Sri Lanka Moor Family Genealogy


Sinne Lebbe Marikar Sahib Dorai - Family #20


Family Tree Database | Surnames


Sinne Lebbe Marikar Sahib Dorai married Ummu Hany Umma on 18th October, 1851 (22 Dhul Haj 1267 H) at 47, New Moor Street, Colombo 14. They begot a son, Ismail, on 23 August 1854 (28 Dhul Qa’da1270H). Ismail attended Verandah Arabic Quran School during the day and studied Tamil under a "Waathiyar" (private tutor) at night. The Arabic language attracted Ismail and he pursued its knowledge at Madrasa Arabic College and soon came under the notice of the Arab scholar Sheikh Usthazul Kamil Wal Arif Hadarath Abdullah ibn Omar Batheeb AlYamani Hadaramiya Shibamiya.


Ismail began to write Arabic literature after studying various Egyptian books and newspapers.


His "silsila" (works) Genealogical Poems of the Shaikhs were highly applauded by his mentor.


On January 10, 1883 fifty five Egyptian exiles led by the famous Colonel Arabi Pasha arrived in Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) and Ismails knowlkdge of Arabic proved extremely useful for interacting with them. He developed a close relationship with Arabi Pasha and the exiles.


Ismail commenced his business at No7 Main Street, Colombo 12 with gems, jewellery and curios. He decided to perform the piligrimage of Hajj and also visit some other Muslim countries. Several of his friends decided to join him in this adventure cum piligrimage.


They were, Yousoof Lebbe Sinne Lebbe Marikar Hajiar (later Haji, Effendi & grandfather of MHM Yousoof Haji), Mohamed Lebbe MarikarHajiar Zainudeen (later Haji, Effendi MMC and paternal grandfathe of Mrs. MMI Kariappar), Ahmed Lebbe Marikar Shamsy Lebbe Marikar (later Haji, Effendi and father of Al-Haj SLM Abdul Rahman and paternal grandfather of Rasool Ahmed Rahman),

his Arabic student Sinne Lebbe Marikar Mahmood (later Haji, Effendi, Alim and JP, father of MHM Yousoof Haji)

and a cook named Rawuthen Hajiar.


They set sail for Egypt by SS Malwa on 27 March 1884. At Bombay, on May 7, 1884, they changed ship to an Austrian vessel, SS Austria-Hungary. They reached the Suez on 21 May 1884 where they met SaeedHaji bin Sultan Baba, a Sri Lankan who hailed from Galle. On arrival at Cairo they visited the residence of Arabi Pasha with letters to his family and friends. They also visited many improtant sites in Egypt. They then set off for Turkey where they were granted audience by Sultan Abdul Hameed Khan of the Ottoman Turkish Empire. The historic event was reported by "Al-Ihtidal", an Arabic Newspaper, on Ramazan 11, 1302H (1884), of Istanbul (Constantinople), giving reference by name to the visitors who had landed on the shores of Turkey. Special reference was made to Sahib Dorai Ismail as "an individual of great learning    .who is learned in law and logic, and whose use of the Arabic language is refined and acceptable". They later continued on their peregrinations and visited Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Palestine, Damascus and finally performed the piligrimage of Hajj in Makkah Al-Mukarramah before returning home safely.


Ismail married Haleema, the daughter of Ahmed Ali Marikar of the Kappodear Family whose ancestors came to Sri Lanka from Koniya in Turkey around 800AD, on 27 July 1886, at 39, new Moor Street, Colombo 14. The wedding was also attended by Arabi Pasha and the other Egyptian exiles.


He was an important member of the Maradana Mosque Management Committee and the Colombo Mohameddan Education Society (Jamiyathul Ithikanul Uloom). Ismail died, at the age of 42, in a tragic train accident at the Wellawatte railway Station on 11, January 1896 (26 Rajab 1313H).


Ismail had two sons, Mohamed Sameer and Mohamed Anis and one daughter, Sithy Saleema.


Mohamed Sameer, congregation membership # 292, held the prestigious position of Managing Trustee of the Maradana Mosque, Colombo for two year periods on three separate occasions, viz; 6.6.1941 to 1943, 1945 to 1947 and 1949 to 1951. As early as 1908, at the tender age of 19, he associated himself as a Junior Member of the congregation. He was the Secretary of the Mosque Board that framed the regulations in 1913 which were incorporated in 1924. He was, later, a member of the Board, member of the Executive Committee, Treasurer and finally Managing Trustee.


His name appears at No. 56, under Section C of the First Schedule of the Maradana Mosque Inauguration Ordinance No. 22 of 1924 (28.8.1924) He also held membership # S-7 of 24.9.1945, was a member of the Board of Directors as indicated in the Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home (MICH) (Incorporation) Ordinance No. 46 of 1946.


He was awarded a Gold Medal & Citation on Friday, November 1, 1965 (25 Rajab 1385H) by His Excellency, El-Seyed Abdul Qadir Al-Gailanee (Ambassador for Iraq in Pakistan & Ceylon), who was a direct lineal descendant of Ghus-i-A’zam Muhiyadeen Abdul Qader-ul-Gailanee, at a ceremony attended by many of his family ad community members at the MICH, Bristol Street, Fort.


