P.O.Box 14, Zahira Road, Mawanella,Sri Lanka, Tel/Fax: 035-2246140,

E mail :alosrah2001@yahoo.com



 Dear Brothers/ Sisters In Islam,


Assalamu Alaikkum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu!


This  pioneer institute based on the Maxims , A Pious Woman is the Blessed worldly wealth (Hadees). “Mother is an Institution  If you could produce one noble mother you could produce

a whole noble nation”. aims  at  producing  Muslim  women equipped  with an all  round  physical, mental and spiritual development to be able to face the modern challenges.


The Institute is run mainly  from donations and grants of well wishers, philanthropists and the nominal fee levied from the students.


The  progress of the Institute depends on the advice, guidance and the assistance rendered  by Muslim educationists and philanthropists.


Built on a leased land, the institute consists  of  temporary  make shift sheds made of cad Jan thatches and  corrugated  zinc sheets. The most urgent need of the institute at the moment is suitable buildings.


Therefore, we solicit the support of our muslim brothers  for the development and progress of Ayesha Siddeeqa  Educational Institute. Please find herewith a brief account of ASEI


May Almighty Allah bless you here and hereafter.




Chairman and Members of  the Board of Management




Mawanella, Sri Lanka.

P.O.Box 14, Zahira Road, Mawanella,Sri Lanka, Tel/Fax: 035-2246140,

E mail :alosrah2001@yahoo.com



A  Ladies Centered  Community Development Project

Registered at the Ministry of Muslim Religious and Cultural

Affairs  Supervised by Hisbul  Islam Trust

(Incorporated  by act, of Parliament No 7 of 1992) 


                                                           AT A GLANCE


                         Established on 05.06.2001 – 12 th R.Awwal 1422


                                                          1. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT :

                                                                  Consists of 14 members 


President    :                                                                Joint    Secretaries :

Moulavi .A.L.M.Ibrahim  M.A                                                                    M.I.M.Fuard   B.A .

Chairman : Serendib Institute of Research                                        Former Deputy Commissioner, (Dip. in Edu.)                                                 

& Developmentof (SIRD),                                                                       Y.L.M.Razik B.A(Dip. in Edu)                                              

Chairman of Hisbul Islam  Trust,                                                          Dept. of Educational Publications)

Former Lecturer, University of Peradeniya.                                          


Treasurer  :                                                                                     Principal :

Alhaj M.H.M.Husain                                                                               Moulaviyya Jaleela Shafeeq B.A

Pro. Jewel House, Mawanella.                                                           Former Principal, Muslim Ladies

                                                                                                                  Arabic College, Kal-Eliya.





Number of  students at present                             87

Number of students in 2006                                   150-250

Full time Lecturers                                                   05

Part time Lecturers                                                  20



              3. CURRICULUM


Diploma in Modern & Islamic Studies

Higher Diploma in Modern & Islamic Studies

Special Studies in Shareeah                                      


                   4. SUBJECT


Tajweed, Hifl, Tafseer, Hadees,  Fiqh, Seerah, Aqeeda, Islamic History, Islamic Sociology, Islamic Teachings on social welfare, Islamic Culture (A/L), Home Economics (A/L), English, Sinhala, IT, Life skills, Health Education, HRD



                                                  5. SPECIAL TRAININGS  


Year 1                  First Aid, Sewing ,Yoga

Year 2                  Cookery , Interior decoration , Art

Year 3                  Islamic  Pre-School Teacher Training

Year 4                  Patient Management /Social Service and Da’wa Training 


                                         6. THE GRADUATES WE PRODUCE 


1.      Islamic mothers who are blessing to the family as teachers and guides to their children.


2.      Mothers with knowledge and training in child care who discharge their duties towards their family while maintaining cordial relationships.                                      


3.      Housewives with knowledge and training  in Cookery, Sewing, Interior Decoration First Aid, Patient Management and Cottage Industries etc.


4.      Life Partners who are capable of managing the family budget economically and maintaining Islamic environment at home, bringing happiness and  peace to the family.


5.     Da’iyas who are models in Preaching & Practicing  Islam .


6.     Pre-school  teachers with knowledge of teaching Arabic language and  Islamic culture.


  7.  Graduates who are keen and qualified to follow  Higher studies. 




   1. Conducting ASEI  courses externally for girls.

    2. Muslim Ladies Bai’tul maal fund for the welfare of the Ladies.

   3. A library for ladies with modern facilities.

   4. Forum to moulaviyas and ladies Arabic graduates.

   5. Women’s get together, religious discourses, guidance ,

       family counseling and Health and Social service.                



8.  Distinguished Guests who Visited ASEI 


Dr. Salih Abdullah, Prof.Islamic Law ,Imam Mohammed University Saudi Arabia,

Dr.Abdun Naser,  Al-Helaly King khalid Hospital Jeddah,

Hon. Minister Rawf Hakeem, Hon.

Minister Kabeer Hashim,

Dr.Saleem UNO Expert,

H.E.Faiz Mustafa Ambassador of Srilanka in U.K,

Dr.Ziyad ,Director Tea Research Institute,

Dr.Raees MD (Pediatrician),

Sh.Seyyed Alavi IT Consultant / Abu Dhabi,

Bro.Imran – IT Consultant / Saudi Arabia

Bro.Idrees Malaysia.


Please  Visit  ASEI  and  see  for  yourself 





Hence let us strive together and create history by promoting and developing this unique and pioneer Institute that strives  to produce Muslim Mothers of noble character and imbued with modern education, Arabic language and Islamic shareeah  knowledge and  training needed for an Islamic mother in modern times.  


             Please send your generous Contribution to ASEI Bank Account


Seylan Bank-Mawanella A/C No: 0480-01072647-001