Moors' Islamic Cultural Home (MICH)
Beyond our Fondest Dreams
by Ahmed Hussain Macan Markar, Hon Joint Secretary MICH - 1944-1965
published in the MICH Souvenir I of 1944-65
In the twenty one years since the inaugural meeting at Hijat Depot, No 5 Second Cross Street, Colombo 11, on 2nd August 1944 (12 Sha'ban 1363H), when the Moors' Islamic Cultural Home was founded and the first set of office-bearers elected, it has been the divine hand of Providence that has guided its destinies through many a vicissitude, culminating in the events of today.
Though the necessity for a multi-purpose all island institution, non-political in character, which could serve the Muslims in particular and the country in general and the need for a permanent head-quarters from which it could operate had often been mooted, nothing tangible did ever take place. It was a chance remark made by the late Proctor ACM Abdul Cader at a meeting of the All Ceylon Muslim Political Conference convened at his residence, "Muirburn", Turret Road, by Sir Mohammed Macan Markar when deragatory reference was made to the Moors' Association head-quarters at 5, Second Cross Street, as "a potty little place", that galvanized Sir Razik Fareed (then Mr. ARA Razik) into action. Sir Razik accepted the challenge and with characteristic generosity offered to donate a quarter acre of land in Baseline Road for a building for the Moors' movement. An appeal for funds was simultaneously made in the Annual Ranazan Calendar published by the Moors' Association. The response was immediate. The first donation of Rs 31.50 coming from Mr & Mrs AIL Marikar was followed by a donation of Rs 5,000 from Mr ARM Mukthar with which an account was opened with the Bank of Ceylon (City Office). The fund grew with the importunity and solicitude shown by a Committee led by Sir Razik Fareed and comprising Messrs WM Hassim, AIL Marikar, ALM Lafir, AH Macan Markar and MFA Jawad, with the assistance when occasion demanded others.
Our objective at the outset was a limited one and our target was one of Rs 50,000 with which to build a modest Home on the land donated by Sir Razik. We had for the purpose marked ten persons from each of whom a donation of Rs 5,000 was expected. While some of those whom we sainguinely expected did default, there were others whom we had not counted upon, but who unhesitatingly filled the breach and thus saved the project from collapse in its embryonic stage. The others in addition to Mr Mukthar who rescued the movement from a premature end with donations of Rs 5,000 each were Mr MHM Munas, Mr LMM Uvais, Messrs OLM Macan Markar, Mr WM Hassim, Mr SE Cader Mohideen, Messrs MHM Shumsudeen and Sulaiman, and Mr MI Abdul Rasool; all of whom showed implicit faith in the success of the scheme, though there was nothing tangible to be seen. Curiously enough our begging mission on behalf of the building fund gave us a rare insight into the many facets of human nature. In many cases our judgment proved fallacious and in cases where we expected good response, we faced rebuffs but miraculously ample recompense came from hitherto undreamt sources.
With the gradual expansion of the Building Fund, the need for placing the Institution on a sound legal footing, to safeguard its assets, resulted in its Incorporation under a Bill piloted by Sir Razik in the State Council which was to become Ordinance No 46 of 1946.
The offer to the Home of a larger extent of ten acres land in Maligawatte with its wider vistas for the future was accepted and the land originally offered by Sir Razik was released and in lieu a cash donation of its market value was made by him. However, when on further consideration the Maligawatte site was found unsuitable, our perspicacious Joint Secretary Mr AIL Marikar, took the initiative in endeavoring to obtain a grant of a block of Crown land in the Fort. Sir Razik Fareed, with customary zeal, sponsored a motion for this purpose in the Senate on 25th May 1948 and this was ably seconded by Mr RFS De Mel, the then Mayor of Colombo. Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, the Leader in the Senate, most graciously accepted the motion on behalf of the Government.
In the meantime temporary accomodation for the Home to carry on its activities was founded at "Pasha Villa", Dematagoda Road - the ancestral home of Mr HARA Majeed, who leased it to us in spite of other better offers. The Home continues to function there through its Standing Committee and five departmental Committees, viz Religious, Literary, Housing, Social & Recreational, and Social & Economic Welfare, subject to the over-riding powers of the Board of Trustees, one-third of whose members are elected annually. Mr AM hamid was the first Chairman of the Religious Committee and Mr SM Ismail of the Literary Committee, both of whom, though senior in age, displayed a keeness and enthusiasm relatively lacking among our young ones of today. Mr ARM Saleem as the Chairman of the Housing Committee with Mr R Bin Hassan as lieutenant were a tower of strength in providing the necessary amenities for the large number of student hostellers there, while Mr SL Mohammed's advice for the optimum utilization of room space proved valuable. Mr MY Mushood as Chairman of the Social & Recreational Committee with the enthusiasm of Mr ARM Saleem was instrumental in building up a talented team of billiards and snooker players that the Home invariably remained Inter Club Champions for several years and besides turned out the All India and All Ceylon Champion Mr MJM Lafir. [who, later went on to win the World Billiard Championship]
Among our religious activities, a sustained endeavor was made, since 1949, to overcome the dearth of "Hafiz" by organizing an Annual Al Quran Memory Recital Contest, and, happily this has resulted in the turn out of two Hafiz - Moulavi MA Abdul Rahman and Moulavi MIM Hassanar.
With the transition to Sinhala as our official language in 1956, the need for the translation of Al Qur'an into Sinhala became imperative so that our progeny who would be acquiring proficiency in the language will find no difficulty in understanding the meaning of the Holy Book. The translation work is progressing steadily under a competent team consisting of Mr P Wickremasinghe (Chairman), Moulavi MACA Lafir, Moulavi AHM Fassy, and Moulavi MI Abdul Hameed as calligraphist with assistance of annual grants from the Department of Cultural Affairs.
On the cultural side, researches are being undertaken to trace archealogical evidence of early settlement of Arabs in Ceylon, while lectures by eminent scholars are arranged from time to time.
In our endeavor to augment the Building Fund, further spasmodic visits to pester would-be donors slowly helped to swell our funds and to hit the five lakh target, which included a munificent donation of Rs 50,000 from the Asia Foundation. This enabled us to complete the ferro-concrete five-storey structure.
Looking back. all governments from Rt Hon. DS Senanayake's to Mrs Sirimavo BNandaranaike's have been benignant to this institution. The Home has always received the unfailing courtesy of all officers in the various Government departments and the Municipality, all of whom we have persistently worried and, without whose cooperation and assistance, nothing could ever be done.
At this milestone in the Home's journey towards its cherished goal we can do no better than re-iterate the eternal truth - "All Praise is due to Allah and none else besides Him. May Allah Guide this institution and its members on the Right Path for the greater good of the community and the country."