Mohamed Sameer was educated at St. Thomas’ College and entered the Colombo Municipal Council clerical service in 1910. He was employed as Chief Clerk under an Englishman named Orr and won acclaim and affection from Civil Servants such as, H.E. Newnham, H.P. Kaufmann, and W.L. Murphy. He married Raliya Umma, daughter of A.C.Noordeen. They had four sons and six daughters. The oldest son was Mohamed Thahir (1914-1989), a surveyor by profession, who held the position of Superintendent in the Municipal Engineer’s Department at the Colombo Municipal Council. He passed away at the ripe age of 75 in 1989. Two of the other sons of Mohamed Sameer, Mohamed Ismail (1919-1993) and Ahmed Farooq also took up the surveying profession. Mohamed Sadiq, the youngest son, a bachelor, decided to seek his pastures in the United Kingdom, spent a considerable portion of his life in England, and has since returned to settle down in Sri Lanka.


Mohamed Thahir has two sons, Mohamed Fazli Hussain and Ahmed Firoze, the compilers of this publication. The former is successfully pursuing the Computer profession in the Middle East while the latter, after having served a short stint in the Middle East, is a professional in Accounting & Finance, presently holding the position of Company Secretary at The State Trading Corporation (General) in Sri Lanka. Mohamed Fazli is married to Fathima Shirani Naleefa, daughter of Husain Jiffry Ibrahim, ex Customs Appraiser, and Hibshi Mazaya Saleem (d/o W.M. Saleem) and has two daughters, Fathima Melina and Fathima Nadia. Melina has a daughter, Maria Admira Sheriff, born in Toronto Canada, in 1994 and a son Abdullah Yousry Sheriff, born in Riyadh, on 1997. Nadia is married to Jonas Haller and lives in Nykoping, Sweden. Ahmed Firoze is married to Qureisha Nizar, daughter of M.Y.M.Nizar, JP, Attorney-at-Law, of Wattala. They have a daughter, Nabila Safra, married to Dr Azhar Mohamed Munas in Cairns, Australia, and a son Ahmed Yazdhan, a Barrister also resident in Australia. 


Mohammed Ismail has one son, Mohammed Kamal and Ahmed Farooq has a son, Ashfaq Mahmood.


HE WAS A PROUD MAN TILL THE LAST - An Appreciation Mohamed Sameer by M C A Hassan (Journalist)


"I am carrying all the knowledge about the life of the Moors in my head. I wish I could get them off my chest in some form", so confided Mr Mohamed Sameer to a young friend. This statement, more rless, sums up the life of a frail old patriot, scholar, and research student of history and religion.


Educated at City and St Thomas' College, he entered the Municipal Clerical Service in 1910. It did not take him long to win the affection and esteem of eminent civil servants like HE Newnham, HP Kauffman, and WI Murphy.


His deep insight int the available information of the city of Colombo found his as the head of the Information Bureau. For a perfect valuation of immovable properties in the Assessors Department it was necessary to have as much information as possible. As a magnanimous head he received the admiration and respect of his employers. Both superiors and subordinates cooperated well with him. He rose to the rank of "Special Class"


After his retirement from the Municipality he was appointed Head Clerk in the Civil Defence Commissioner's sub Department and in the Government Valuation Department "Claims Section". In all these offices he conducted himself in honor and dignity. His loyalty brought great credit to the community to which he belonged.


A passionate supporter of the Pan Islamic Movement, Mufti's in different parts of the globe counted as his personal friends.His thirst was for the study of comparative religions.


As early as 1908, at the age of 19 he associated himself as a junior member of the congregation with the management of the Maradana Mosque in Colombo 10. He was Secretary ogf the Mosque Board that framed regulationsw in 1913 and which were incorporated in 1924. He was, later, a member of the Board, member of the Executive Committee, Treasurer, and finally Managing Trustee in 1941, being elected alternatively every two years. He was mainly responsible for "cleansing the Augean Stables", as he put it, of the Mosque Administration and also safeguarding the finances of the Mosque. It's income has been on the increase ever sinc3e.


A member of the Alaviya Qadiriya Order, he was a keen supporter of the Islamic Missionary Movements, both orthodox and unorthodox, following closely on the heels of men like A M Sheriff, M C SiddiLebbe, and ILM Abdul Azeez.His patronage of all sects in Ceylon brought about fraternal understanding among all Thareeqa'a in Islam.


During his lifetime, his genial qualities of head and heart won the appreciation of many fellow Muslims. The Congregation of the Maradana Mosque and the tenants of the Mosque properties respected him.


Sameer was a passionate champion of the Moorish cause. Whilst extending a hand of friendship to the Islamic fraternity, he believed that the Moors, as pioneer settlers of Arab descent in Ceylon, should gain Government recognition similar to those granted to the Sinhalese and Tamils. On this issue he addressed several memoranda to successive Governments, the last of which was to the Hon Prime Minister, wherein he set out the need for recognition as a separate entity.


In recognition to the services he rendered to the Moors, b his tedious and meticulous research into the history, origins, lifestyles, genealogy and culture if the Ceyln Moors, the Moors' Islamic Cultural Home presented him with a Citation and Gold Medallion on Nov 19, 1965, at their new headquarters at Bristol Street in the Fort of Colombo. The Iraqi envoy and a host of other leaders graced the occasion. The outcome of the function was the publication of a souvenir on the Moors of Ceylon which contained many articles from his fountain of Islamic knowledge. Anyone who bestrode to seek information from Sameer never returned disappointed; every little piece of information sought was forthcoming.


His contributions to the World Muslim Magazines were well received. His articles on religious and mundane subjects were published in booklets. "Jewels of Islam", "Life of I L M Abdul Azeez", and "History of the Maradana Mosque" and "How I served the Maradana Mosque" are a few that stand as a perpetual monument to his unflagging interest in Islamic life. The worth of an indivisual is never recognized during his lifetime. With his passing goes out a storehouse of information on Islamic Affairs. The service he rendered is singular. Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon. May Allah Grant him Paradise!



