being firmly rooted in her religion and culture. One could write volumes about her achievements, the boundaries she has crossed or the obstacles she has overcome yet it is Jezima; the mother, the friend and the amazing human being that is worth knowing.


The youngest daughter in a family of three Jezima grew up in Saindaramathu, a remote village 20 miles off Ampara. Her father, Mohamed Thamby Sahid Ahmed was a civil engineer by profession, and her mother Farlina nee Kariapper, a homemaker, molded their three girls to be traditional Muslim women who did not allow their culture and gender limit their possibilities and prospects in life.


Sahid was the first in the Muslim Community to obtain both a BSc and MSc degree and chose early on to nurture the four women in his life by teaching them the deep truths in the Quran while allowing them to shape their lives through traditional education. "My father said he wanted us to be brought up as Muslims. He only allowed for the recitation of the Quran to be done by the Maulavi. Because he felt that Islam was taught in just parrot fashion. However he said that there was far more spirituality in Islam and that he could teach us that spirituality," Jezima says. Meanwhile he encouraged his girls to study hard and realize their potential in whichever area they chose.

Farlina, in certain ways, was a foretelling of the empowered strong women her daughters would become; a traditional Muslim who didn't allow her ethnic identity to limit her. "My mother was a very adventurous woman; she was the polling agent for her brother, conducting the polling exercises, the voting and organizing but a very traditional, conventional Muslim woman she went along with what my father said," Jezima recalls. 

Jezima draws on her upbringing to shape her view for an integrated society. "My father would come home from work and take up one proverb; his favourite one was 'unity is strength'. Therefore when all three of us girls got married he built a house for all of us to live in and it was his belief that living together would strengthen our relationship,” Jezima says.


She draws on this unity and communal living for the integration and peace of Sri Lanka ; "Personally for our country I feel we have this temporary peace, we have won our military war but how do we get permanent peace? It is more than constitutional reforms or legal structures, it is much much more; it's a question of relationships and attitude. It is important that we building up relationships and not distance ourselves. Physical proximity and communication proximity are the keys to peace." In opening up his daughters' avenues of education, Jezima's father enrolled them at St. Bridgets Convent. She recalls the accepting hen people started calling me for these fashion shows, dramas and things I saw myself as this fairytale character."


Jezima says her various talents led her to strive for higher goals, which at that time were unattainable for conservative women. "I wanted to go into Foreign Service but then they didn't have women. "I used to dance, sing and be in dramas. I wanted to be a broadcaster and a journalist."


However her father thought she would be better suited for a career in teaching, thus laying the foundation for the emergence of one of Sri Lanka 's foremost female educators. "My father knew the then Principal Devi Balika Wimala De Silva, she literally thrust me into teaching. But my first week I was miserable; I was a person who wanted to do other things."


Eventually Jezima fell in love with the profession she had earlier given little consideration to; "after my first week I loved it. The children were like little lotus buds opening out for the warmth of the sun. Suddenly you are talking about Wordsworth or Julius Caesar, they don't understand at the beginning and then they understand and that face shines."


Jezima began her trailblazing academic career teaching her students in various unconventional ways; taking them out side or bringing them home, "The Principal gave me a free hand but she new I would do my work whether it was history, government or English was my forte."


During her time at Devi Balika Jezima was responsible for building up the extra-curricular activities of the school and establishing Devi Balika as one of the forces to be reckoned with in every area. "I was involved in all the extra-curricular activities drama, debating, girl guides, singing and oratory and the children excelled in these areas. It was not just me but six of us and after my 19 years they became the best in these areas," Jezima said.

The Principal at the time, legendary educator Dr. (Mrs) Wimala De Silva wrote of her association with Jezima in her autobiography describing her as "the one who took after me."


Jezima then ventured back into her community to make changes that would inspire women from her community for decades, by taking up a position as the Principal of Muslim Ladies. Nevertheless her enterprising ways weren't accepted with open arms. "I had many challenges because I began having TV programmes, sports days, even fashion parades and dramas. The challenges were from the conservative side of the community, not the parents. Criticism went as far as the mosque and there was an entire newspaper published to criticize me," she explained.


She was steadfast in her devotion to the Children and opening up new paths for them. "I said no I would go on as I am to meet the challenges; I want my children to be as blessed as I am. I am a Muslim woman born in a village but because of my parents and how they brought me up I was able to be am empowered woman. And I want my girls to be empowered not just in the academic field but in other areas as well.


