Sri Lanka Moor Family Genealogy
Sheikh Mohideen + Musa Umma - Family #162
Alhaj S. M. M. Hussain
was born on the 19th of September 1916. Founder of
The Colombo Picture Palace, he was a well known Industrialist,
Educationist and Philanthropist. He married Hajiani Jeenath
Ummah, daughter of Unani Dr. Abdul Cader
of Galle in the year 1943 and the couple were blessed with a
large family of twelve children; four sons, Nazeer,
Dhahlan, Zameek and Rizvi and eight daughters,
Zulfathul, Nawaziya, Laleeza. Nazlima,
Fazeena, Nuwaiza, Raziya and Shannaz.
Alhaj Hussain passed away on the 23rd of May 1991
at the family residence of forty years, 522 Galle Road,
Colombo 3. After his death the family business was taken
over by his sons, and it continues to be a leading business
establishment today.
“Alhaj SMM Hussain did not come to this world with the proverbial silver spoon in the mouth. He met the trials and tribulations of life like any other. He learnt the trade from his elder brother while attending a night school. In the year 1942 he started his own business of picture framing and sheet glass in a stall at Armour Street, Colombo. From then his business expanded to become one of the leading Glass Merchants and Printers in the country presently functioning from Prince Street, Pettah.
He also had a vision to start an industry, so he did by purchasing and developing four acres of marshy land in Grandpass, Colombo and setting up a Fully Automatic Mirror Manufacturing Industry, with full selfconfidence, practical wisdom and above all, common sense. It is not surprising to find such men are self made and selftaught. They learn in the school of life and end up as pioneers and path finders.
Neither a steady student or nor an advanced scholar, he realized the boon of education and the dearth of Muslim students in the pursuit of study, mainly because of financial difficulties among the underprivileged. Therefore he created the Alhaj SMM Hussain Charitable Trust, bequeathing to it a four storeyed building on 13 perches in the heart of Pettah. This is an approved charity administered by the MICH to provide scholarships to deserving Muslim students.
As a Vice President of the MICH he closely associated with its activities. His assistance to complete the MICH Technical Training Centre at Demetagoda was so substantial that the Board of Trustees decided to name the reception hall in the building as the ‘Alhaj S M Hussain Hall’. The Technical Training Centre provides the much needed technical skills to the youth of all communities.
‘Poverty is my Pride’ said the Holy Prophet (Sal).
Alhaj SMM Hussain regarded his wealth as a trust to be utilized for the well being of the underprivileged section of the community. He made contributions to many charities. He built a Madrasa in Namuwawa, a mosque in Puwakpitiya, built shops to provide income to the mosques of Nanu Oya and Watawala. Other beneficiaries include several mosques, schools, orphanages, too numerous to mention.
Here then is a profile of a person – neither an intellectual nor a professional – the humanist who slowly but surely had risen up the ladder, built up an Enterprise that provides employment to several, and thus became a national asset to his country and community. He lived a multi faceted and eventful life.
Alhaj Hussain passed away peacefully on 23rd May 1991. His wife Hajiani Jeenath Ummah subsequently passed away on 18th November 1995. They leave behind a larger family of four sons and eight daughters, all of whom are married and well settled down in life.
The late AI Marikar, Hony Secretary of the MICH, wrote on the passing away of Alhaj Hussain thus: “Rare indeed are men of his calibre. A Merchant Prince of Prince Street is no more, May the Liqa of Almighty Allah be with him”. “
(Source : Pamphlet published by MICH on the Unveiling of the Portrait of Alhaj SMM Hussain, at the MICH Auditorium. 13th August 1996)