Ceylon Observer – 5 Dec 1972                                         




I knew Mohamed Sameer bin Haji Ismail Effendi, who died recently at the ripe old age of 82 only in the last few months of his life.  But those few hours I spent with this Ceylon Moor historian and scholar were fruitful, for the knowledgeable Sameer revelled in discussion and discourse though medically advised not to talk much.


For his painstaking research work on his community Sameer was presented with a gold medal and a citation by the Moors Islamic Cultural Home in a special ceremony.  He traced history diligently from archives, museum publications and from ancient inscriptions.


Sameer was one of the the first batch of students admitted to Hameediah School, Colombo, in 1900.  Later he studied at City College and at St Thomas’ College (then in Mutwal).  He showed literary promise at an early age and while only 19 edited a Tamil monthly “The True Messenger”.


Until his death Sameer was one of the few surviving Muslims to have met the famous Arabi Pasha, the day before Arabi left Ceylon (on September 10, 1901) and to have attended the historic Fez Question mass meeting on the Maradana Mosque grounds on December 31, 1905.


In 1915 he was a pioneer member of the All-Ceylon Muslim League (founded by CM Meera Lebbe Marikar, who was also its Secretary) and of the Moors Union, whose President, Mr NHM Abdul Caderceremonially released Sameer’s publication on the life history of ILM Abdul Azeez on November 25, 1915.  He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Moors Islamic Cultural Home.


Sameer wrote prolifically to local and foreign newspapers the time he was free from his duties as Chief Clerk of the Colombo Municipal Council, which he served for 30 years, and was in constant correspondence with Muslim organisations and personalities all over the world from China to Finland and the United States.


He helped to reorganise the affairs of the Maradana Mosque, Colombo for 30 years variously as Secretary, Treasurer and Managing Trustee.


Always a religious man, Mr Sameer had this verse hung by his bedside:


                        “I am not fit for Heaven"

                        “I am too weak for Hell"

                        "Forgive me!"

                        “O Forgiver of sins”



MMT  [MM Thawfeek]



It has been said that there are three things a man should do before he dies: plant a tree, father a son, and write a book. When Mohamed Thahir Sameer was called by the Lord to his eternal rest at 1:30 am on Friday, November 3, 1989, he had already accomplished these obligations in addition to many others. He was 75-years old.


M.T.Sameer, son of the Ceylon Moor historian, the late Mohamed Sameer bin Haji Ismail Effendi, was born on Monday, October 5, 1914. The second-eldest in a family of ten children, he was one of the great-grandsons of the renowned tycoon, OLMALM Alim. Those who will miss him most will be his grandchildren, Nisthar Ali, Melina, Nadia and Nabila, on whom he doted. Also, his octogenarian friend, Mr LM Nicolle, the Hultsdorp-icon Auctioneer & Broker, will certainly miss his presence.


During his lifetime, his altruistic and selfless nature towards his friends and relatives were exemplified in the quality and volume of the varied assistance he promptly extended to those in need. He led a pious life, stressing mainly on simplicity in almost every activity, with a philosophy that one should, at all times, compare oneself with those less affluent than oneself.


Mr Sameer was an avid reader and a fine conversationalist and raconteur, especially on religion and on the history of WWII. During his lifetime, he made many contributions which were published by the Fourth Estate. He had also typed out a full-length novel and five short stories which, at present, remain unpublished. Apart from writing prose, his knack for composing verse was remarkable. Significant were those which he composed on the death of his 9-year old sister, Honey, and of his uncle, the late WM Hassim, JP.


Photography was his onetime hobby-forte, and he once won a prize from the Ceylon Social Service League for contributing a Flag-Day slogan, “Please spare a fraction; For those out of action!” He was a lover of music, mainly English and Hindi, and used to sing some of those Ole-Time sentimental favorites of yore.


Mr Sameer joined Royal College in January 1925, when the eminent Major HL Reed was Principal. He was appointed as a Prefect in 1934 during the principalship of Mr LHW Sampson. The group-photograph of Prefects with the appended signatures which hangs in his Office Room, indicates his colleagues – Messrs HW Jayawardene, PCB Kueneman, JP Obeysekera, ATS Paul, FEW Porritt, AW Henricus, EDW Jayawardene, G Muttucumaroe, DM Perera, WL Mendis and DK Wilson. In the Cadet Batallion Mr Sameer was a Corporal, and served as a supernumerary sergeant. Incidentally, the late Mr CE Bellethestablished a record in having taught Mr Sameer, two of his three younger brothers, Ismail and Farooq, (the third Sadiq left for UK in 1960), and his two sons, Fazli (1959-Group) and Firoze (1961-Group).


Apart from passing all his examinations at the first attempt, it was amazing to note that he passed the examination for the Surveyor-General’s licence in Surveying in November 1934, at the age of 20, thus becoming “the youngest Surveyor on the roll,” as reported in the English dailies of January 31, 1934. The Times and Ceylon Observer also reported that the licence authorizing him to practice as a Surveyor was to be issued when he attained his 21st year! In addition to coming under the tutelage of Capt EG Eastman, FSI, from whom he studied practical valuation, Mr Sameer was an overseas student of the College of Estate Management, London, from where he took a course in the Valuation Section to sit for the Chartered Surveyors’ Institute examinations. He also embarked on a course in Law at the Ceylon Law College in August, 1935.


Mr Sameer retired from Government Service in June, 1954, after a distinguished career as a Superintendent in the Colombo Municipal Engineers’ Department. The retired Colombo Municipal Engineer, MrStanley Fernando, observed that he was “adaptable in all different branches of the Engineering Services of the Department,” and that, “his mastery of the Ordinances and their application is commendable.”


