30 May 1965 - Hon Dudley Senanayake - Prime Minister of Ceylon. 16 Nov 1965 - Muhammad Sameer bin Haji Ismail Effendi bin Sahib Doray (Member of the Board of Trustees of the MICH) for his services, collection, preservation, and dissemination of data, material, and information relating to the Ceylon Moors of Sri Lanka. 10 Mar 1966 - Muhammad Jabir Abdul Cader - Mayor of Colombo. 27 Aug 1967 - Abdul Cader Abdul Wadood of China Fort Beruwela, for his dedicated services in the cause of Islam for over three decades in successfully meeting untenable and unwarranted criticism of Islam, or the Prophet (peace be upon him) by writers or propagandists in Ceylon and overseas. 29 Nov 1967 - Muhammad Junaid Muhammad Lafir, being Runner-Up in the World Billiards Championship 1967 held in Sri Lanka. Lafir went on to become the World Billiards Champion in 1973 at the tournament held in India, the only Sri Lankan to have ever achieved full supremacy of a world titlke in any sport to this day (2002). 27 Aug 1972 - Saifudeen Anif Doray, for the translation of "Fath Hud Dayyan" into English. 21 Feb 1974 - Justice Hon Izadeen Muhammad Ismail - Judge of the Supreme Court, being the first ever Ceylon Moor to be elevated to the Bench and the 2nd Muslim to be appointed since Hon Justice M.T. Akbar KC. 23 Jan 1978 - Hon J.R. Jayawardene, Prime Minister and President elect of the Republic of Sri Lanka. 29 Mar 1978 - Hon R. Premadasa, Prime Minister of the Republic of Sri Lanka. 12 Dec 1979 - Dr. M Ansari Hassen, MD., Professor of Medicine of the University of New York, for having gained international acclaim for original research in the early diagnosis of changes in the heart in Dabetics and the finding and study of the Circadian Rhythm in the activity of the heart. 31 Aug 1982 - Hilali Noordeen, President-elect of the Oxford Union of the University of Oxford and the first ever student from the Medical Faculty of the Oxford University to do so. 2 Aug 1986 - Dr. M.C.M. Kaleel, President All Ceylon Muslim League, being conferred the National Deshamanya award by the President.