I was interested in the academic field but I was also interested in that 80 percent that would not enter into university. Quite a number of my children were from Slave Island fairly poor and I wanted to look into their well being. I was there for 13 years and when I left I had a programme called growing years a beautiful programme of music and dance about how Muslim ladies grew to empowerment.”

Her dedication to the arts was such that even during her pregnancies she would ensure the show went on. "I remember once I was onstage one Saturday directing Cinderella and then the baby was born that Sunday". Her dedication to her family and school children was always on the same platform; "I loved the children just as much as I loved my own children and I would never deprive one of my school children an educational opportunity that my children had."


Jezima had three children with, very literally, the love of her life, Prof. Mahroof Ismail. The two met at the ages of 5 and 9, "of course at this time he thought I was a nuisance. But by the time we were about 14 and 19 we knew. Then when at 18 I went to University and he went to Medical College we played sports together, by this time my parents and his parents were behind the move. Also my sister married his brother so that was another connection."


The connection that Jezima and Mahroof share is one that we all hope to have after years of marriage, the fairly tale with a happily ever after. "He is my best friend and I know when I go home the car is there and that we can have a lovely conversation. We are both busy, he was Dean of the Medical Faculty of Colombo and Professor emeritus," Jezima says. She says of him "my husband is one of my greatest supports because to him women are the first rung of a ladder and men are the second". Jezima has great respect for her three children Jehaan, Naushaad and Naadia and enjoys spending time with her six grandchildren.


Despite her long list of awards, positions of recognition and elite educational background Jezima are the embodiment of humility. She received her BA from the University of Ceylon , an MA in Education from McGill University and a Diploma from the University of Sydney . At present she is a member of the UN national Advisory Group, advisory committee of the Ministry of Human Rights and Disaster Management, member of the Commission for the New Education Act from 5th July 2007 and a member of the Committee of Eminent Persons top provide Recommendations on School systems Restructuring and Admission of Children to grade one.

She was formerly on the Presidential Commission of inquiry to investigate and inquire into alleged serious violation of human rights, the former Chancellor of the South Eastern University, former member of the National Committee on Women and the Former President and Founder Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Education, founder and President of the SAARC Federation of University Women, Founder and Chair, Academy of Adult Education for Women and the Founder and Member of the Panel of coordinators of the Muslim Women's Research and Action Forum. She is also a member of a number of other national bodies.


Jezima received the Presidential Award for National Service, Deshabandu in 1989; in 2008 she won the Award for "Eminent Personality of the year" for contribution towards Empowerment of Women from the International Association of Lions Clubs, and award for Education- Kamban Vila in 2005, a Presidential Award for Education in 1999, the Zonta Women of Achievement award in education and been named an Ambassador for Peace from the Inter-religion and International Federation of World Peace. Most recently she received the Award for Community Development by the Ministry of Child Development and Women's empowerment.

Of her many awards Jezima says "There were awards but I wonder why I got these awards because it wasn't hard work. God has given me 24 hours and I have so much to do; it really wasn't work it was a beautiful fulfillment that I was getting." She says her hobby is "collecting people" and that she "lives on love'. "I love people they are the ones that matter most in my life". Jezima's work revolves around people. Her work with the Muslim Women's Research and Action Forum (MWRAF) empowers women in Ampara and Batticlo with programmes which focus on livelihood development, capacity building, political participation of women and gender based violence and interfaith and intra faith coming together. "Our vision is co-existence in a pluralist society."


Jezima believes that people are essentially good and that one needs to just milk that goodness out of them, this is the essential basis for her work. "There is so much goodness in life. The help we need is just a stones throw away but we don't take it". She spoke of a poem, "Out of Order" that illustrated her point; "there is this boy who wants some popcorn and he cries and asks his mother for some. And then he finally sees this popcorn machine full of popcorn and runs up to it; but it's broken.


So the mother begins to cry as well saying human beings are just like that we have the goodness that other people require yet something has gone wrong and we are incapable of dispensing that goodness."

Jezima Ismail is a legendary educator who has undoubtedly empowered the lives of many women in Sri Lanka through her work, her speeches and lifestyle. Yet to anyone who meets her it isn't the titles, the honors or the extraordinary work that she has done that will stand out; it is the individual. A human being of unimaginable humility, strength character, wisdom and love.