Immediately after his retirement, Mr Sameer unsuccessfully contested the Pettah Ward in the local government elections as an independent candidate, conceding to the UNP candidate, Mr Jabir A Cader. Later, he served for short periods in various senior management positions at Abbas Freighters Ltd., Ceylon Carriers Ltd., and at taylor & Mackay Ltd. In the evening of his life, he was a senior consultant to the Leedons Group of Companies headed by Dr AMM Shahabdeen, ex-CCS.


During WWII, Mr Sameer was appointed by the Civil Defence Department as a Group Leader and acting Staff Officer in the Air Raid Patrol (ARP) Rescue Service. The Ceylon Government nominated him to follow a Specialist School in Bombay in June/July, 1943. On this assignment, he carried a letter dated June 19, 1943, personally signed by the Civil Defence Commissioner, Mr OE Goonetilleke (later Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, GCMG, KCVO, KBE, KStJ, and Governor General of Ceylon), which urged all assistance be given to him on his venture. Mr Sameer successfully completed his training, and was classified as a Specialist Instructor (Rescue Service) (Distinguished) with an award of a certificate from the Indian Government. Mr Sameer was very fluent in Urdu.


In the 1942-blitz of the Japanese Air Raid which hit Colombo, Mr Sameer was reported in the press as follows: “On the occasion of the April Raid … he was the leader of the first rescue party to report at Bankshall Street within a few minutes of the attack, and was very highly complimented for the prompt and efficient manner in which he carried out his duties.”


After his retirement, Mr Sameer – affectionately called “MT”, by his friends – continued to practice his profession of Surveying and Levelling in Hultsdorp. Once, he reached the psalmist span of three score and ten years, he based himself at his residence at Bambalapitiya, continually assisting and advising a host of clients on matters relating to his profession of which he was considered an “institution”. He belonged to the “Over-70-Group” of Old Royalists, which included former President JR Jayawardene, which held its annual get-togethers, significant of which was the one celebrated at President’s House.


Mr Sameer was a member of the congregation of the Maradana Mosque, to which his father rendered yeoman service as Managing Trustee. Mr Sameer punctually performed his daily ‘Salah’ prayers, and on Fridays, he used to visit the Dehiwela Jumma Mosque, in which precincts he was laid to rest before the commencement of the Friday Jumuah Congregational Prayer.


May Allah shower His Light and Love on him, and grant him “Jennathul Firdous” heavenly bliss. “Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon” – From Him do we come and unto Him is the return!

Colombo 8, Monday Nov 20, 1989 – Mohamed Rizvi Zaheed, (nephew) 20/66, Fairfield Gardens, Colombo 8, Sri Lanka



The information below in RED from KhanZul Qarnain up to Muhallam Omar Lebbe (Bentota Thundu) has been researched by Rikkass Samsudeen from Aluthgama and his trees are published as #420 to #427 in this site. It was during this work that we were able to connect this tree to the main tree (#420) of Samsudeen Baghdadi. It is related that this family may have originally been settled in the town of Sholay in the town of Galle in the southern province of Ceylon sometime around 1188AD. A document written in Arabic Tamil (Arwi) has most of the information with regard to these details. A Tamil equivalent of the document is also shown below.

See Family #420 for several other branches of this tree

Munna Khanzul Qarnain
Badurdeen Baghdadi
Samsudeen Baghdadi
Munna Hassan
Munna Hussain
Munna Khawjudeen
Muhallam Munna Khwaja Muhammad
Munna Khwaja Ahamed
Khwaja Hassan Lebbe Waliyulla

Muhallam Hussain Lebbe

Muhallam Hassan Lebbe
Muhallam Khateeb Omar Lebbe (Bentota Thundu)

0  Muhallam Hassan Lebbe Sinne Lebbe alias Packeer Thamby Constable Sinne Lebbe

  1  Sinne Lebbe Marikar Sahib Dorai (d: 25 Awami 1869 at New Moor Street,Colombo) + Ummu Hany Umma (Ummachchima) Oduma Lebbe Marikar m:18-Oct-1851 (22 Dhul Haj 1267H) at No 47 New Moor Street, Colombo (46)

      2  Haji Ismail Effendi I.L.M. b:23-Awami-1864 (28 Dhul Qa’da 1270) @46, New Moor Street, Colombo -d:1896 + Haleema Umma Ahmad Ali  (Seevatamma) m: 1886 at 107 New Moor Street, Colombo, d:18-Jun-1931 (90a,93)

          3  Mohamed Sameer bin Haji Ismail Effendi b:7.3.1890 (15-Rajab-1307) 111 New Moor Str.- d:21.11.1972 Birth Registration # 8317 of 29.4.1890 @WMN Marikars Office + Raliya Umma Noordeen 1893-1972 (30,60,70)

                4  Sithy Rameela Sameer, 1913-2010 + Ghouse AWM (263)


GHOUSE, SITHY RAMEELA - Daughter of late Mohamed Sameer Bin Haji (Ismail Effend) and late Raliya Umma Noordeen, wife of late A.W.M. Ghouse, mother of Sithy Zulaikha, Fathima Sadoona, FowzulInaya, Ummu Honey, Siddiq and Husain, mother-in-law of late Huzair Zaheed, Ahamed Kabeer, Mohamed Lafir, Nilfer Hassen, late Fenoza Zahir and Fathima Hani Mohideen, sister of late Thahir, late Ismail, late Sadiq and Farooq, Saleema, Noor Jazeela, late Ameena, Rahma, Khalisa, daughter-in-law of late Mr and Mrs VL Abdul Wahab, grandmother of Ruzna, Azad, Fathima, Shiham (Canada), Hafsa, Ashiq, Imran, Saad, Zeenath Ruqayyah and Khalid, great-grandmother of Salman, Shamail, Sajjai, Masud, Abdulla, Maryam, Hajara, Sauda, Bilal, Amana, Akeela, Shamil, Safiya, Jamal, Salma Aneesa, Aamina, Ayoob, Mohamed, Ayesha, Usman, Asma, Lukrnan, Haroon, Zubair and Hassan. Janaza took place on 10th October (Sunday),  at the Dehiwala Muslim Burial Grounds. No. 43, Lily Avenue, Wellawatte DM Oct 11 2010