0 Sheikh Mohideen + Musa Umma
1 Hussain, Shaikh Mohideen Muhammad
d:23May1991+ Abdul Cader Jeenath Umma (daughter of Unani
Dr. Abdul Cader (of Galle) and Achchan Umma), d:Nov181995,
2 Mohamed Hussain Mohamed Nazeer + Ummul Khair Hashim (40)
3 Fathima Azmina Nazeer, Dr. + Najill Farook (76, 10, 80)
4 Tariq Ibrahim Farook
4 Hasna Farook
3 Mohamed Afzal Nazeer + Shazmin Afwan
3 Yasmin Aadila Nazeer + Reza Wadood
3 Aasif Wahid Nazeer
2 Zulfathul Khairiya Hussain + Abdul Cader Mohamed Ali, JP MMC
3 Fathima Afifa Mohamed Ali + Mohamed Hafeel Yakoob
4 Mohamed Akhlaaq* Yakoob *twins
4 Mohamed Aaqil* Yakoob *twins
4 Fathima Afrah Yakoob
3 Ahmed Ashfaque Mohamed Ali + Ghazala Rehana Muhajireen
4 Mohamed Umair Ashfaque
4 Mohamed Laaiq Ashfaque
2 Sithy Nawaziya Hussain + Mohamed Sally Abdul Farook BSc AMICE (ex Dy Chief Engineer CGR)
3 Fathima Niroza Farook + Mohamed Hussain Habeebur Rahuman
4 Muhammed Waleed Habeebur Rahuman
4 Yussof Hussain Habeebur Rahuman
3 Fathima Nihma Farook + Mohamed Nashath Hafeel, Dr.
4 Fathima Zahra Nashath
4 Fathima Zamra Nashath
4 Zeenath Zaeema Nashath
3 Fathima Nizrana Farook + Mohamed Farhaan Mohideen, Dr. (40)
4 Fathima Nuha Farhaan
4 Fathima Sanaa Farhaan, b:16 Sep 2006
3 Fathima Nihaza Farook
2 Mohamed Hussain Mohamed Dhahlan + Noorul Zareena Saleem
3 Mohamed Ashad Hussain
3 Zeenathul Basima Dhahlan + Fiyas Mohamed
3 Zeenathul Cabeela Dhahlan + Anwar Sadat Jalaldeen
3 Mohamed Danish Hussain
3 Mohamed Emdad Hussain
2 Mohamed Hussain Zameek d:Mar 11 2025 + Ayshathul Rila Lafir (92)
Mohamed Husni Hussain + Naseema Shahul Hameed Mohamed (s/o MH
Mohamed ex UNP MP Borella) (173)
4 Hanaa Hussain
4 Harun Hussain
*إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ
رَاجِعون* “We
belong to Allah and to Him we shall return” It
is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Al
Haj MHH Zameek (Director, Colombo Picture Palace). Son
of Marhoom Al Haj SMM Hussain (Founder, Colombo Picture
Palace and Al Haj SMM Hussain Charitable Trust) and
Marhooma Jeenath Umma
Hussain. Beloved
husband of Hajiani Ayshathul Rila Zameek. Son-in-Law
of Marhoom Mohamed Zakaria Laphir and Marhooma Sithi
Kurathul Ayn. Beloved
father of Husni and beloved father-in-law of Naseema
(Daughter of Shahul Hameed Mohamed). Beloved
grandfather of Hanaa and Haroon. Loving
brother of Marhoom MHM Nazeer (Colombo Picture Palace),
Zulfathul Cader Ali, Nawaziya Farook, MHM Dhahlan (Orient
Gold Plus), Laleeza
Farook, Nazlima Hassen, Fazeena Ghany, Nuwaiza Kamil, MHM
Rizvi (CPP Industries),
Raziya Mohideen and Shannaz Cader. Loving
brother in Law of Cader M Ali, MSA Farook, MA Farook,
Marhoom Jaufer Hassen, Marhoom Fuard Ghany, MSM Kamil,
Aznayn Cader, Fassy
Mohideen, Ummul Khair Nazeer, Zareena Dhahlan and Rifkah
Hussain. Loving
brother in Law of Marhoom MLM Noor, Fauziya Laphir,
Marhoom MLM Nawaz, MY Faizal, Ireefa Laphir, Shireen Nawaz
and Yasmin Faizal. May
Allah SWT forgive him and grant him Jannatul Firdous.
Ameen. Janaza will be leaving the residence at 3pm
No. 2, Geethanjalee
Place, Colombo 03 ( Adjoining Green Cabin) on Tuesday 11th
March 2025 to
Maligawatte Muslim Burial Grounds for Burial.
2 Zeenathul Laleeza Hussain + Mohamed Abbas
Farook (s/o SM Abbas)
3 Fathima Nuzrath Farook + Abu Abdullah Nisthar Idroos (23)
4 Abdullah Idroos
4 Mariam Idroos
4 Safiya Idroos
4 Ibrahim Idroos
4 Abdul Khaliq Idroos
3 Fathima Nafhath Farook + Mohamed Fariz Nazimdeen
4 Mohamed Athif Nazimdeen
3 Fathima Nafliya Farook
2 Zeenathul Naslima Hussain + Mohamed Jaufer Abul Hassen, d:Jun 13 2007 (son of Marhoom Abul Hassen (UTI) and Marhooma Iyynul Mudasira)
AL HAJ JAUFER HASSEN (Advocate, Examiner - Law College, Chairman WAKF Board Tribunal). Dearly beloved husband of Hajiani Zeenathul Naslima, father of Al Haj Afgar Hassen (Nations Trust Bank) and Hajiani Amra Irfan, father-in-law of Dr Irfan Bishrulhafi, grandfather of Ashfa and Nafeesa, son of Marhoom Abul Hassen (UTI) and Marhooma Iyynul Mudasira, son-in-law of Marhoom Al S.M.M. Hussain (Founder Colombo Picture Palace) and Marhooma Jeenathu Umma, brother of Marhoom Mashood, Mushina, Sabira, Ajward (JP), Faiza and Afeefa, brother-in-law of Nazeer, Zulfathul Khairiya, Nawaziya, Dahalan, Zameek, Laliza, Fazeena, Nuwaiza, Rizvi, Raziya and Shannaz. Janasa took place Thursday 14 June 2007. No. 18, Mile Post Avenue, Colombo 03. SO Jun 17 2007
3 Mohamed Afkhar Hassen
3 Zeenath Amra Hassen + Irfan Bishrul Hafi, Dr.
4 Asha Bishrul Hafi
4 Nafeesa Bishrul Hafi
2 Zeenathul Fazeena Hussain + Mohamed Fuard Ghany (son of Mohamed Lafir Ghany)
3 Mohamed Azain Ghany + Shifana Razeem
3 Mohamed Ziyan Ghany
3 Zeenath Zayna Ghany
2 Zeenathul Nuwaiza Hussain + Mohamed Saleem
Mohamed Kamil
3 Fathima Bushra Kamil
3 Mohamed Javid Kamil
3 Fathima Shazmina Kamil
2 Mohamed Hussain Mohamed Rizvi* + Fathima Rifka Hussain *twins
3 Mohamed Raaid Rizvi Hussain
3 Ahmed Rashad Rizvi Hussain
3 Rifadh Rizvi Hussain
2 Iynul Raziya Hussain* + Mohamed Fassy Mohideen *twins
3 Fathima Rukaiya Mohideen
2 Zeenathul Shannaz Hussain + Aznayn Muhiyadeen Abdul Cader (161)
3 Zeenath Hafsa Cader
3 Ayyub Mohamed Aznayn Cader
1 S.M.M Mohideen
1 S.M.M Mahmood
1 S.M.M Nagoor
1 S.M.M Buhari
1 Khadeeja
1 Ummu
1 Pathuma