                      5  Sithy Zulaiha Ghouse, b:1938 + Mohamed Huzair Zaheed, d:Aug 2006 (73)

                            6  Noor Ruzna Zaheed b:1962 + Mohamed Saheedulla  

                                7  Salman Saheedulla, b:1984 + Shazia Aslam  

                                     8  Sarah Salman

                                7  Shamail Saheedulla, b:1988 + Fathima Ayesha Kamil, d/o Ali Kamil (80)

                                     8  daughter

                                7  Sajjad Saheedulla, b:1990

                            6  Mohamed Azad Zaheed b:1964 + Mafaza Mohideen 

                                7  Ahmed Masood Zaheed, b:1993

                                7  Abdullah Huthaifa Zaheed, b:1996

                      5  Fathima Sadoona Ghouse, b:1939 + Ahmed Kabeer           

                      5  Fouzul Inaya Ghouse, b:1941 + Mohamed Lafir     

                            6  Fathima Raliya Lafir, b:1972 + Asger Ali Dawood m:Nov-3-2000 (309)

                                7  Amana Asger Ali Dawood

                                7  Akila Asger Ali Dawood
                                7  Shamil Asger Ali Dawood

                            6  Ashiq Lafir, b:1974 + Haipha Zuhur Saleem (40, 30)

                                7  Safiya Lafir

                                7  Jamal Lafir

                      5  Ummu Honey Ghouse, b:1944 + Hassan Zackariya    

                           6  Sithy Hafsa Hassan, b:1975 + Mohamed Imamudeen Mohamed Shiham (173)

                                7  Aneesa Imamdeen

                                7  Aamina Imamdeen

                                7  Ayoob Imamdeen

                            6  Imran Hassan, b:1978 + Ilma Azhar, m:2006 (106)

                                7  Usman Hassan, b:2007

                      5  Mohamed Mohideen Siddiq Ghouse, b:1945 d:2023 + Zenufathul Fenuza Zahir (148) d:May-26-2001

                            6  Husain Shiham Ghouse, b:1973 + Mufeeza Cassim (10,17,90,93)

                                7  Mohamed Ghouse b:May-18-2001

                                7  Aaisha Ghouse, b:2005

                      5  Ahmed Husain Ghouse, b:1951 + Fathima Hani Mohideen (10,17,90,93)

                            6  Mohamed Sa'ad Gouse, b:1977 + Fathima Muhsin (46)

           7 Asma Ghouse

           7 Luqman Ghouse
           7  Harun Ghouse

            7  Zainab Ghouse
            7  Dawud Ghouse

                            6  Fathima Zeenath Ghouse, b:1982 + Murshid

                                7  Zubair Murshid

                            6  Rukaiya Ghouse   

                            6  Khalid Ghouse, b:1993


                4  Mohamed Thahir Sameer 1914-1989 + Sithy Ryhanathul Marliya Rasheed, b:1919, d:2014 (10,13,46)

                      5  Mariya Mumtaz Sameer, b:1945 + Mohamed Zuhair Mohamed (div)

                            6  Nisthar Ali Mohamed, b:1974

                      5  Fazli Sameer, b:1948 + Shirani Ibrahim, b:1949 (11,12,40)

                         6  F Melina Sameer, b:1975, BSc (Hons) Sociology, University of London 2008 + A Yousry Sheriff 1962, m:1993 (35,51,84,143) (div 2004)

                             7  Maria A Sheriff b:1994 (Toronto, Canada) BSc Neuroscience, MEd UofT

                             7  Abdullah Y Sheriff b:1997 (Toronto, Canada) Bsc Physics UofT, MSc Physics program at University of Stockholm, Sweden 2022-4

                         6  F Nadia Sameer, BA Hons English Language, University of London 2009, b:1981 + Abdul Qadir Hussain, m:1999 (173,174,175,185) div

                          6  Second spouse of F Nadia Sameer, BA Hons English Language, University of London 2009, b:1981 + Jonas Haller PhD Chemistry, Nykoping, Sweden


                      5  Firoze Sameer, b:1950 + Qureisha Nizar, b:1962 (d/o MYM Nizar, Attorney-at-Law)

                            6  Nabila Safra Sameer, b:1985 + Dr Azhar Mohamed Munas, Dr MBBS, Sydney Australia (173)

                                7  Liyana Khadija Munas, b: 2017, Australia

              7  Rakeem Khalid Munas b:2023 Australia

                            6  Fathima Nafeesa Sameer (1986-1986)

                            6  Ahmed Yazdhan Sameer, b:1990 + Fathima

                4  *2nd spouse of Mohamed Thahir Sameer: + Tulsi Shireen Pai (Bombay, India), b:1920, d:2010


                4  Sithy Saleema Sameer 1916-2012 + Sheriff MM      

                      5 Mohamed Uvais Sheriff, b:1941 - UK

                            6  Damien Sheriff + Ece (Istanbul, Turkey)

                                7  Lucy Ece Sheriff, b:2011, Istanbul, Turkey

                      5  Mohamed Marzook Sheriff, b:1943 + Fazlyn Mohamed 

                            6  Shaheena Sheriff + Yusuf Basheer Ahmed s/o Basheer Ahmed & Luthfia Saleem (112)

                                7  Ibrahim Masud Ahmed

                                7  Sabiha Ahmed

                                7  Hana Ayesha Ahmed

                            6  Asif Sheriff + Fathima Hasmin Cader, m:Jul-21-2006 (96,22, 106)

                                7  Nuha Mariam Sheriff, b:2010

                                7  Name Not Known

                                7  Manal Noor Sheriff, b:5 Oct 2014

                      5  Rahmathul Khairiya Sheriff, b:1944, d:2013 + Faizal M.J.M.

                            6  Mohammed Sameer Ferin Faizal + Rizaniya Moulana (125)

                            6  Fathima Sarah Faizal + Mohamed Aftab Iliyas (173) (div)

                            6  Fathima Sarah Faizal + Hashwer Zarook

                                7  Fathima Sumaiya Zarook

                      5  Mohamed Fahmy Sheriff, b:1945 + Noor Fathima Zahir (148)

                            6  Name Not Known + Saanya, m:2009

                            6  Firzan Sheriff + Sumaiya Mahaz (30), m:2010         

                            6  Faazil Sheriff + Shihara Zafrullah (111) Australia           

                       5  Sithy Faiza Sheriff, b:1948 + Reza Shawket     

                            6  Mohammed Shazil Reza + name Not Known (USA)       

                            6  Noor Sameeha Reza + Rikaz, m:2010

                      5  Mohamed Irfan Sheriff, b:1950, d:2014 + Najiya Ismail (Galle)

                            6  Abdul Malik Sheriff + Fathima Rinuza Zainnahas, (d/o M Zainnahas Hussain & Muwafiqa) m:2017

                                 7  Ahamed Zaki Sheriff, b:2018

                            6  Mohideen Abdul Muizz Sheriff + Fathima Nusra Mohamed Fyroze

                                 7  Fathimah Sidrah Sheriff

                                 7  Mohamed Abdulqadir Sheriff

                      5  Mohamed Haniffa Sheriff* b:1954 + Fathima Zahra Sakkaf (*twins) (50)

                            6  Mohamed Ajmal Sheriff + Zainab Hussain Barry d/o M A M Hussain Barry (Attorney at Law) & Zahrya from Colombo

                                7  Anam Layana Sheriff

                                7  Mahdi Ajmal Sheriff, b:Nov 23, 2018, Jeddah

                            6  Mohamed Almaz Sheriff           

                      5  Fathima Hanoon* b:1954 + Shafiq (*twins)

                            6  Mohammed Shazli Shafiq + Name Not Known (div)

                            6  2nd Spouse of Mohammed Shazli Shafiq + Name Not Known (UK)

                            6  Isthiaq Ahmed Shafiq + Ameera (173), m:Aug 2015

                4  Mohamed Hussain Sameer, b:circa 1917, died as a child

                4  Mohamed Ismail Sameer 1919-1993 + Noorul Faiza Zaheed (73)

                      5  Fathima Azmi Sameer b:1955 + Ismeth Magdon-Ismail (14) (div)

                            6  Imran Magdon-Ismail

                      5  Kareema Sameer b:1956 + Harraj (UK)

                            6  Nabila Harraj, b:1994

                            6  Safiya Harraj, b:1998

                      5  Mohamed Kamal Sameer b:1958 + Siham Thawoos (div)

                      5  *2nd spouse of Mohamed Kamal Sameer: + Nihara Zachraff (74)

                            6  Zahid Sameer + Name Not Known

                            6  (son) Sameer

                            6  (son) Sameer

                      5  Fathima Zareena Sameer b:1959 + Siraj Mohamed (UK)

                            6  Dinah Mohamed

                            6  Tariq Mohamed

                      5  Fathima Zahra Sameer b:1960 + Niloufer (div)

                      5  *2nd spouse of Fathima Zahra Sameer: + Ifthikar Fakir         

                            6  Anissa Fakir, b:1992

                            6  Diana Fakir, b: 1994


                4  Noor Jazeela Sameer, b:1921 + Mohammed Ibrahim Naina Marikar 1917-2004 d:Wed Jun 16 2004, m:1947 (13,93)

                      5  Mohamed Rauff Hamidullah Naina-Marikar 1951 + Nazeeha Marikar-Bawa (62)

                            6  Fathima Naina-Marikar

                            6  Yunus Naina-Marikar

                            6  Ibrahim Naina Marikar

                      5 Fathima Naima Naina-Marikar, b:1953 + Asmi Mohamed, d:2022

                            6  Rabia Mohamed (d)

                            6  Muhiyadeen Abdul Cader Ayad Mohamed + Nizreena Ismail (100), m:23 Jun 2007 at Ran Muthu Hotel in Colombo

                                7  Aboobakr Ayyash Mohamed, b:2012, London UK

                                7  Fathima Khadeejah Mohamed b: 27 May 2014, London, UK 

                            6  Akmal Mohamed


                4  Sithy Ameena Sameer, b:1923, d:May 14, 2006 + Mohammed Zain Naina-Marikar d:2003, m:1952 (13,93)

                      5  Sithy Ayesha Naina-Marikar b:1955 + Mueenudeen  

                            6 [1] Shameema Mueenudeen + [2] Sahal Alavi Anis. m:1999

                                7  Name Not Known (deceased at birth, 2006)

                                7  Name Not Known, b:2015

                            6  Shameem Mueenudeen + Amina Noordeen (d/o Yousoof Noordeen & Farah) (24)

                                7  Fathima Aairah Shameem, b:2019

                            6  Sakeena Mueenudeen + Ramzi (Galle)

                                7  daughter

                                7  daughter

                            6  Sabeeha Mueenudeen

                      5  Mohamed Moinudeen Naina-Marikar b:1957 + Ruzana Huzair (128)

                           6  Sajida Naina-Marikar + Hazim Huzair (Poricha Koli Ootar)

                               7  Zahra Hazim, b:16 Nov 2013

                               7  Fathima Ruqaiya Hazim, b:15 Apr 2016

                               7  Mohamed Yusuf Hazim, b:20 Nov 2018

                           6  Sheza Naina-Marikar + Suhaim Rizvi Abdullah (76)

                               7  Fathima Zainab, b:19  Jun 2019

                            6  Abdul Malik Naina-Marikar


                4  Sithy Rahma Sameer, 1924-2017 + Mohamed Fareed Zaheed (73)

                      5  Mohamed Rizvi Zaheed b:1955 + Shihama Abdul Ghafoor           

                            6  Yunus Zaheed    

                      5  Mohamed Riaz Zaheed b:1957 + Sabriya Abdul Ghaffoor

                            6  Muhammed Yusuf Zaheed

                             6  Fathima Hana Zaheed


                 4  Ahmed Farooq Sameer, 1926-2019 + Enayathul Mazeena Junaid (112) m:1958

                      5  Noor Afzun Sameer b:1959 + Ahmed Noordeen (60,70,30)

                            6  Fadia Noordeen + Name Not Known

                            6  Saidia Noordeen + Abdul Azam Shariff (173), m:2015

                            6  Emara Noordeen 

                      5  Fathima Fahima Sameer b:1960 + Elyas Magdon-Ismail (14)

                            6  Mohammed Ismadi Magdon-Ismail        

                            6  Ahmed Yezdi Magdon-Ismail

                            6  Name Not Known, b:2006 in Malaysia  

                      5  Ashfaq Mahmood Sameer b:1962 + Fathima Zaheena Mukthar (19)

                          6  Mohamed Ashhad Sameer

                          6  Mohamed Aqueed Sameer
                          6  Fathimah Zeenath Sameer

                      5  Fathima Lamina Sameer b:1964 + Ashiq Lafir           

                            6  Dr  Raahiya Lafir + Aneeq Hashim (314)
                            6  Taahira Lafir


                4  Mohamed Sadiq Sameer, b:1929, d:2004

                4  Ummu Hany Sameer, b:13-11-1930, d:15-12-1936

"Sri Lanka, Civil Registration, 1768-1990", , FamilySearch ( : Tue Nov 21 03:35:34 UTC 2023), Entry for Ummu Hany Sameer Mohamed Sameer and Binhajie Ismail Effendi Mohamed Sameer, 23 Dec 1930."



SAMEER  MOHAMED SADIQ   Son of late Mohamed Sameer Bin Hadjie Ismail Effendi and late Raliya Umma Noordeen, brother of Rameela (Ghouse), late Thahir, Saleema (Sheriff), late Ismail, Noor Jazeela (Naina-Marikar), Ameena (Naina-Marikar), Rahma (Zaheed), Farook and Khalisa (Faleel). Uncle of Uvais, Marzook, Fahmy, Siddiq, Hussain, Fazli, Firoze, Hamidullah, Moinudeen, Rizvi, Riaz, Haniffa,Falih, Zulaiha, Sadoona, Fowzie, Ummu Hani, Khairy, Faiza, Fathima, Mumtaz, Naima, Ayesha, & Azra. Janaza  Dehiwela Muslim Burial Ground  9 a.m. 6th August 2003. 45, Lily Avenue, Colombo 06. [DN Aug 6 2003]


                4  Sithy Khalisa Sameer, 1935 + Mohamed Faleel Sheriffdeen (74)

                      5  Mohamed Falih Faleel b:1964 + Fathima Rifka Zavahir, m:2006

                          6  Mohamed Aqeel Falih

                      5  Fathima Azra Faleel b:1966 + Rizwan Ramieze m:1998 (34)

                          6  Mohamed Emaad Rizwan + Hasna Deen (259) m:Dec 2023 d/o Neshard Deen & Mazeena Harris

                          6  Fathima Maariya Rizwan


          3  Mohamed Saleem bin Haji Ismail Effendi (deceased as a child)

          3  Sithy Saleema Haji Ismail Effendi + Mohamed Burhan SD (90)       

                4  Mohideen Burhan

                4  Sithy Burhan

          3  Mohamed Anis Haji Ismail Effendi + Khadija

                4  Sithy Adila Anis + Sakkaf SMM  

                      5  Hibshi Sakkaf + Fathima Khanzul Asma Mansoor (410)        

                          6  Fathima Shamima Sakkaf + Mohamed Nazmil Suhail (23,10,13,76,366), m:Aug-4-2006

                              7  Maleeha Ameerah Suhail

                              7  Nafeesa Amina Suhail
7  Ziad Ayub Suhail

                          6  Zareef Sakkaf + Fathima Zifaf Gheyas

                              7  Aneeqa Mariyam Zareef
                              7  Aaliya Nabeeha Zareef

                      5  Ayesha Mumtaz Sakkaf + Zainul Abdeen Mohamed Zahir

                            6  Roshana Zahir

                            6  Aslam Zahir


                4  Haleema Anis + Ibrahim HM

                      5  Mohamed Hassan Ibrahim + Nissa 

                      5  Fakriya Ibrahim + Akbar        

                      5  Faizal Ibrahim


                4  Fathima Anis + Gaffoor MS       

                      5  Farahana Gaffoor + M Munam Refai (s/o Dr MSM Refai)

                            6  Asim Refai

                            6  Rukshana Refai    

                      5  Fareena Gaffoor + Bari MSA          

                            6  Safiya Bari

                      5  Sithy Feroza Gaffoor + Amjad Ameen (40)

            6 Ayesha Ameen

            6 Hanif Ameen

                4  Ayesha Anis + Hassan B

                      5  Marina Hassan


                4  Sithy Alavi Anis


                4  Mohamed Alavi Anis + Azeeza Hameed         

                      5  Fazal Alavi Anis

                      5  [2] Sahal Alavi Anis + [1] Fathima Shamima Mueenudeen

                      5  Nifzal Alavi Anis


                4  Shibly Anis


                4  Jiffry Anis - I


                4  Jiffry Anis - II


                4  Mohamed Idroos Anis + Niloufa Junaid (10,13)

                      5  Ahmed Faizal Anis, b:1969 + Fathima Sumaiya Siubairdeen, (d/o Subairdeen Haji JP, ex Chairman SLECIC), b:1977, m:1997

                          6  Muhamad Saajid Anis, b:1998 + Anumm Cassim m:2024

                          6  Mohamed Aslam Anis, b:2006

            6  Fathima Aisha Anis, b:2010

                     5  Fathima Silmiya Anis, b:1982 + Mohamed Reyaz Khair Mohamed, b:1971

                          6  Fathima Shafeeqha Reyaz, b:1998 + Althaf Hameez (74) m:July 2022 s/o Mohamed Hasmeez & Farah Anver

                          6  Fathima Zainab Reyaz, b:2001 + Arshard Farook m:2024

                          6  Fathima Raheema Reyaz, b:2003

                      5  Mohamed Shehan Anis, b:1985 + Sufi-Ismail (340)


Appreciation: Mohamed Sameer bin Haji Ismail Effendi


 Royal College Prefects 1934 - M T Sameer is standing in back row on extreme right




Sithy Rameela Ghouse (nee Sameer): 1913-2010


She was the oldest of our six aunts and four uncles, from the Sameer side of the family. Everyone called her Big Maamee, meaning “the oldest Aunt”. She was also the most simple, patient, and loving of them all. Six children of her own and several grandkids, great grandkids, nephews and nieces was always a handful to receive, greet, and host at her humble home down Lily Avenue at Wellawatte in Colombo. Everyone of us made it a point to visit her, while passing by, when on holiday in Colombo and on special occasions of festivities and celebrations. Her table was always spread and we never missed out on enjoying her sumptuous lunch of rice and curry whenever we walked in, even unannounced.


Her siblings were also very fond of her and closely attached. She must have also been the apple of the eye of our grandparents, since she was their first born, way back in 1913? Always a word of advice, cautioning us on safety, kindness and patience, she never failed to dish out her magnanimous heart to everyone around.


Stepping into the midst of any discussion, news on the radio and newspapers, she never stepped back from joining in and sharing her open views on all topics from politics to preaching. The issues affecting the Muslim world, globally, was one of her prime concerns and she used to update everyone on the developments taking place in Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and other hotspots whenever her offspring dropped in to see her. She was well versed in the English language having studied at St Clare’s College in Wellawatte in 1919, and was always immersed in books, especially those with an Islamic background. The Holy Quran being her top priority and its Message she also dug deep into the Hadees (traditions of the Prophet), and, was quite at home reading the works of Imam Ghazali, Jalaludin Rumy, Ibn Al Arabi, in English, in her long and pleasant sojourn on Earth. She was deeply religious and always calling on her Creator during her lifetime. She brought her family up in a strict Islamic environment and no one dared to step out of line from this area as they were closely monitored by her, all the time. Her last 24 hours was filled with a continuous chant of God’s Name until the Angels came to take her soul, and she herself closed her eyes at the point of departure from this mundane world, with no assistance from her children around.


Always ready to help others financially or by way of advice she put into practice the words of her favorite poem.


"Do something for somebody, somewhere,

while jogging along life’s road.

Help someone to carry his burden,

and lighter will grow your load".


She had a soft corner for the downtrodden and had a habit of giving away things that lay around the house to the less fortunate who used to come into her home as domestic help.


Taking over as the Matriarch of the family, after the passing away of our grandparents, she stood, solid as a rock, ensuring that everyone lived in close unity and harmony. The children, nephews and nieces, have all grown up and have their own grand children now making her a much loved great grandma/great grand aunt to more than two dozen.


An ardent lover of sweets she specially enjoyed the family favorite "Turkish Bread"  which was unique to the Sameer family. Made with flour, dates, dried fruit and sugar it is still considered as the mother of all sweets by every single member of the family. Never did we miss relishing our teeth into the syrup dripping sweet whenever we visited. Now all her girls and even many of her nieces have become specialists in making this delicacy, claimed to be only known to the Sameer/Anis family in Colombo since ancient times as the "secret" of its rich taste was brought from Istanbul by her paternal grandfather Haji Ismail Effendi during his travels to Turkey (Constantinople, now Istanbul) in 1884, during which time he also visited Egypt, Makkah and Madinah fulfilling his pilgrimage of Hajj. She also translated, into English, the extensive diary of her grandfather’s travels across the Middle East from the original Arabic Tamil text which is now available for review, online, on the internet.


Big Maamee will always be remembered for her goodness by every single member of her family. May she walk through, and enjoy, the sweetness of the Greatest Gardens in Paradise!


In all our loving hearts she will always live forever.


From Him do we come and unto Him we return!


Fondly remembered by her Six loving children, and a multitude of nephews, nieces, and great grand kids/great grand nephews/nieces

Colombo and Overseas


